
  • 90 replies
  • 45 subscribers

Hi everyone,

I received a letter this morning informing me that my first appointment for chemo, is Friday 26 June,which is earlier than expected,but in one sense I will be glad to get started.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Popgate

    Hi Popgate

    Im off home today can’t wait bloods have improved.Hope you are ok and have made it out.

    Its cloudy now lovey sun earlier. 



  • Hi there really pleased you are coming home today I bet you can't wait to get home with all your comfy surroundings and your own bed I am ok got appointment at hospital next Tuesday with consultant so anxious and everything else as usual I am bracing myself for which way the swinging pendulum will swing this time hope you have a good kip tonight xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Popgate

    Hi Popgate 


    the best for Tuesday I know what you mean I always get  anxious never know what they will say but hate not noting more. 

    If that makes sense.I have one on Monday but it’s by phone so I have to write it down.Then next Thursday 2nd round of 

    Chemo they are going back to main Hospital not such a lovely building as this one but not complaining at least I have treatment.

    Lets us know how you get on and I will keep all crossed for you xx

  • Hi there thanks for that I will let you know which way my swinging pendulum is going that's my nickname for it typical me i have nicknamlike  es for everything good luck for Monday let me know how it goes I can't have phone call one's it stresses me out and panics me even more my mind goes blank and I can't understand what's being said to me it's hard enough for me to have face to face ones my mind goes blank then but my consultant is brill knows what I am like I really do feel sorry for her when she has to see me it must take her a day to recover from me ha ha glad that you are getting your treatment and you are home after your spell in hospital xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Georgette 

    just seeing how you all re getting on.My 2nd one tomorrow.Mouth a bit better but no taste having problems with swollen legs went to buy a recliner today so I can sit better.Hopefully stay out of hospital but just had to go for some more an Antibiotics for chest infection.

    Hope you are coping well and your pain looked after.Did stop me eating though.CakeZzzBack on steroids so wide awake club.Cherry blossomCherry blossom

  • Hi Peggy,

    Sorry to hear that you have problems with swollen legs, but pleased to hear that your mouth is a bit better though. It is horrible not having any taste,so I hope that this improves soon for you. That is a good idea buying a recliner, & I am sure you will find it more comfortable.

    I have been for blood tests this morning, so if they are ok then I will be having the second  carbo/gem on Friday. After this next chemo the Oncologist said that they should have some idea if it is working or not, so I am keeping my fingers crossed. I will be taking steroids on Friday plus another couple of days after that, so I will probably not sleep so well. I have had the anti-sickness tablets increased as after the first dose I suffered really bad nausea and hardly ate anything for 4days. 

    Take care,& I hope that the antibiotics clear your chest infection up. 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Georgette

    Hi Georgette ,

    Had 2nd infusion  done no problems looking forward to my recliner takes about 4 weeks Just be easier to put legs up and stay downstairs by the time I get to bed I’m wide awake.

    Hope your next Chemo ok and you get on top of the nausea I’m ok ant stop eating,I think the  steroids Make me eat @nd hoping my 

    weight is water Sweat dropsSweat drops   Fingers cross3£ for you Kiss

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember



    I am just catching up with all your goings on, not having looked at this thread for a week or so. My you’ve both had a time of it with nausea, swollen legs, sepsis, water retention and I don’t know what else. It makes me wonder why we put ourselves through it. 

    I am currently in hospital with pain. I have pain caused by a tumour in one of the lower vertebrae. It gets worse from time to time and this creates an emergency as it could signal that the tumour is pressing on the spinal cord. That needs dealing with double quick to avoid paralysis. 

    I spoke to my hospice nurse on Tuesday and reported that the pain in my hip and leg was getting much worse and quite quickly. That prompted her to contact my CNS at the hospital who called my consultant who asked me to come in for an MRI.

    Now they won’t let me go. The MRI has ruled out a cord compression (hurray) but they tell me I can’t go home while I’m in this much pain. The consultant oncologist on duty has asked if I want to carry on with chemo as it doesn’t seem to be reducing symptoms. 

    The current plan is to add steroids to my mix of painkillers and give me a blast of radiotherapy to the spine. Last time they tried that in April I had a radiotherapy flare up that landed me in hospital for a week. They also told me that it was the last radiotherapy I could have before the risks outweighed the benefits. So what gives?

    The radiologist I spoke to yesterday felt it was worth giving it one more shot. There is no plan b abs the tumour could grow just slightly and cause paralysis. Not much of a choice really. I’ll have the radiotherapy today (Thursday) but this time I’ll be an inpatient so i will be in the right place if it goes tits up. Meanwhile my scheduled chemo is cancelled. The docs will talk to me about this in the morning  

    Wish me luck! 


  • , my fingers are crossed for you!!! I really hope this time they can beam that tumor away...and it's may better you're at hospital for pain relief..

    best wishes Pet

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Daloni

    Sorry to hear your having such a rubbish time.It must be awful with your legs hope it gets sorted for you.I was lucky and only stayed in for four days and got out in time for Birthday. I sometimes wonder putting our bodies through all the side effects but the alternate is rubbish.I hope you get home soon and get on top of it all.Thinking of you xx