Useless GP!

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Waited hours for my call, phone finally rings; hello this is the doctor, what can I do for you? I said you made the arrangement to call me to discuss test results and the apparent failure of my cystoscopy.

From then on such a waste of time. I was holding all the copy paperwork. The GP had no paperwork, no results, no records and said everything is quite normal. I said if you are telling me the producing of blood, clots, scabs and pain is normal then I am happy to avoid further interference and I will put up with it.. She said its not normal but the procedure was only a few weeks ago so it hasn't settled down. I said, actually a few months ago, just refer me to the urology consultant whose name is on all the letters you don't have.

She said I will do that then hung up! Never had that experience before!

Unlike my cancer this is not going to kill me so just a massive nuisance that bothered her indoors more than me!

Send me cuddles by the dozen!

  • They do Ruth, I will call soon, I just don't fancy what lies ahead, I am a bit protective of my bits even though they are of no value to me now!

  • Make sure you do , this is getting out of hand now, well past serious. Hope your tongue was firmly in cheek when you said you weren't getting assurance and compassion. 

    I remember when I was diagnosed I happened to mention to a lot of good looking female customers and I definitely enjoyed the hugs I received. The men were very supportive too. Up to Covid rearing its ugly head, I used to call and see some of the ill men. I really miss the friendship. You have lots of friends here Smiley

    Take care and stay safe my friend

    Tvman x

    Love life and family.
  • Definitely tongue in cheek Tvman, always been well looked after on here although SiT usually failed with the requisite amount of sympathy!

    I will get myself sorted, I am not making immediate promises like Winston of action this day but another week shall not pass without a resolution. Thanks for your concern.

  • Good luck Norberry, Well while you are getting a lot of attention "because you are not well" please spare a thought for others in me! Tomorrow I have bloods in the morning and the dentist in the afternoon. I am terrified of dentists. When I was young, our school dentist got struck off and my two sisters and brother and I were terrified after that experience. A long story I won't go into! I'd rather have a major op than go to dentist. When our children were young, I couldn't even sit in the waiting room while they were having a check up! Once they were almost finished, the receptionist would knock the window (as I was outside) to let me know to come in and sit in the waiting room as they came out, as if I'd been there the whole time!

    I need a few of your hugs please Norberry, I'm bricking it here! My husband can't understand how I can have 12 ops (to date) without worrying and I've been having nightmares for a week now because I'm going to the dentist.

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Dear Norbury,

    A dozen cuddles, a steps worth of biccies, a pox on your rude doctor and next time be less stoic, if they say it should settle in three days phone on the 4th you noodle. 


  • Very succinct my friend. Xxx

  • And 'noodle' is one of the nicest things anyone has ever called me.

  • Annette,

    When I was a child our dentist was nasty man, but in the last few years I've been able to rinse my mouth at tge end of the appointment without my hand shaking the glass so much that I get covered in water. I'm glad I never had as severe a reaction as you. I hope that your bloods are fine and your dentist is gentle and understanding.

    Best wishes 


  • I'll try harder next time Norbs! 


  • I'm going to the dentist in two weeks. Wasn't bothered until reading about your experience. Don't fancy it at all now!

    Bloods first then dentist, how did that come about for you?. I feel even less well now than I did before.

    Have half my hugs, in fact, have all of them you poor old sausage, as my Mum used to say!

    Everyone when when we were kids had Aussie dentists, I don't know why but no-one has any sign of enamel now it's all black amalgam .

    Tell your husband everyone hates the dentist and if they say they don't they are lying. Bestest of all lucks tomorrow. Xxx