Nobody posting

  • 45 replies
  • 51 subscribers

hello all. Hardly anyone seems to be posting. I expect the heat is not helping. I would hate to think that members old and new still can't get access to the site.

Come on  let's hear from all our senior members. Only good news by return please.

  • Hi i am in Victoria/Australia

  • My brain mets has been 3,5 cm...i did not feel anything, but i think it depends where they are...what about radiation?? all the best for you.


  • Hello

    Is everyone alright? I am on hols in Kent. Really hot and I find it difficult to cope with heat and drugs. So glad to be away and almost forgetting about health worries

     I am concerned about new members joining - has there been any notifications? 

    Please take care everyone xx

    Flowerlady x
  • Hello flowerlady, the site did go down for a couple of hours to address some problems but I dont know if the improvements have helped.

    Enjoy your holiday. All the kids at raves seem to get along with heat and drugs so do a bit of hip hop or whatever the latest craze is!

  • Yes I think you are right mine must be pressing on the nerve and my face feels very strange. I have been told radiation is not an option. I did have 6 week’s radiation 10 years ago.

    i am putting my Hope into this drug called ATRA which I have started today. The oncologist at the Christie say I am the first person in the UK to take it for adenocystic carcinoma though t is used for leukaemia patients 

    love Ruth xxx


  • Well you were right about one thing,my problem was getting onto the website. I emailed Macmillan so many times withou hardly any anwers to my problem. In the end I have got into it via Facebook,& it appeared to recognise me & the two groups that I belong  to.

    I hope other people have now managed to get back on here now as i must confess I found extremely frustrating,that I gave up,but then thought i will try via my Facebook account whcih I am pleased I did now.

    Take care,Georgette 

  • More people on here with more stories please.

    I thought it could be, that, like me, people are so anxious about dalonis situation that all the words have run out and things dont feel the same. I wouldn't dream of professing to speak on dalonis behalf but she does like a story, funny, not so funny or just vaguely entertaining. I need a bit of virtual interaction as well otherwise I argue with my wife!

    We went out today for a full price lunch in a pub, wished we had gone yesterday and saved £20.

    Awful!  Won't say where it is but not many villages and pubs are owned by the Nat Trust, in fact only one village. Had a stagger around a lake, didn't take my stick, Mrs N refuses to take hers so we were both kiboshed at the end. Was cool and pleasant couple of hours though.

    Got to start getting estate agents round, we don't fancy it but got to find somewhere we can cope with, I have said before, little house, little garden and little dog.

    It is funny sometimes, because, as my wife was an estate agent for 14 years she punctures their sales talk as soon as they think they have got us on the run. They then have appeared quite obviously fed up and possibly not too helpful.

    We have moved about 7 times so she has had a bit of fun over the years.

    I do hope everyone has got back online and are still enjoying hols if they have got away.

  • FormerMember

    It's probably because the site has changed.I have had to 're register and it wasn't the easiest to do

  • Thanks mother goose, saw some of your relatives on the lake today. Didn't speak though!

    I have to log back in every 5 mins, it does drive you mad but computing was never a skill of mine! I have seen most of the recognisable names since the site changed but quite a few were mightily fed up and I think some are close to deleting everything.

  • We went to Canterbury today. What a lovely place! Enjoyed cathedral, Abbey etc. And a cool beer. Feels ok holidaying - though it has been a bit scary being out of my usual places. I knew I would have a measure of agrophobia. It's been a relief to forget about the messy world for a week.

    Take care x

    Flowerlady x