Useless GP!

  • 45 replies
  • 50 subscribers

Waited hours for my call, phone finally rings; hello this is the doctor, what can I do for you? I said you made the arrangement to call me to discuss test results and the apparent failure of my cystoscopy.

From then on such a waste of time. I was holding all the copy paperwork. The GP had no paperwork, no results, no records and said everything is quite normal. I said if you are telling me the producing of blood, clots, scabs and pain is normal then I am happy to avoid further interference and I will put up with it.. She said its not normal but the procedure was only a few weeks ago so it hasn't settled down. I said, actually a few months ago, just refer me to the urology consultant whose name is on all the letters you don't have.

She said I will do that then hung up! Never had that experience before!

Unlike my cancer this is not going to kill me so just a massive nuisance that bothered her indoors more than me!

Send me cuddles by the dozen!

  • Oh , i so get you!!! I was same...i had nightmares and could not eat two days before. Glad one one side all my teeth have gone, but if i'm honest, i wish i had some. Will be thinking of you and send you the biggest hug ever!!!!

  • A wonderful dentist in Sheffield is Stephen Collins on Ecclesall Rd. The best dentist we ever had. We wanted to take him with us when we moved and my husband was so impressed with him he carried on going back to Sheffield for two years - until we luckily found a good replacement. He's NHS too.  Rainie x

  • Hi Pet, Sal,, Norberry & Rainie, Well, I survived, and so did the dentist!!! Lol! She was lovely. 

    The surprise news was I didn't need anything done and it has been a very long time since my dentist left! I couldn't believe it. Pet, both my sister and brother paid to have all their teeth out and dentures in when they were around 30 years old. My dentist (who happened to be my doubles partner at badminton) point blank refused when I asked him about 30 plus years ago! Sal, my husband made the appointment for me before Christmas while he was there and hadn't realised it was the same day as I was getting my bloods done. He knew better than to tell me any longer than the week before as I'd probably have cancelled it! Norb Oh, I couldn't possibly steal half of your hugs! This is your post and sorry I sort of hijacked it!

    My husband has made my appointment for about six months time but won't tell me until the week before. He has another appointment for next week, which will be his fifth appointment!! He's not happy!

    Thanks for your kind thoughts and replies!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Norbs, I am so sorry I am late to this conversation, I am hoping sending hugs will help towards my apology.

    I am hearing so many bad stories about doctors and their inability to offer appointments, other than telephone appointments.  So many people are being diagnosed with this awful disease too late because they are not getting seen, others aren’t even bothering to phone the doctor because they know they won’t get an appointment. Why should we be fighting to get the treatment we need. Sorry to talk about dentists again, but my daughter works in a dentist, and they have been open since the end of the first lockdown. If a dentist can look into someone’s mouth, then why can’t a GP sit and have a conversation with you. It really does make me very angry.

    Now for the lecture……please call the urology team! GP has proven to be more than useless, and I for one don’t want you waiting around in pain for another 2 weeks! In future miss out the middle man and go straight to the source. I look forward to you telling me you have made the call. 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Well done for going to the dentist. You must be proud of yourself. I always am very happy once I have been.

    good news not to need anything doing 

    good stuff xxx


  • All sorted now worried chums. Telephone consultation on the 15th Feb. They will have to employ a big zoom to see and examine my bits!

    Mind you I don't blame them for not offering a face to bits appointment! Toodlepip.

  • Tried to tell my chums of my forthcoming appointment, moderated, just like the old days. Why?

  • Glad you have telephone consultation, but that’s still a fair way off ! When I saw 15th I thought you meant January not February xx 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Just trying to confuse you Chelle

  • Doesn’t take much to confuse me Ellie Joy xx 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge