Not Such Happy Times

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  • 46 subscribers

So everyone hosp chucked me out & hopefully it will b 4 a while 2 come. Things r not looking up but unfortunately spiralling downhill.

Chemo has now bn stopped with everyone's agreement as it wasn't doing anything & there r no further options. Alien boob wounds have beaten me & my chest is pretty stone like - woke y'day morn 2 sheets of blood - v scary. 

I can't really manage much by myself in the house & trying 2 find a comfy position 2 sleep in is bloomin awful. Y'day was a PJ & tears day - my lovely doc came by 2 c me in the evening.  Brought up so well she took her boots off at the door....with my 2 dogs I bet her hosiery was messier on leaving lol.

Made the decision 2 contact daughter last night & dad was off on 1st train 2 Edinburgh 2 pick her up this morn. Listening 2 ur daughter breaking her heart over the phone whilst trying 2 remain positive was awful. Thankfully at least  one of her flatmates was in so hopefully she was  of some support last night. Uni should b on the ball 2 as I got hold of her tutor. Bless my lass- she passed her final placement assessment y'day Slight smile

No more work 4 me - now that also breaks my heart as u will all know. Haven't broken that yet 2 them. Waiting 2 hear back from HR 2 the nxt steps. My useless boss on hearing I'd nipped in on Wed night send me an email y'day asking when I'd b back...."Haha never sunshine".

No one can put a timescale 2 u'll hear from me 4 a while whilst my phone is stuck 2 my hand & the fingers work 2 type.

Take care & let's have some humour tales - I'm sure I'll think of some.


WB xx

  • Sending you a great big, non painful, squishy hug! 

    I'm afraid my brain is numb from doing too much the other day, as well as sleep at the minute, so no humourous tales are winging their way forward.

    Though I am having a chuckle that lots of people are frantically trying to find toilet paper, and randomly, I'm trying to source rhubarb! Random as ever! 

    Hope you manage to have a lovely day today! 



    I have no medical training, everything I post is an opinion or educated guess. It is not medical advice.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Lass

    Dearest wee blonde

    what can i say ?  This disease is vile ,and sh—-ty

    can only send love and wish you as many lovely family days as possible with dogs too !

    can t find humour today ,sorry

    much love ,cuddles and anything you d like



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Lass

    Lass my friend told me she was at the cash n carry the other day.  She said it was so busy like Christmas except no one was buying gifts.  She was in for wine!

    Thanks for letting us know how you are wee blonde.  I am so sorry to hear of your situation. Thinking about you.

  • Aw 

    What awful news you were given, everyone seems to be singing from the same hymn sheet except for your idiotic boss. You have occasionally mentioned her going back a bit. Can you cut her some slack as she heard you were in on Wednesday night? I'd like to think that when she hears the latest, she'll be round to see you. 

    I don't mean to be a spoilsport but would someone contact admin to see how the land lies regarding funny stories?

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • Hi WB, Firstly congratulations to your daughter passing her final placement assessment, you must be so proud of her! It’s the worst feeling ever, having to tell your son/daughter cancer news. It is something I will never forget and we told them both face to face.  To have to do that by phone, when you couldn’t give her a cuddle would definitely heartbreaking! Is that her home now? Will she stay with you for a while if that’s her exams finished? Does she have in mind what she wants to do?

    I do know how much you enjoyed your work, I was the same but I think my bosses were a bit more sympathetic than yours seem to be. In saying that, since I officially left work, I have had two visits only from two of the 8 staff I worked with for over fourteen years. I was very hurt at the time but now realise, some people just can’t handle it!

    I’m sorry to say, the funny stories have eluded me at the moment but I’ll put my thinking cap on and get back to you! 
    Just thought, maybe like Sheena’s friend going to the cash & carry for wine, maybe you could get a friend to go for you to stock up with whatever your favourite drink is!!!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Oh , i can hear your pain. Life sucks sometimes. I'm glad you're not alone at home. And about you little alien boob ( or may not little idk) can they not give you some more pain meds? As a good sleep would help.

    Wish you all the best, Pet

  • FormerMember

    So sorry to hear this you have been such an inspiration to us all and I am sure you will continue to be. 

    My thoughts are with you and your family I have to say I am glad I was eventually given a mastectomy as I could not have coped with the alien boob. 

    I would like to hope that the doctors can at least get on top of the pain control so you can have some rest. 

    It's not easy to think of anything funny at times like these but we have to try. 

    Sending thoughts of love and peace as you have family time. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Evening all.

    New nurse bound my wound so tight that I really dont think I can get into bed so going off 2 the sofa with blankets & pillows. And that's with a top up of lovely pink pills.

    Haven't yet had that "conversation" with daughter yet. Her & dad arrived home at 4.30pm - a quick hug & other things took over & then I fell asleep later in evening & everyone was also tired.

    Although daughter has passed that assignment she still has a "mini: dissertation 2 get done yet prior 2 graduation but Uni will sort that out - I do have my timings eh? Never mind my health worries it's just ma babe that concerns me.

    HR have broken my non-return 2 the main bosses. My immediate line manager is a bloke - soz 2 put down all blokes but he's tots useless. My HR contact is brill & will look out the best financial situation 4 us - makes me sound greedy but family can't survive on fresh air.

    My good chum was back & forth 2 the house 2day with clothes that did & didn't fit when I put out a plea of "can u get me some bigger clothes" - 3 times this angel appeared even armed with a Costa 2 recharge our batteries  (well not mine cos I dont drink tea or coffee, just fruit coolers).

    Ok. It's off 2 the sofa. Cant attempt the bed.

    Might speak later cos I doubt I'll b sleeping 

    WB xx

  • Hi WB, I do hope you don't get to read this until the morning which will mean you got to sleep! Maybe next time the nurse comes, would it be an idea for you to go to the bedroom to get your wound dressed, then you won't have to sleep on the sofa! That's what I did. I asked her to make me the last call of the day so that I wasn't going to bed fifteen minutes after I got up! If you know what I mean! She started at first coming at the crack of dawn but then once I asked if she could come a bit later, she came after dinner time ( because she was ten minutes drive away and said she didn't mind! What a treasure she was) and when she came, she brought me two "morphine lollipops" (yes really!) to suck while she was changing the dressing! I thought she was kidding when she said she'd bring them but they really do exist!

    I'm sure your daughter will do fine with her mini dissertation as she is her mother's daughter!!! Good luck with the conversation!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Glad you are home WB, hope you can get comfy. Keeping you in my thoughts. 

    Take care xx

    Flowerlady x