Not Such Happy Times

  • 37 replies
  • 46 subscribers

So everyone hosp chucked me out & hopefully it will b 4 a while 2 come. Things r not looking up but unfortunately spiralling downhill.

Chemo has now bn stopped with everyone's agreement as it wasn't doing anything & there r no further options. Alien boob wounds have beaten me & my chest is pretty stone like - woke y'day morn 2 sheets of blood - v scary. 

I can't really manage much by myself in the house & trying 2 find a comfy position 2 sleep in is bloomin awful. Y'day was a PJ & tears day - my lovely doc came by 2 c me in the evening.  Brought up so well she took her boots off at the door....with my 2 dogs I bet her hosiery was messier on leaving lol.

Made the decision 2 contact daughter last night & dad was off on 1st train 2 Edinburgh 2 pick her up this morn. Listening 2 ur daughter breaking her heart over the phone whilst trying 2 remain positive was awful. Thankfully at least  one of her flatmates was in so hopefully she was  of some support last night. Uni should b on the ball 2 as I got hold of her tutor. Bless my lass- she passed her final placement assessment y'day Slight smile

No more work 4 me - now that also breaks my heart as u will all know. Haven't broken that yet 2 them. Waiting 2 hear back from HR 2 the nxt steps. My useless boss on hearing I'd nipped in on Wed night send me an email y'day asking when I'd b back...."Haha never sunshine".

No one can put a timescale 2 u'll hear from me 4 a while whilst my phone is stuck 2 my hand & the fingers work 2 type.

Take care & let's have some humour tales - I'm sure I'll think of some.


WB xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    Your humour shines through your posts even in truely awful times, but this is hard to read.

    I'm struggling to find the words but am also so, so sorry for what you're going through. I hope you've have some relief from pain and the distress of your wound, and maybe even some decent sleep.

    Most of all I hope you have some good times with your daughter and husband. xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Me too, WB. Thinking of you and hoping you are comfortable & with your family. Xx 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hello Macmillan family 

    So it's getting harder & harder 2 produce anything positive. I'm unable 2 do much 4 myself. The lymphedema has really taken over my body & the only people who c me r close family & the nurses who c me on a daily basis 2 dress the wound & make sure I need nothing else. My choice. Remember me as I was not as I look now.

    My day consists of getting up, necking down the pills, sitting on my arse, falling asleep & repeating the same. And eating chocs/sweets which r in reaching distance.

    Daughter & sister r fully aware there is no more treatment available- they broke their hearts. Daughter has moved out of her flat in Edinburgh 2day, never 2 return. Uni will sort out the degrees 4 thousands of students so I dont need 2 feel guilty around this.

    Last night I experienced the worst pain ever, none of my breakthrough pain relief was touching it & due 2 Corovirus probs etc we couldn't get through 2 our emergency numbers. Eventually an ambulance & 1st responder car arrived & jabbed me with extra morphine & something 2 calm me down- was in so much distress. Glad daughter didn't c any of it. MST has bn increased 2 100mg twice a day & I have my breakthrough if I need it.

    Will post as & when I can. 

    Take care my dears

    WB xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Dearest w b 

    i have only loving and kind thoughts for you and your family   Thank goodness your daughter is now home 

    a sh****y place you are in ,if only the Macmillan family could teleport you and loved ones (and dogs ) to a pain free warm peaceful place ,but no ,we aren’t  that clever yet 

    thank goodness for MST , i was a pharmacist in a former life and saw how it helped so many

    i really can t say more ,other than sending as much virtual love and positivity 



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Not sure what to say but i Hope your not in pain and I’m glad you are at home with your family.

    I have read your posts in the past and they have always made me smile when things look bad.

    i wish I could wave a wand and make us all well again.

             God bless xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Oh there isn’t much I can say but my heart goes out to you. 

  • Hi WB,

    Thank God for close family, caring nurses, chocolates and sweets.  Hopefully you have a good supply of all of them.  Perhaps with all the other paperwork we have to sort out a list of favourite confectionary should be included so we only get the good stuff.

    It's good to hear that they got your pain relief sorted out but it's a pity it took so long.

    Know that we are all thinking about you.

    Love and hugs,

    Gragon xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hope the pain meds have kicked in WB and you can really enjoy those sweeties Heart

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi WB

    I do feel for your entire household right now. Your poor daughter with such an abrupt end to her degree, the chance to prove herself in final exams taken away, and all the lovely end of university rituals cancelled. And then you in such pain and discomfort. Finally your husband who I guess is having to hold everything together.   

    I am so sorry if this is in poor taste, which it undoubtedly is given the sad news of the death of Kenny Rogers not the least of it, but I have an ear worm. You picked a fine time to leave me, Lucille. Or rather leave us, WB. 

    Much love, a virtual hug and a box of Lindt Lindor 


  • Hi WB, There is not a lot I can say as most of it has been said! However, I am worried about about your pain level! The nurses that are tending to your wound, if they are from your own GP surgery could you ask them to increase your daily MST maybe. That is the same as I am taking plus another pill that helps the nerve pain and I still have to take a breakthrough Sevradol 20mgs plus paracetamol when I need them, so to me it doesn't sound as if you are on the correct dose. Heh what do I know, I'm just trying to help as I know how bad pain can get! Sorry if you've already asked! Maybe they could give you something (just so you have it) to keep in the house in case this happens again. You really shouldn't have to wait that long for relief!

    Sending all my love to you and yours and sending you a gentle hug!

    To ALL, I have just spent ages trying to read lots of posts to get up to date and now my battery is down to 10% so I will need to wait until tomorrow (well later today) to reply! I'd just like to say Hi to the people who have just joined us and I will look forward to chatting later in the week!

    Stay safe everyone! Love Annette x

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!