Liver met pain.

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Hi all. I've been having pain in my liver the last week or two. I know I have mets in my liver and have been put on letrazole and ribociclib to try and regain control. The thing is I'm getting more pain even though I have been on these drugs 3 months now. Any one else had the same effects and does this mean its not working? 

Finding it difficult to concentrate on anything else at the moment, as the pain is sharp and then goes again and I find myself waiting for the next one so I'm prepared for it., bit it still makes me jump. It's like a stabby pain. 

I hope the rest of you are all OK. 

  • Let's look forward to that Lily. X

  • Yes I am not going to panic. It will get me nowhere and it will just make me more tired. Relieved 

    Lils x
  • Do you have to wait until the 10th to get the results ?

    that is hard xxx


  • Dear Lily, Are you able to keep on top of things whilst you wait for your appointment? I hope you are managing to be comfortable? Big hugs. Rainie x

  • yes have to wait til the 10th. Asked my nurse and she said she can't tell me on the phone or email. Rolling eyes

    @rainieday for some reason I can't tag you. But yes I have liquid morphine for break through pain. I feel OK at the moment.  Xx

    Lils x
  • So, we have had the ct scan results! They have said I have pretty bad IBS, but I knew that already, I asked about my liver and they said that I need a mri to be certain of any growth. So I asked why I was given a ct scan and not a mri and nobody seems to know! There is a 4 week wait for mri so I'm going to try and forget about it for now and get back into sorting Christmas. I hope you are all well. 

    Lils x
  • I am sorry you have got to wait longer, never great to wait at any time but not what you want now.

    Like all of us I have had loads of scans, I thought a CT would have shown them something useful.

    If you can put the worry in a box somewhere and open it up again  in 4 weeks, that is the way forward I reckon.


  • I think it's probably for the best I try and have a good Christmas. Also I think I'm probably better off at home than in the hospital with this new variant going round  

    Stay safe everyone. 

    Lils x
    1. Yes Lily, you are right on all counts. Xxx
  • Hi Lils, It is horrible when you think you are getting results at last but they don't have all the answers yet! It has happened to most of us I'm sure and it never gets easier! I have quite a mixture of side effects including IBS, Diverticulosis and cirrhosis of the liver, to name just three! From experience, I know apart from a PET scan, an MRI shows a lot but as regards the Liver, an Ultrasound can reveal a lot and there is not usually a waiting time for them. IF you are content to concentrate on Christmas that's great. However, if you feel anxious then it may be worth while asking for an Ultrasound, in the meantime until you have a date for your MRI.

    Whatever you decide, have a great Christmas and put cancer where it the menu!!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!