
  • 90 replies
  • 45 subscribers

Hi everyone,

I received a letter this morning informing me that my first appointment for chemo, is Friday 26 June,which is earlier than expected,but in one sense I will be glad to get started.


  • FormerMember

    Hi Georgette 

    I have just had a call to say I start next Thursday,I’m the same as you dr said 2-3 weeks but I will be glad to start.

    I will lose my hair this time so I have been thinking about.So it’s strange after not having treatment for a while then 

    getting your head around things again.Its nice to talk to someone who is going to start about the same time.

      Take care 

  • Hi Peggy,

    Oh it is always good to chat at some stage with someone having chemo at the same time.

    I have been told that my hair may only thin this time, but will be ready if it should come out, as I have a wig from last session 4 years ago. When at home I usually where a hat or scarf. It is not a nice thought losing your hair, but if that is the price of giving me extra time then it will be worth it.

    I hope that the treatment you have will work for you,keeping my fingers crossed.

    Take care,Georgette xx

  • Hi &  That's great you both have dates for the start of your treatment, you both must be so relieved.

    Good luck and I hope chemo for you both is uneventful (if you know what I mean!).

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv


    I also wish you both the best as you start your chemo. It’s never a nice prospect but as you say, Georgette, if the price of more life is side effects then it’s a price worth paying. 

    I have now had the first two weekly sessions of chemo. One more to go and I get my week off. Hurray! 

    Kissing closed eyes 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv

    Thank you anndanv

    Im glad I know I have some treatment now.Just waiting for all the appointment 

    to come now.Its strange after being off for so long.x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thank you Daloni

    Im waiting for the post in the next couple of days.Doc did tell me the names of the chemo

    but in one ear.I have a nurse ringing soon so find out a bit more.Hope you are feeling ok.

    At least I am not in limbo now not looking forward to the loads of steroids though.Wide awake!

         Take care x

  • FormerMember

    Dear and ,

    So so happy the NHS is moving along finally, maybe it was daloni's little pep talk lit the firecrackers I mean really, you are starting on the same day, I think t=all oncologists got a phone call to get going, hope they enjoyed their time off.

    , Yea! you have a week off.  I just went back to back BR treatment yesterday and today.  The truck has now run over me, however, I had my yellow and orange bag filled with goodies and did just fine. AND i had specifically asked for good vein people and they were both terrific, like magic, I did not feel the needle, they both got the line the first time. So i am a Luck Duck especially since that since B is for BENDA which is really mustard gas with a few extra  atoms, if it gets on your skin you get blisters, the nurses come out with it wearing hazmat type uniforms thick gloves, face shields masks under while holding the bag far away from them and then they put it into my veins. Yesterday, the nurse left the bag on the table while she went to do something; she suddenly twirled around pointed her finger at me and said DO NO OPEN THAT BAG!  Ha, she knows Im going to check the dosage and make sure it is correct and I am curious, but  really I'M educated enough NOT TO OPEN THAT BAG!  It made me laugh.  Thats OK I brought both of them dark chocolate macadamia nut candies today to make up for being the unruley 10 year-old!

    Well, you  do have to find your fun where you can when they are infusing mustard gas into your arm. But like I say, I am a Lucky Duck because I am being t treated  and I have hope for better treatments in the future for all of us.

    Take care My Wonderful Gang you are all so very precious and kind.

    xx Hugs,


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Millie

    Mustard gas! That sounds scary. I tell people I am on platinum therapy with the cisplatin. 

    I agree with the principle of getting your fun where you can and also of eating dark chocolate macademia nuts at every opportunity. I think I am going to send my girls out in search of some now. 

    I hope you get through the next few days post poisoning and emerge stronger 

    Lots of love


  • Thank you Annette,

    It is a relief really as I was not really sure how long I would have to wait,even though the Oncologist said about 3 weeks.

    I am now trying to chase up for a CT scan, & all they could offer was a date after I have started chemo. The Oncologist said that she wanted it done prior to chemo starting. Anyway the CT scanner unit did say that they will ring if they get a cancellation otherwise I am in limbo.

    It looks as though the hospitals are getting busier now.

    Take care,

    Georgette xx

  • Hi,

    Thank you Daloni,just want to get started now.

    I hope that your third session goes well,& that you will feel well during your week off.

    Later today I will pickup the item on BBC, I did get on there yesterday but something else cropped up & so it was not completed. Well done anyway for speaking out,definitely necessary under the current situation.

    Take care, xx