• 32 replies
  • 43 subscribers

Hi Everyone,

I'm just letting you know I'm back from a terrific holiday. While away, the WiFi didn't work too well, so I didn't manage to keep up with what's been happening to you all! I put my iPad on and logged into my email account, ready to catch up on all that's been going on with you all. However, there were no notifications from the site at all. I looked in my Junk Folder and there was 1 from the Travel Insurance Group and that was it!

I have written to Admin asking for help but thought that in the meantime, I'd let you know the position and hopefully you can fill me in with how things are!

At the weekend, our granddaughter was 8 and it was a full day of activities (of course, I could only watch) from leaving the house at 9.30am and arriving home at 6.30pm! I was shattered but in a good way! However slept almost all day yesterday, so this was me just now hoping to catch up on you all! I had a scan last Friday and have another, next Monday, a nice welcome home present.

The weather while we have been away, we have discovered was quite horrendous with rain, sleet, snow and gales for the majority of the time, while we had beautiful sunshine, blue skies and it was very hot the whole time we were away, apart from 3/4 very misty days!

Looking forward to hearing how you all are!

  • Hi

    That's brilliant, you have a good team looking after you, now you need to look after yourself and your husband

    Take care

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv

    Hi yes the grand children are a real incentive to keep going no matter what. My grand daughter was not keen to go back to school after half term and came up with the solution of her staying here with Nana and grand dad while the others went home. We saw them again this weekend and she now thinks we should buy a house near them. I was just remarking to my husband that if England decides to close schools we might have to do something as my daughter and son in law will need to work. But at least we know one person will be very happy.

    My daughter is now quite concerned that this illness I have had since 23rd January and spent 2 nightmare weeks in hospital before refusing to isreturn. Is actually the Coronavirus. Although I have had every anti biotic known to man and many blood tests I still have a dry persistent cough which is driving me mad, a high temperature and breathing difficulties. I have told her surely they would have tested for it but in light of the problems I had and that it was early in the spread she thinks they probably have not. I do hope not as although due to being too ill I have stayed home most of the time I have had visitors and visited people and would feel terrible if I had spread it to anyone. I can find nothing on line about how long it lasts and am wondering if I should ring and just ask if I have been tested. 

    I guess if we get it due to our immunology problems and the cancer we are of higher risk. 

  • Hi Maz

    Yes, we are at risk because we have immunology problems and I think you should ring 111 or whatever the latest advice is EXCEPT self-isolate. If you have the corona virus then you will probably need to be on a ventilator. 

    Maz, you'd be well entitled to contact the NHS with your symptoms. I think you should, if only to rule it out. I promise you that if I were you, I'd get in touch. 

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • That sounds scary, but yes i would ring them and ask. Just to make sure.

    All the best, Pet

  • Hi &  It's good you are taking sensible measures to make sure you are virus free! Of Tvman, wouldn't you just love to have the company of your wife all day, just for a while? And no we are not all the same, I can assure you! I love my husband being semi retired and being at home with me, I suppose we are very lucky and still enjoy one another's company after 48+ years!We do a lot together. Ruth It's great your consultant is looking after you and making sure you have your supply of your treatment drug! As Tvman said, it's such a shame that your daughter may have to change her arrangements but at least they are just postponed and not cancelled.

    My husband and I got text messages from our GP surgery today saying that the surgery is not making appointments for at least the next few weeks. However mine ended by saying, if I have any problems I think I need medical advice for, just to phone and I can have a telephone consultation. This paragraph wasn't on my husband's text! I've got two appointments tomorrow (Fri) and another scan on Monday! As I don't see my oncologist now until end April, I may postpone the scan on Monday!

    Stay virus free please everyone!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi  How old is your granddaughter who wants a house near you? Is she even at High School Yet!!! They see everything with such easy solutions!

    On a more serious note, if you think there is even the slightest chance you have this virus, please ring your surgery or hospital for advice ASAP. If it was me, I certainly wouldn't hesitate if I thought there was even the slightest chance as I'd know then one way or another if it's just a bad cold or not. Especially when you say your daughter will need help if the schools do close. Surely you wouldn't consider looking after grandchildren without being tested, so you know for sure. Then the whole family will be relieved. If you do have it, you will receive the best of care and if not, your daughter and family can visit without stress!

    I think we are all high risk because of our reduced immune system due to treatment! I think we should ALL pray often! It can't do any harm!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv

    My Grand daughter is only 8 and I think her thinking was more that she either moved in with us or we moved near to her. Of course she would miss her mum dad and brother after the first few hours. 

    I have been thinking about the virus thing and as my husband and family have been looking after me for at least 6 weeks now I think one of them would have got it by now if I had it. I have also been in quarantine just because I am too ill to go out for most of that time and the advice is only to stay in for 14 days.  The advice is to ring 111 so I have tried that and been on hold several times until I have nodded off so I think the system is just overloaded at present. 

    I am unsure what else I can do but I will keep myself in quarantine again this week and go to my appointment on Thursday with the oncologist and ask if any of the tests already done were for the virus and if I need any as at least I can then say it is not that. At present I think people would not want someone with my symptoms anywhere near them. I will keep away from the other patients when I go for my appointment and I can send his secretary an email pre appointment but it is unlikely they will be able to contact him pre appointment. 

    I can only do my best but rest assured I will try not to go near anyone until I get some answers. 

  • Hi If it’s been going on for a while, it is unlikely it will be the current virus, I certainly hope so. Good luck on Thursday, please let us know how it goes!

    Our eldest granddaughter was 8 last Sunday and she tries to be so grown up most of the time but then comes in to our house and says “Gran, could you knit me another poncho but for my other smaller doll this time please? She doesn’t like borrowing clothes from my other doll!” What can you say but Of Course I can!!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman

    Well my GP got back to me and was able to tell me no test for Coronavirus has been done that she can see.

    My bloods from last week show raised infection markers and for some reason my white cells and neutrophils have dropped significantly which I was surprised about as I am off my meds. 

    However in order to get a test you have to go to A&E and she strongly advised against it. She does not think I have it but thinks I am likely to get it or something as harmful if i go to hospital. Apparently GP's can not do testing and there is no private testing either. 

    The advice is to stay home and wait till I see the oncologist again. As I feel quite ill and totally shattered staying in will probably do me some good so I will do as told. 

    My daughter's work has closed down today as there was a case on another floor. But they have been taking there laptops home with them since the outbreak started and told to work from home if needed. They have also been told that if the schools close they can do their hours around child care and just log what they do. Her husband works for the NHS and surprise, surprise they have no contingency plans in place. 

    She also pointed out that if they don't test people it keeps the number of confirmed cases down. 

    Keep dodging the bugs everyone 

  • Hi Maz

    Sorry to hear that you're still feeling ill. I'm thinking that you should be within your rights to call a GP out to see you, you can't go to a&e so I don't see why not. I watched something about the Corona virus tonight on channel 4 and a doctor was saying that the reason why people are being asked to stay at home is because the NHS doesn't have enough protective gear for the staff. That sounds true to me. 

    We were talking tonight when the news was all about the virus and I said then that if they don't test people, how on earth are we going to know how many people in the UK have/had the disease? How many were tested and how many people had it?

    Also they're banging on about the graph and the peaks, so again, how are we supposed to know if their policy is right or not when we won't have peaks to compare? I'm sure we'll be told that the government was correct, without any evidence!

    Get well soon Maz

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.