
  • 90 replies
  • 45 subscribers

Hi everyone,

I received a letter this morning informing me that my first appointment for chemo, is Friday 26 June,which is earlier than expected,but in one sense I will be glad to get started.


  • Oh daloni I am so sorry to hear that you are in hospital again!!!!!! I really hope the hospital will be able to sort you out this time at least you are in the right place if you have any complications I hope you get home soon to your own comforts here is a big hug from me xxx

  • Oh

    I'm so sorry to hear that you are in so much pain that you're in hospital. As I read your post, I was thinking you're in hospital so if anything goes wrong with the radiotherapy at least you are in the right place. I pray that you are relieved of pain soon.

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • Oh my goodness, I've just seen these posts,   &   or shall I just call you The Chemo Gang! What a time you are all having! Peggy have you thought about asking an OT to come to your home to see if she can help with anything. As well as a few handles at the back and front doors, my OT ordered a stair lift for me and quite honestly without it, I'd have had to move a bed downstairs or worst still, moved house! I also hope the antibiotics work quickly on the chest infection!      Georgette, I hope your bloods are ok and you manage to get your next treatment on Friday. Let's hope the nausea goes away too! I will have everything crossed you get a positive response from it!     Daloni, I read you were in hospital on the Night Shift post but there were no details about them trying radiation again etc. I hope it goes well today and gives you a lot of relief from the pain. As  said, at least you are in the right place for them to keep an eye on you but let's hope, for a change, it's all plain sailing!

    The only reason I caught up with this post is because I got a notification that Tvman had posted here!  I haven't had any others from this chemo thread since one I got in June, so sorry folks for not replying sooner!

    Good luck Chemo Gang! And thanks Tvman!!

    Please all of you take care!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi ,

    Sorry to hear that you are back in hospital, did you get your room with a view or are looking at white walls and fellow patients?

    I'm pleased that you were whipped into hospital by your team as it means that you will get the best care available.  Are your girls still away at the moment?  I know you said that they were going to visit their cousins abroad.

    Being in pain is the pits, I had an aching thigh for some reason the other day, not bad pain but such that no matter how I stood, sat or lay down I was aware of it nagging away.  I hope that the steroids help you.

    I'm sure you must be worried about the radiotherapy as well but as you say at least this time you are in the right place and will be well looked after and monitored.  I hope that it all goes well for you.

    I also hope that you had plenty of chocolate packed in your bag this time.  Sometimes it is about the small victories.

    All the best with your treatment today (why do they call it treatment, it doesn't seem like much of a treat to me?).

    Take care, love and lots of hugs,

    Gragon xx

  • All the luck in the world daloni to you and your fellow sufferers. I wish all you ladies could just have a couple of pain free weeks to enjoy with your families before misery is heaped upon you all again. It does sound childish to say but it really is not fair. Thinking of you all. X

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Gragon

    Hi gang 

    thanks for the best wishes. I am sorry to report that it’s white walls and fellow patients and a complete absence of chocolate. I packed an overnight bag with the emphasis on night. I did not expect a protracted stay. I’m up in London at Guys hospital so it’s hard to ask my friends locally to drive for an hour through London traffic to make a chocolate delivery even. I wonder if I can get a Deliveroo or some such? I feel the need to be creative. 

    I am up and washed and waiting for doctors and a porter to get me to the cancer centre for my ct planning scan ahead of the radiotherapy. For those of you who don’t know Guys hospital, it’s right beside The Shard in London. The cancer centre is next door. So to get from a ward to the cancer centre involves taking the underground connecting tunnels. It’s kind of spooky. 

  • Hi, hope  the planning scan goes well. Sorry to hear you are back in hospital.

    i have memory of you saying you were eating a orange chocolate egg and it encouraged me to order one. I now regularly order them and forgot how much I enjoy them.

    so thanks as I have been having problems with eating and lack of appetite 

    love xxx


  • Hi Daloni,

    Well after reading your post, I feel I have nothing to complain about really.

    You are certainly in the right place should anything go wrong, which of course I hope it does not. I am thinking of you & hope that the treatment works,as this type of pain must be awful for you especially with the thought of paralysis.

    Hopefully you might be home again for the weekend,unless they want you to stay in until they can control the pain you are suffering.

    I wish you all the luck in world & I know a lot of others will be doing the same.

    Lots of love, Georgette xxx

    P.S. I have my second carbo/gem tomorrow. I said to my Oncologist earlier in the week I hope this is going to work, as the Professor who did my colonoscopy said, chemo won't work. My Oncologist's reply was " We have to prove him wrong." !!!!

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Georgette


    I think my eyebrows might actually have launched themselves into outer space if a professor had said the same to me. What was he thinking? Was he joking? Even if that’s his view privately (and surgeons are notoriously sniffy about anything that doesn’t involve chopping bits out) he should keep his big trap shut in front of patients. Pah! 

    I’m in bed on a long wait. I am still waiting to hear about the radiotherapy and now about a whole body ct scan they will use to decide whether to go ahead with the chemo or cancel it  The ct scan this morning was excruciating. I have to lie flat for all these scans and each one is agony. I sing my way through them at increasing volume. What else is there when you’ve already taken all the pain killers you’re allowed? 

    On which note, I’ve seen the palliative care team. They are going to prescribe a soluble pain killers that help with pain when moving. The idea is I put it under my tongue 10 minutes before I want to move then I get an hour of relief. That would be enough, say, to get up and have a shower. 

    The OT has been back to me as well and says she can put in a mid morning care package to tidy up after breakfast and get my lunch ready. It feels weird but it’s a good place to start with strangers coming into the house. 

    Good luck with your chemo tomorrow. I hope it is entirely uneventful. Easy veins (if you need them?), kind nurses, prompt pharmacy and a good book to read/listen to. 

    Lots of love xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Daloni

    just sending you a big hug and I did the same didn’t think I would stay in hospital and took nothing with me.Its strange because your on your own my daughter is usually with me.Hope 6oy get sorted soon and get back with Noodle and your girls.

    Thanks Ann 

    Have been sleeping a lot lately went. Out today to Looe In Cornwall.Only thing I slept all the way there and back.JoyJoyGot breast screening tomorrow and just had a call for another x ray at the end of/July. 

    Hope you are well take care Kiss
