Nobody posting

  • 45 replies
  • 51 subscribers

hello all. Hardly anyone seems to be posting. I expect the heat is not helping. I would hate to think that members old and new still can't get access to the site.

Come on  let's hear from all our senior members. Only good news by return please.

  • Hello everyone,

    It appears that some of us are getting about the site OK but a lot of others have gone missing.  I suspect that a number of the missing members connect mainly via their phones.  That is certainly where I have had most of my issues.

    I've been catching up with a bit of correspondence today having used up all my energy this morning hanging out washing and picking courgettes.  I also made some soda bread but got distracted and left it in the oven for far too long.  I suspect that it might be more useful now if I turn it upside down, partially bury it and use it as a stepping stone.

    I've wanted to do a canal boat holiday since I was a kid but have never got around to it.  I understand there are some nice ones in West Yorkshire although at the moment these areas are probably subject to lock down.

    I was lucky enough to go on two trips on a sail training vessel as part of my work.  The first one there was hardly any wind so we motored from Kent to Ostend, down the coat to Dunkirk and only on the last day was the wind strong enough to let us sail back across the Chanel.  The next trip involved a force 8 gale and an overnight crossing to Breskens in the Netherlands arriving at about 5am.  It was windy all week although not quite force 8 and was great.  On the way out the only people not sea sick were the four professional crew, one man who used to work on trawlers and me.  The boat was 72 feet long and the bunks had plastic covered foam cushions and we were in nylon sleeping bags.  I slept with my knees flexed and a bent arm above my head and as the boat went over the waves I slid from one end of the bunk to the other.  I only had two hours off watch but I did manage to get some sleep.  When I went back on deck for my watch everyone one else (with the exception of the crew and the ex-fisherman) was in the cockpit curled up in the fresh air groaning and only moving if they needed to throw up over the side.  When we got back everyone was enthusing about it and all asking if they could go again the following year.

    Other than that I don't suppose that ferry crossings count?  We live quite near to Hull so have gone several times on mini cruises to Amsterdam and Bruges.  Not quite as nice as when you go outside for some fresh air, all you can smell usually is the stink of the diesel engines.

    I may go for a cool bath soon, that or a cornetto style ice cream from the freezer.

    All the best,

    Gragon x

  • Good to gear from you gragon. I've always used an android pad, and , after a fair bit of hunting around, have normally got around the site ok. 

    Boats should all have engines, beer outlets and rooves, not going on one otherwise!

    Trying to get that image of you in a bath with a cornetto out of my head, its proving difficult to shift. I do wish a lady contributor had posted that instead!

    Whoops, here comes the moderator. Apologies in advance.

  • Hi all, Well I am finally back on again, I eventually got on on my iPad and now having reset my password again I have got on on my iPhone. It’s been a bloody nightmare. Every time someone tries to fix the site it seems to get worse!

    I couldn’t start a new paragraph on the iPad but I have just managed it on the phone, I shall count that as a small success! 
    Nothing else at all to say really just pleased to see that some of you are managing to post.

    love  and hugs to all

    Maggie xx

  • Think we have all had our struggles with this site, but hopefully over time it will improve.

    On the topic of canal holidays, they are bliss - slow pace,physical work doing the locks, ability to jump onto the tow path for a walk anytime, wildlife to watch, pubs to moor near. My dogs used to love it too, although I havent been on a canal boat for years - so expensive unless you share the cost with a load of others. My favourite bit was opening the curtains in the morning and seeing a heron standing on the bank gazing unflinchingly waiting for something edible to pass. I have suggested living in the moment to  a couple of people on here recently, and there is no better place to do it. Moving at a max of 4 miles an hour really does slow you down and offer the chance to really be in the moment. But then getting back in the car and driving at  even 30mph felt so scarey for a few miles!

    Anyway I am lying on a sofa with blinds drawn and a very hot and noisily breathing staffie by my side. So hot she has even turned her nose up at sardines for tea, and staffies eat anything normally.

    Hope we are all finding ways to cope and sleep in this heat.

  • Well all, if it makes you feel a bit better....we had only 14 degrees here today Slight smile it's Winter!!! So if we could share a bit it would be good.


  • Hi and all Annette says she is still having problems but wanted me to pass on a message that SHE WILL BE BACK. 

    Norberry !! tut tut. 

    Take care KT

  • Hi Pet 14 where are you, i would gladly pass some over, going to be 36 today, we have had this for week's now, need some rain.

    Take Care  Elliexx

  • Hi everyone I am glad you are enjoying the warm weather.

    my latest update is that I am going to try the drug ATRA I had to stop the lenvatinib and things have progressed I now have numbness on the right side of my face and had to increase the morphine for the headaches.. I am having another MRI on Tuesday to see if there are changes on the scan 

    has anyone else with brain mets developed numbness and tingling ?

    love Ruth xx

    the good thing is I will get these new tablets today.


  • I couldn't log on for weeks. And there are only so many times one tries because let's face it, we don't log in for fun... Well sometimes. Where is Big Pete of It's Friday, does anyone know? So when you see it doesn't work, you turn to something else. I ended up having to email the admin and watch a YouTube video and accept Cookies which I don't want to accept to be able to log back in. Not good, Macmillan, on this front.

  • Hi I am still hanging around like a bad smell. I have to log in every time as it doesn't remember me and I couldn't get on here for a couple of weeks. Health wise I just finished 6 rounds of folfiri and CT shows 3 stable lung mets, 1 shrunken met 11 to 7mm and one met has grown 6mm to 8mm. The good news is no more chemo for the moment, my PICC line came out yesterday and I am being referred to surgeons with a view to ablation if suitable. I am just going to enjoy the time off of treatment, hope it cools a bit and then hit National Trust Sites in order to do serious quantities of tea and cake. It is good to see you all again.


    A life lived in fear, is a life half lived.