Useless GP!

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Waited hours for my call, phone finally rings; hello this is the doctor, what can I do for you? I said you made the arrangement to call me to discuss test results and the apparent failure of my cystoscopy.

From then on such a waste of time. I was holding all the copy paperwork. The GP had no paperwork, no results, no records and said everything is quite normal. I said if you are telling me the producing of blood, clots, scabs and pain is normal then I am happy to avoid further interference and I will put up with it.. She said its not normal but the procedure was only a few weeks ago so it hasn't settled down. I said, actually a few months ago, just refer me to the urology consultant whose name is on all the letters you don't have.

She said I will do that then hung up! Never had that experience before!

Unlike my cancer this is not going to kill me so just a massive nuisance that bothered her indoors more than me!

Send me cuddles by the dozen!

  • They don't like you having more info than they have. it shows them up that they haven't prepared for the exchange. All the hanging about for calls is very stressful and frustrating. Same here. We have that telephone triage system and it's a system that is designed to waste YOUR time rather than theirs. You can't apply yourself to anything whilst you wait for the call - which is often late. Evidently your time doesn't matter. You need to establish just how long that procedure needs to 'settle down' - then at least you will know where you are.

    Meanwhile, here's a big hug to be going on with.  I don't know.....   Rainie x

  • Aw , big cuddle from me, I don't mind hugging another bloke who's feeling low. You need to get better cos I've hugged you the maximum number of times this year, next time it's a wink. 

    That doctor sounds rude to me!


    Love life and family.
  • It's meant to settle down in three days so I did give it plenty of time!

  • Can you call the urologist's office direct? Maybe that would be a good idea if you're still having these issues.  Rainie x

  • Should have done that in the beginning Rainie but kept hoping that it would improve. I have waited long enough now that another couple of weeks won't make any difference. See, I'm still trying to put it off!, This will be the 4th attempt overall. I do know of someone who had six goes so I have a couple in hand! It is all down to radiotherapy damage, just a side effect of a good thing.

    I am really OK, just love sympathy, don't get much at home as wifey told me to phone direct weeks ago so all my fault really. It's so difficult being perfect so I have to let myself down now and again!

    That's it now, no more drama and tantrums from me!

  • Oh dear . I’m always up for a man hug. Must be the hormones.  

    the surgery made an urgent appointment for me after my last set of bloods.  Apparently my testosterone was low and someone thought it an issue!!!  I’d only asked for that check after it was suggested by prostrate cancer research, the gp was great, apologetic that someone hadn’t read my notes to discover that’s what we want, who can be asked to shave more than my son. He then went through all the other bloods explaining why they’re good. I suspect the surgery uses non medical admin staff to flag any out of normal range

  • You got 2dozen cuddles from me xxxxxxxxxxx

  • Thanks Popcorn but still not enough!

  • Norberry 

    Hugs from me and hope you get it sorted soon


  • Well  Norberry some people just like to be the center of attraction and you have achieved that to fold, Hugs Hugs Hugs, that's for your wife, you have gained enough. Though i will throw one in for you. Hugs

    Take Care Ellie xx