Gardens and gardening 2021

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  • 52 subscribers

I love it when the first signs of Spring are appearing. This, apart from tête a tête daffodils, the lovely star daffodil below is my first one in the garden this year, and before St. David's Day! And a beautiful, almost cloudless, sunny day yesterday.

Take care and stay safe everyone

Tvman xx

  • Hi Remoh, Our daughter bought me one of these Greenhouses for my Christmas. My 6 year old grandson put it together last weekend! The first thing I bought was a Growbag to put in it, so that it weighs it down during the wind! So glad I did, because it is very windy tonight! I have bought some Tumbling Tomato Plant seeds and a couple of other seeds.

    However the last of the frost hasn't been yet, so I will wait for a while before planting anything! I hope you enjoy yours, I plan to enjoy mine and educate myself about the best things to grow in it!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Good luck with the greenhouse. We did have a similar one which we grow tomatoes. Never tried from seed we buy plants like tumbling Tom’s. We also grow some in pots outside which do well.

    we did have the greenhouse blow down the road one year in the wind and it is now anchored to the wall of the house .xx


  • We have put some pots of peat in it to hold it down. We are planning on tomato plants in a grow bag and have catnip seeds on order for the cats so they will be planted in there too.  Then maybe hidcote lavender seeds to create a lavender hedge around the front garden


    be safe, be nice, be you 

  • Hi Remoh

    I have s lavander hedge in my front garden which, when it's blooming, is a beautiful sight. 

    Keep the area around the base of the individual plants weed free or put down a 2 inch mulch for the same purpose. There's not much maintenance to do except from removing the old flower stalks after blooming, an easy to keep plant. 

    When you say about putting pots of peat down to anchor the greenhouse, do you mean compost? Using peat is fast becoming a real no-no in the gardening community, given that peat bogs take thousands of years to form. It's now common to buy bags of compost that are sold as reduced peat or even peat-free. Recently enacted European Union regulations, as well as Irish law, ban the collection of turf from 53 peat-bog conservation areas.

    It's amazing that up to 2016, the Republic of Ireland's government ran peat fed power plants that produced up to 8% of Ireland's electricity. Peat powered plants produce up to twice the CO2 of other fuel powered plants. There are many country houses in remote areas whose occupants can dig their own peat from their own land and heat their properties by burning peat. Even in small villages there is frequently the unmistakable sweet odour of burning peat in an open fire. Indeed many times in the past, I have acquired little amounts of peat logs, dried in the sun in the Irish countryside.

    Now Remoh and everyone else, this isn't me on a soap box preaching, I simply deviated from talking about a few peat pots. Perhaps one of the examples that could be covered by a chat area within our group of which I am in favour. What harm would it do? 

    Take care and stay safe Remoh


    Love life and family.
  • we had a lavender hedge at our last place that we grew from small plugs to full size this time we are thinking of going one step further and starting with seeds as its considerably cheaper. Yes they are bags of compost i've just always called them peat and old habits die hard lol


    be safe, be nice, be you 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Norberry

    Hi Norbs I used to live in West Ewell - small old world

  • Hi

    Am happy for someone else to be on a soap box ( although you denied it). I am always going on at people not to buy peat based compost. Luckily is not guilty!

  • So today has been spent repairing the new plastic greenhouse which somewhat fell apart during the strong winds the other night. Plastic patched as best we can and all joints duck taped to stop them from separating which is what caused the collapse. It will be back out in the garden later. We also have a tomato grow bag and three tomato plants ready to go in as well as some peppers and various seeds, if all the seeds grow we may end up giving the plants away to passers by lol


    be safe, be nice, be you 

  • Hi Maz, only just seen this thread, not been on here, can't say why or wont be on here again, you can guess!

    We lived in Epsom for 30 years, my wife was born there, she enticed me there from the Beruit lookalike Merstham in the hope of making me posher, didn't work. Coming from Peckham originally she had no chance!

    She still has friends in West Ewell, it had a nice village feel. Wish we were back in Epsom to tell the truth, couldn't afford an outside toilet there now.!

  • Hi I don't know if you have seen this, but thought it might interest you.



    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

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