Why do i always feel worse and some what confused after speaking to my oncologist

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  • 44 subscribers

Hi everybody had my telephone app on Monday was not my normal oncologist this is a trainee have spoke to her once before and to be honest find her easier to speak to i was hoping to get some news on when I would be having my biopsy but they have said it is too dangerous for me to come off my chemo halfway through the 3 months so I have to wait till thats done then gets my scans done and see what they show so I now have to worry all that time that whatever csncer I have cervix ect to worry that its spreading in that time as I do get lower tummy pain so she has put me on liquid morphine not sure how good it is yet as I only got it today when I went for my chemo and the hot sweats to try sage tablets as prescribed drugs have horrible side effects there are so many on the Internet and all different prices HELP x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman

    Hi again i am so sorry you are in such a bad way I really am my gardens not huge but big enough for me to sit out and enjoy and watch the wildlife buzzing around so I can not wait for it to brighten up a little next week i bet you are too.i am still able to do some things around the house just get tired easily or need to go back to bed am sure like yiu its good to be able to talk to people I have not said the words why me anymore because that seems unfair when I now hear from  all these wonderful people but with sad stories which is why I am so grateful I came on here am glad you are getting some help with all your problems i am still searching for a right meditation for me and have ordered my sage tablets from boots thank you for your advice on that  take care tv man xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    I’ve just caught up with this conversation and very entertaining it’s been with its talk of air guitars and hallucinations. I too get hallucinations from the high dose of opiate painkillers I take. They’re not as vivid as yours. I quite often see spiders crawling across the side of my vision. It puts me in mind of that song by The Who, Boris the Spider. Do you know it? I think it’s the only song in their repertoire written by Keith Moon and it’s actually all about drug-induced  hallucinations so it’s quite apt. We are not taking the drugs for recreation though. 

    Take care everyone. I guess we are all looking forward to a sunny weekend when we can grit our teeth, gird our loins and get out into the garden. It’s short bursts for me. I can’t kneel due to swelling in my legs and the pain kicks in pretty rapidly once I start moving. But five to ten minutes at a time gets the job done - whether it’s weeding or simply the therapeutic effects of being outside. 


  • Oh I am so relieved I have been fretting like mad that I had upset you I am so pleased that you replied back with your comments xx

  • Hi Flippen

    I'm so glad you are relieved and content now. I suppose I could sum it up by saying that I'm happy that you're happy Joy

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • I must admit I couldn't face anything to eat last night as I was so anxious and worried that I had upset you but that's how I am worry fills me up but now I am just going to tackle a pot noodle funny really before I got cancer I couldn't stand these and yet now it's one of my favourite foods had a right job getting these when at the start of the virus everyone was panic buying food thank God people panic buying has stopped 

  • Hi  Flippen

    I've never eaten a pot noodle in all my 62½ years on this earth! It's a food that just never appealed to me. Ever. 

    I agree with you, thank God panic buying has stopped, we're able to get margarine etc for baking again as well as pasta. I'm not the baker in the house, that's my wife's domain. I've tried a few times, well I have baked a few but never really had the time when I was working. Then after diagnosis, I died inside for a year or so until I found here and I think it was Annette  who instilled  confidence in me to start living with my cancer and not to shrink into a dark corner. That's something for everyone to think about.

    Just want to finish on a little humour, Flippen are you still losing eyelashes down the plughole? Joy

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • I must admit I am in stitches laughing at your post its the way you have put it ha ha ha the pot noodle gate and guess what I am having one now as well I don't know why I go mad on them couldn't stand them before I got cancer it must be a change of taste bud thing it comes to something doesn't it when you can have a full conversation of a pot noodle ha ha and just to add insult to injury you bring up my eyelashes down the plughole moment oh you have to laugh don't you I wouldn't of minded so much but I kept forgetting to put the plug in before I started once or twice would of been acceptable but then went on for about a week until finally I write a post it note  to myself and stuck it on the bathroom shelf to remind me hooray success!!!! xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Popgate

    Hi popgate and tv man

    you both have made me smile with your Guitars and pot noodles,I think you should go on zoom and have a good Session that would 

    cheer us all no end. Nice day tomorrow good gardening HibiscusTulip

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Popgate

    How strange, I haven't had a pot noodle since I was at college but sice I started on a trial drug  they have been the only thing I want to eat.

    I say "eat" but the thought of eating the noodles makes me feel sick so technically all I have is chicken soup. I have considered having chicken soup instead but the thought of it makes me feel sickJoy so now I just stick to my noodleless pot noodles. 

     I am beginig to suspect that the trial I am on is sponsored by pot noodle Joy


  • Hi there glad that I have made you smile I can just imagine me and tv man at Glastonbury having a session and pot noodles all around the stage and images being beamed and all the lighting effects that goes with it imagine the publicity for the makers of pot noodles we could do a deal with them so that anyone who has cancer could get them free hooray I would be first in the queue ha ha and as for gardening yes about time the weather has improved did loads yesterday and going to do loads today with my music blasting out and my dog playing with his toys my perfect day for me hope you have a good day too xxx
