Immunotherapy halted half way through

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  • 54 subscribers

Hello all,

I had my 2 monthly scan on Saturday and went for my review today. Sadly I'm out of the "stable mable" group for now. I have my last immunotherapy tomorrow as my tumours have grown. Not the news I wanted to hear. They have said I can have radiotherapy to my chest and right lower lung and it won't be as harsh as my previous radiotherapy to my throat. I will have pain swallowing, which is really worrying as I've gone under 50kg and have difficulties with swallowing as it is.

I'm due for surgery on 25th which I've been waiting for over a year because of Covid! This will be to make a new airway so I'll be able to breath through my nose, taste and smell again. I was so looking forward to this but the news today has put a real dampener on that now. I'm trying to stay positive as the consultant has said if the radiotherapy works there might be a chance of resuming treatment.

Has this happened to any others on here? Did your immunotherapy start again?


little-fi xx

  • Hi Little-fi

    Thanks for replying to me oh right mine started in my bowel but as now spread to a few areas so it's not curable but it is as they say manageable and they did offer me the immunotherapy but it made me ill and ended up in hospital for a month last November.  So I ended up having a good break until I had my routine scan in April this year to be told that 

    Although they are not dually concerned it appeared that I had some more  nodes appear on my peritinium they shouldn't cause me too many problems as they are not growing aggressively,  so i told him that I was experiencing pain and pressure on the right side of my lower stomach and into my lower back , so he decided to offer me another form of chemo the tablet form once again my body rejected it , so I made the decision from what they are telling me and after chatting to my family I decided I didn't want anymore treatment wanted Quality not Quantity of life , but due to pain and infection I wasn't getting it so went to see my own GP and she got I'm touch with my oncologist and they called me in for a chat and also to.arrange another scan and I am awaiting the results on that . My next appt is on November 1st so hopefully they will have a plan for me then 

    Please keep me posted about yourself 

    Take care jimbobs 

  • Hi Jimbobs and a warm welcome to the Group! I hope you will get and give as much support that is needed here. Life with Incurable cancer isn't as bad as it once was because now they have some treatments that can work to slow things down, stop the pain being as bad and sometimes even stabilising it for quite a long time. I'm hoping you will find out a lot of things here from people in the "same boat"! It is not always easy but talking with others here can make a difference!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Little-fi, I had 5 sessions of radiotherapy over the one week. The procedure was really easy, and I didn't have any bad side effects at first, my chest and back just became a little hot and sore, like sunburn. As the time went on and the radiotherapy built up in my body, I became very tired, I could sleep at the drop of a hat, and my oesophagus became very sore, which made eating difficult. lots of ice cream and ice lolly's helped. 

    When I had my radiotherapy I had been admitted to hospital because the tumour in the top of my lung had dropped back through into the bronchial airway, where they had removed a section 2 weeks before. I couldn't breath and my lung was collapsing. After only 2 sessions of radiotherapy I could breath again, it had already started to shrink the tumour. My oncologist came onto the ward to see me, and was surprised to see me up and walking, something I couldn't do 2 days before.  3 months later my tumour had shrunk by 50% by 6 months it had shrunk again.  The side effects are not pleasant, but they are doable,  and I really hope you get the same results as me. x x


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Thank you your experience is helpful for me xx


  • Hi Chellisimo

    Glad to hear all went well with the Radiotherapy, and that you are feeling a lot better . 

    I do hope it helps me to with my pain then it would all be worth it then .

    Do you have to have anymore ? Or is that all you are having 

    Take care 


  • Hi Chelle,

    Thanks so much for explaining your experience with the radiotherapy. That has clarified my uncertainty about working through it. The oncologist said it's up to me but said I would get tired. Hearing it from you, the horses mouth, so to speak, means more to me. My well being is more important than my job.

    I went for my CT planning today and had my 3 tattoos! Stuck out tongue winking eye

    When I came out my nurse was waiting for me with a big smile on her face. I was a bit puzzled by this I have to say.

    She was excited because the drug company, (I'm on a trial) had agreed with the oncologists to continue with the immunotherapy and run it along side of the radiotherapy. Talk about a roller coaster! 

    Of course I was thrilled to hear this news but the anxiety levels over the last few days were off the scale thinking my days were numbered and I must be a lost cause.  Now I'm on a high again!

    They have booked the radiotherapy to start 2 weeks after my surgery next Monday to allow for some healing time. 

    If I get anything like your response to it Chelle, I will count myself very lucky.

    I'm now just finishing off my cheeky glass of wine to celebrate. 

    Cheers xx

  • Wow little-fi that is wonderful news. That certainly is a bumpy rollercoaster you are on! I have heard that radiotherapy can give immunotherapy a kick start, so maybe that is their thinking. Hope you enjoyed the wine. Good luck with your surgery next Monday. You’ve got a couple of months to get through with surgery and radiotherapy, but then I am sure you will be starting the New year much more positively xx 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Hi Jimbobs, I haven’t had any more radiotherapy, I am now on hormone treatment, which is currently keeping my cancer stable. 
    I hope the radiotherapy works well for you as well xx 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Hi  I hope your radiotherapy goes well. It is nerve wracking thinking about it, but the radiotherapy team are so wonderful.  It really is like having an X-ray done, you don’t feel a thing, the hardest part is keeping still, you can’t move a fraction, but they will explain all that to you. Good luck, thinking of you xx 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • I'm so pleased to hear your news little-fi. Good luck with it all. Rainie x