Not Such Happy Times

  • 37 replies
  • 46 subscribers

So everyone hosp chucked me out & hopefully it will b 4 a while 2 come. Things r not looking up but unfortunately spiralling downhill.

Chemo has now bn stopped with everyone's agreement as it wasn't doing anything & there r no further options. Alien boob wounds have beaten me & my chest is pretty stone like - woke y'day morn 2 sheets of blood - v scary. 

I can't really manage much by myself in the house & trying 2 find a comfy position 2 sleep in is bloomin awful. Y'day was a PJ & tears day - my lovely doc came by 2 c me in the evening.  Brought up so well she took her boots off at the door....with my 2 dogs I bet her hosiery was messier on leaving lol.

Made the decision 2 contact daughter last night & dad was off on 1st train 2 Edinburgh 2 pick her up this morn. Listening 2 ur daughter breaking her heart over the phone whilst trying 2 remain positive was awful. Thankfully at least  one of her flatmates was in so hopefully she was  of some support last night. Uni should b on the ball 2 as I got hold of her tutor. Bless my lass- she passed her final placement assessment y'day Slight smile

No more work 4 me - now that also breaks my heart as u will all know. Haven't broken that yet 2 them. Waiting 2 hear back from HR 2 the nxt steps. My useless boss on hearing I'd nipped in on Wed night send me an email y'day asking when I'd b back...."Haha never sunshine".

No one can put a timescale 2 u'll hear from me 4 a while whilst my phone is stuck 2 my hand & the fingers work 2 type.

Take care & let's have some humour tales - I'm sure I'll think of some.


WB xx

  • Oh wee blonde so sorry to hear your news at least you are at home now and not in hospital so you can do what ever you feel like doing you are an inspiration to everyone the way you battle on and give us all inspiration in the way you always cheer us all up with your sense of humour i do hope things turn up better for you lots of love and cuddles xxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Popgate

    Hi wee blonde so sorry to hear about your troubles and stopping treatment, it really sucks and there are no words.   I hope you get through telling your daughter ok, she sounds quite a girl.  And your friend sounds one in a million too.

    ive no humour today, even after 3 units of blood yesterday, you would think I would be turning cartwheels but no I am on my sofa in pjs fretting about this blooming corona virus!

    sending all my love and give the doggies (and husband) a pat xxxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Wee blonde, sorry to hear your sh***y news but glad to hear you are home from hospital. I hope the docs can give you some meds that allow you to sleep. All the best. Lynn 2 x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Ah that is crap news.  There's nothing I can say that others haven't said already, but I'll say it anyway. I'm glad you are at home rather than in hospital, and that you are able to have your daughter close. I know how important  it is for you that she completes her course and does well. If she has half of your determination, she will do just that. We're all rooting for all of you.

    I hope the docs and nurses can get your pain under control  & sort out convenient dressing changes. (Though I doubt that could ever be convenient! Maybe suitable times is better?)

    Thinking of you. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi WB

    I literally can’t bear to write the sympathy bit and everyone has already said what I want to say. Will you take it as read?

    Maybe I can offer you an image to make you smile instead. I was at the dog field yesterday (well, actually it’s the cricket ground of the rather grand local public school but it’s more often used by dog walkers than cricketeting school boys). I met her brother and another dog owner with two labradoodles. My Noodle is a black and white cockapoo; her brother is golden. The labradoodles were black and golden. They all four ran around in the late afternoon sun, playing and looking like doggy little and larges. It was a sight to behold. 

    With the very gentlest of hugs and lots of love 


  • Funny-ish story to picture in your head.

    We must currently have some baddies in the area, because the police helicopter is low and circling. This means that one of my cats is on HIGH ALERT!

    He's currently running from window to window so that when it goes overhead, if he bombs through to the kitchen he can watch it out back. If it comes back over, he speeds back through here to the sitting room to watch it here. 

    His eyes are wide as saucers, and he's not letting it out of sight, all while going ack, ack, ack as he does at the birds, trying to charm them to him.

    So be as ambitious as him, cause this cat wants to catch a helicopter!!!! 



    I have no medical training, everything I post is an opinion or educated guess. It is not medical advice.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Lass

    I can just picture that Lass - very cute.

  • .

    Hi WB,

    Thinking about you and hoping that you are OK and not in pain.

    Love and hugs,

    Gragon xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Gragon

    Same here, WB. No need to reply. Just feel those good vibes heading up from the Deep South 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    And here too WB nearer to you in Scotland.

    sending love and support xx