Nobody posting

  • 45 replies
  • 51 subscribers

hello all. Hardly anyone seems to be posting. I expect the heat is not helping. I would hate to think that members old and new still can't get access to the site.

Come on  let's hear from all our senior members. Only good news by return please.

  • Hello  knowing that the site was down this morning I went for a walk by the river where there was a bit of shade. My husband has now bagsied the hammock in the garden shade, and I’m trying to keep cool. I hope you’re having a good day Norberry. 

    Take care KT

  • Hello KTatHome, walks by rivers and hammocks, thats proper therapy. I am just sitting indoors with all the curtains drawn and windows open. Still about 37 degrees indoors though. I would be diving straight in your river like a labrador!

  • Norberry   am siting at the  kitchen bench painting a wooden  garden table and foot stall, and my arms.

    Have to say you are right not a lot of people about, there seem's to be a good atmosphere  that has gone walk about  since the change over. think i fit in the old in age and member group,

    Take Care Elliex

  • The river looked lovely I must admit, there is a new boat hire place down there, I was a little bit tempted. Three of my closest neighbours have all got hot tubs on their patios, but as all is quiet I don’t think anyone is using them today. Perhaps I should just get a washing up bowl with cool water in it, that might do the trick, just checked it’s saying 29 degrees indoors here, and 33 outside. 

    Take care KT

  • How can you work ellie 73, is it not hot where you live? I am impressed though.

  • I think I know where I will be holidaying KTatHome. Don't give everyone your address, just me, I do love a boat.

  • It was one of my ambitions to have a holiday on a boat, my family couldn’t be persuaded, but a couple of years ago 2 friends said they were up for it so we hired a boat to go down the local river just for 3 nights, but it was lovely. I did most of the steering while the other two opened the locks we had to go through. We didn’t do any cooking we planned where we were going to moor and which pubs we were going to eat at. It ticked all the right boxes for me for a holiday even if we didn’t get very far and we were nearer to home than I have to travel to my hospital it was great.

    Take care KT

  • LOL i am in the SE its 32  in doors cannot just sit here, you know what they say the devil makes work for idle hands, I do not normally do this was hubby's job now mine

  • I understand that ellie 73. Put some sand around your feet and pretend you are at the seaside!

  • That sounds cracking. You planned it and that makes all the difference.We did the same years ago with a canal boat but I had to jump off, do the locks then jump on again as Mrs N was a late learner swimmer and was frightened. Always got to a mooring too late so had to walk miles in the dark to get to a pub. You can imagine what the walk back was like a few hours after the pub fun!