No treatment

  • 38 replies
  • 47 subscribers

AHad a letter from Onocoligy looks like that’s it. I asked about trials and they say not any trails going on.Is it worth getting a second opinion or am I wasting my time?

They are ringing the end of this month so I have time to think what to do.Any advice would be helpful.xx

  • Hi Peggy, Well can you believe, I came up to bed and as a second thought, decided to look up the Macsite on my Samsung Tablet and here i found the Discussions page! I always use my ipad as I prefer it and have even upgraded it to a newer version hoping I could access the site as on my old iPad it said the browser was incompatible with the new site! I havent looked at the PM'S on here yet but i will!

    Hi Georgette, I know we became "friends" on the site but cannot see your name on my page! Im sorry it has been so long since we have chatted. It is good you have finished your course of chemo, well done you! I see you have also had a scan so when are you due to get your results? It is always hard waiting for scan results, no matter how many you have had, or how often  the Scanxiety always sets in! I hope you hear good news very soon!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember

    I’m so sorry to hear this my heart goes out to you and your family always keep hope and with the second option that’s your choice everyday as it comes Hugging

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv

    Hi Annette

    Im still getting use to finding things on here.I somehow miss them so annoying.I hope I have got your friends request right I think I Have pressed the right thing.Same when I am trying to like sometHibiscusng not sure if I am doing it right.Hibiscus

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Donc

    Thank you It was hard when we were told my eldest daughter was with me.Im trying to enjoy the time at the moment and  enjoy the day.Im trying to be positive at least I am feeling a bit better now I Hibiscus off the chemo.Hibiscus

  • Hi Annette,

    Thank you for your message. My scan was good thankgoodness. I start on the parp inhibitor Rucaparib on Tuesday 2nd December. They have asked me to go for a Covid test tomorrow (Sunday), then blood test on Monday. I must confess I am very anxious about about starting the parp inhibitor,but the Oncologist said that if it interferes with my life  to much then I can come off of them.  Anyway I will see what happens.

    How about you Annette,How are you ?

    Take care. Love Georgette x

  • FormerMember

    How have you got on,  

    I've had 2nd (& 3rd, & 4th) opinions, but I've definitely reached the end of the line now. There is no more treatment for me to try, so today I switched fully to the local palliative care team. I'm still in  touch with my oncologist, though, so if something pops out of the woodwork, I'll know about it.

  • Hi AP7, you have been kind to plenty of people on here, I hope something big and useful does indeed pop out of the woodwork for you.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Norberry

    Thank you, 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi AP7

    Who did you go to for your 2nd opinion?I l haven’t done it yet.I have another appointment so I will wait till then.

    I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you there’s alway hopeHibiscus

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    My oncologist is a real star - she calls in other hospitals for their expertise and opinions before I have to ask! I'm a bit vague on the details of who said what - yesterday's news came by phone as I was too ill to get to the hospital, so I don't have the letters - but she consulted the Christie, and, I think, Guys & Barts. She also tried to get hold of a drug that's not approved in Britain, but couldn't get it.