Immunotherapy halted half way through

  • 60 replies
  • 54 subscribers

Hello all,

I had my 2 monthly scan on Saturday and went for my review today. Sadly I'm out of the "stable mable" group for now. I have my last immunotherapy tomorrow as my tumours have grown. Not the news I wanted to hear. They have said I can have radiotherapy to my chest and right lower lung and it won't be as harsh as my previous radiotherapy to my throat. I will have pain swallowing, which is really worrying as I've gone under 50kg and have difficulties with swallowing as it is.

I'm due for surgery on 25th which I've been waiting for over a year because of Covid! This will be to make a new airway so I'll be able to breath through my nose, taste and smell again. I was so looking forward to this but the news today has put a real dampener on that now. I'm trying to stay positive as the consultant has said if the radiotherapy works there might be a chance of resuming treatment.

Has this happened to any others on here? Did your immunotherapy start again?


little-fi xx

  • Thanks Rainie, I’ll add that to the menu I’ve lined upHugging I’m so looking forward to being able to taste again even though it’s hard work eating. If you can taste it, it’s worth it! Xx

  • Hi little-fe

    Not been on here for very long however been battling with Bowel Cancer since 2016 when my life  changes began .

    Just wanted to say hello to you all , sorry for asking this  question as you may  have already said it on here ! But what cancer are you dealing with ? .

    I suppose you could say my journey sounds a little bit like yours  . 

    But happy to have a chat some more  if you would like  to hear a little Bit more as I am now in Stage 4 with my Cancer being in a few places now .

    Take care speak soon 


  • Little-fi I am so sorry I have only just seen your news.  I don't know much about immunotherapy myself, but I have had a very good result with radiotherapy to my lung. 

    Try not to think of this as a fail, think of this as a different turn on the road ahead, and lets get you back in the stable Mabel club.  xx


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Hi Jimbobs, welcome to the group, but so sorry you find yourself here.  

    I know you are asking little-fi about her cancer type. If you click on our profile pictures, you can go to our profile page, where you can see a little about our cancer stories. 

    I'm sure there are a few people here in the group who can relate with your journey. You might want to come and introduce yourself to the group.  Just click the New or + box, depending which device you are using, at the top right of the page, then select New here, say hello.  I know you will get a very warm welcome from everyone here.

    Take care x 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • I hate that saying too little-fi. I myself use it too. I have been offered radiotherapy for pain in my sacrum but I said no as I burned last time and I said I will put up with the pain until I can't. (If that makes sense?) I will have my fingers crossed for you and my thoughts will be with you. I hope all goes your way on the 25th. Please tell us how you get on. 

    Give yourself a break as well. Go out and do something nice for yourself get some positivity juices flowing. We are all here for you cheering you on. 


    Lils x
  • Hi Jimbobs,

    Welcome to the group. Mine initially was head & neck but matastisised to chest & lung. 
    Sorry you are going through this.

    As Chellesimo has said you will find good support on here. 

    How are you doing ok at the moment?

    Best wishes

    1. little-fi xx
  • Thanks for that Chelle, 

    I wasn’t expecting them to tell me that as I was supposedly a good candidate because my PDL 1 was high. 
    I hope I get the result you did to the radiotherapy. I’m told it’s for 2 weeks only. How was it for you Chelle? Xx

  • Hi Lily, I didn’t know what sacrum was so just looked it and read your profile.

    You’ve certainly been through the mill. I’m sorry you’re having to deal with so much going on with your nearest and dearest too! Life is shitty sometimes with some people being dealt a very poor hand. 

    I hope you manage to get the right pain relief. I’ve been fortunate so far with only a dull ache when I lay on my back. Not pain as such but aware of it. 

    Thanks for your good wishes I will keep you posted.

    Take care

    little-fi xx

  • Hi Chellisimo

    • Thanks for replying to me on here , I know I don't think anyone wants to find thereselves on here do they,  I was given immunotherapy too but it made me poorly and ended up in hospital for a month due to infection , that's what finally helped me to come to the decision I did and was hoping for more quallity of life than quantity and enjoy it for  little while again . But unfortunately pain and infection as hampered that once again . So happy to hear what they have got planned for me ie Radiotherapy for pain then so be it and help with my pain , I have since heard of little- Fee and she as told me where the cancer started . I feel so sorry for her as I know what she is going through at the moment I do hope they can sort it all out for her and give her some options too ..thanks for listening to me rambling on hope to speak again soon 
    • Take care Jimbobs