Useless GP!

  • 45 replies
  • 50 subscribers

Waited hours for my call, phone finally rings; hello this is the doctor, what can I do for you? I said you made the arrangement to call me to discuss test results and the apparent failure of my cystoscopy.

From then on such a waste of time. I was holding all the copy paperwork. The GP had no paperwork, no results, no records and said everything is quite normal. I said if you are telling me the producing of blood, clots, scabs and pain is normal then I am happy to avoid further interference and I will put up with it.. She said its not normal but the procedure was only a few weeks ago so it hasn't settled down. I said, actually a few months ago, just refer me to the urology consultant whose name is on all the letters you don't have.

She said I will do that then hung up! Never had that experience before!

Unlike my cancer this is not going to kill me so just a massive nuisance that bothered her indoors more than me!

Send me cuddles by the dozen!

  • Thanks for the sincere replies and the hugs. I don't want to sound ungrateful and although I am on hormone treatment I still prefer the hugs to have a feminine start point.

    Not fashionable and current thinking I know but that's me.

    On an extended birthday so my view still counts for something doesn't it?

  • In that case I remove my hug and replace it with a fine manly handshake

  • Thanks Keith no offence meant! 

  • I am really not a huggy person anyway much to my families regret

  • Norberry, sending you a Man hug and sympathy. I have prepared myself in the past for such a scenario of the phone appointment with a GP. I decided if they asked me how can I help, I would remain calm and polite. Then say if you care to read my notes and perhaps speak to the person who made the appointment, you can call me back in 10-20 minutes. Once you are up to speed on my situation then we can talk. It really does beggar belief that they call without being prepared by checking recent medical records. Good luck and kind regards Frank.

  • Hi Norberry, I have questions for you! Was the person who phoned your actual GP or someone phoning on his behalf? Why didn't Urology contact you direct if they thought there was a problem? If you knew it should take a few days to heal WHY didn't you do what your wife suggested and call them before now? Don't you realise us wives are always right?

    I've had a similar experience with a trainee oncologist who phoned to tell me my blood tests were fine. I asked why then was she phoning. Her answer was, after a few minutes of shuffling papers, "Oh that's it,  that they were fine as far as oncology was concerned and that was good news. Then she went on to say they think the cancer drug "may" have caused cirrhosis of the liver so I would be referred to the Liver Consultant! I don't think she would have mentioned that if I hadn't questioned why she was phoning!

    Please phone urology asap and find out what's going on. A couple of weeks can make a difference!

    Anyway, after saying all that, I'm sending as many hugs & kisses Heart as you think you need!  

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hmmm took me a while to think about, but okay>>>> here is a big hug from me and some bikkies.

    But i can;t do that whitout saying>>> listen to your wife!!!!! Pff Man!!!

  • The last time I listened to my wife about an illness she said I had man flu.... Turned out to be pleurisy!!

    But she has got some credence back as she said I needed to see the doc which kicked off my cancer diagnosis.


  • Norberry,

    do they have any specialist nurses in the urology dept you can call ?


  • So where is the support and understanding that this forum promises. Does my all knowing wife remember when I insisted she goes to the doc when she had chest pains. A couple of days later she is having a triple bypass!

    I can feel Tinalay and Daloni breathing down my neck as well!

    I will extract the sympathy from your kind posts and consider the included instructions carefully. I'm not well you know.