
  • 90 replies
  • 45 subscribers

Hi everyone,

I received a letter this morning informing me that my first appointment for chemo, is Friday 26 June,which is earlier than expected,but in one sense I will be glad to get started.


  • Hi Peggy,

    Thank you for your message, so lovely to hear from you. I hope that your chemo works well for you & I know it is worry with the waiting as it always seems so much longer than you anticipate. Unfortunately I cannot help regarding Docetaxel,but hope that you will not get to bad side effects. When you had the immunotherapy drug was this via a cannula like the normal chemos?

    My chemo went ok thanks, I felt happier after I arrived as I had never been to this chemo unit before, but it was very well organized  with a clear  screen dividing patients, but you could still chat to people. I was given 4 steroid tablets plus one anti-sickness drug. First chemo drug took 30 minutes,& the the second one was for an hour, plus of course the 10 minute saline washouts in between. Hopefully if my bloods are ok on the 2nd July then I will get a 30 minute dose of the Gemsar,& then 13 days off,hooray.I have taken 4 steroid today,& then 4 tomorrow & then as you said yourself you expect to feel really low!!! How have you felt though have you reached that tired stage yet?

    Good luck with your future chemo & do let me know how you get on.

    Take care, xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Georgette

    Hello my fellow chemo clubbers 

    Well it’s now just over a week since my last dose of poison, I mean chemo, and I’m just about recovering. My goodness this was a tough one. 

    I had the chemo last Friday, delayed from Thursday after I complained about my lymphoedema and how it’s now making me breathless because of the swelling in my belly. That prompted a massive over reaction from the nurse who organised a barrage of tests that kept me in overnight. I wish I’d kept my mouth shut. They did manage to fit in the chemo the next day so at least I didn’t have to come back another day. 

    At first I felt normal for chemo. But day 3 (Monday) the fatigue truck hit me. I think I spent most of the day asleep and the rest moaning “oh God, oh God, oh God, make it stop”. Tuesday and Wednesday were similar and it wasn’t until Thursday that I felt vaguely human. 

    This was the third of my monthly doses - I’m doing chemo once a week for three weeks followed by a week off. Maybe that explains it. But seriously, I have to wonder whether it’s worth it. This is seriously impacting the quality of my life. If it’s shrinking the cancer I might just be able to do it. If not, well, I’ll just stop. Trouble is I won’t know until the scan at three months. 

    On a jollier note, my niece came on Thursday to pick me up and drive me to her house where I’m being thoroughly spoiled. I’m not lifting a finger. It’s just what I needed.  

    I hope everyone is having a good weekend and coping with their chemo / side effects ok. 


  • Hello Peggy24.

    I had docetaxel a couple of years ago. I do recall having some minor mouth problems but the mouthwash they gave me sorted that. I couldn't taste my food either and that did bother me but I found some things that I could taste. Eggs seemed ok. Lemon drinks with everything as well.

    I never felt sick, just under the weather but I think I could have just been lucky. It's a good drug though, helped me out so I hope for the same results for you.

    Good luck with it, I will be thinking of you.

  • Hello daloni. It's nice that you have surfaced and are seeing a little improvement.

    I would like to take the liberty of saying please stick with it if you can. I think you would possibly be saying that to other chums on here if the positions were reversed.

    It does sound awful but I have always thought that they wouldnt  waste time and money on you if they didn't expect some good to come of it. I do truly believe that.

    Please milk the looking after you are receiving from your niece as long as possible. Then a bit more!

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Norberry



    Having problem with sore feet and legs can’t walk too sore.Rang chemo nurse this 

    morning she said it should get better after a couple of days.They are ringing again 

    tomorrow.Taking oramorph and Paracetamol but still in pain.

    I am drinking lemon too not too bad fingers crossed.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Georgette

    Hi Georgette

    I have been sleeping more since yesterday but trouble with aching legs.Hopefully a few days and it will get better.

    My immunotherapy was the same as having chemo but I had mixed results with it and I did have a infection with my liver at one 

    stage which I had 2 weeks in Hospital.

    Just hoping it’s ok with this.

    Good luck with yours take it easy fingers crossed for you xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    I had docetaxel 8 sessions end of last year ending Feb this year.  I didn't get any sickness but did have terrible bone pain day 5 to approx 12.   I also had constipation- due to the painkillers.   Tiredness was normal.   During the last few sessions got peripheral neuropathy which I still have.  Sounds bad but it didn't seem too bad - that or I just got used to it

    I had 3 month break and just found out mets getting worse again so been offered a trial treatment so have to let them know my decision this week - I'll try anything  once!

    Hope your treatment goes well


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Debs

    Bone pain started yesterday did have problems with my legs on the immunotherapy as well.

    Did you lose your hair too?

    Just got to hope it’s worth it all but better than none.

    im the same I will try anything Take day by day.

    Good luck to you and let us know how you get on, xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    yes I lost all my hair but this did not bother me - in fact looking on the bright side at least I didn't have to worry about getting cut during shielding Slight smile


    Ps thanks I'll let you know how things go

  •  I had 6 cycles of docetoxel towards the end of last year. 

    Days 3/4 things were worst. I took comfort in know that this was temporary. I know I was confused not totally with it until day 6 although I didn't realise myself. Just meant family helped out more 

    Baby shower gel, green tea with ginger. Corsodyl daily mouthwash and plenty of rest were the order of the day. I did get various reactions which chemist/gp helped with, sore eyes etc. Cycle 4 & 5 i had pain oramorph was only required on one or two days.

    It has taken time but effects are a lot better. Efects were only temporary 

    Hope all goes smoothly for you