• 32 replies
  • 43 subscribers

Hi Everyone,

I'm just letting you know I'm back from a terrific holiday. While away, the WiFi didn't work too well, so I didn't manage to keep up with what's been happening to you all! I put my iPad on and logged into my email account, ready to catch up on all that's been going on with you all. However, there were no notifications from the site at all. I looked in my Junk Folder and there was 1 from the Travel Insurance Group and that was it!

I have written to Admin asking for help but thought that in the meantime, I'd let you know the position and hopefully you can fill me in with how things are!

At the weekend, our granddaughter was 8 and it was a full day of activities (of course, I could only watch) from leaving the house at 9.30am and arriving home at 6.30pm! I was shattered but in a good way! However slept almost all day yesterday, so this was me just now hoping to catch up on you all! I had a scan last Friday and have another, next Monday, a nice welcome home present.

The weather while we have been away, we have discovered was quite horrendous with rain, sleet, snow and gales for the majority of the time, while we had beautiful sunshine, blue skies and it was very hot the whole time we were away, apart from 3/4 very misty days!

Looking forward to hearing how you all are!

  • Hi  yes February is a great month to go away, we have been holidaying at that time of year for about 16/17 years now because firstly it helps my osteoarthritis and secondly, as you say, it is great to come back to lighter nights and the daffodils etc pushing through which makes you think spring is just around the corner, thirdly, I couldn't take the heat during the summer months, in fact we had quite a few days while we were there when it WAS too hot as it was 20/24 most days and coming from Scotland about 16/18 is hot enough for me! I'm so pleased you enjoyed your break, the treatment is doing well and especially the new drugs seem to be working to keep your blood pressure in check, long may it last!

    Good luck with your scans, I have another one on Monday but my appointment for the oncologist has been changed from beginning of April to about the 23rd so it will be a bit of a wait for the results, I hope you get yours much sooner. 

    I do hope that by June things with this virus will be well under control and the wedding goes ahead as planned. Our daughter got married on 2nd June, 10 years ago this year. It is a lovely month for a wedding, have you bought your outfit yet? 

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi &

    Thank you for your replies, yes it is a reality check to co e back to scans, appointments etc but as it will be 7 years this year since my incurable diagnosis, I'm just so grateful I'm still here. I do wish I had a bit better quality of life when I could sleep at night and be a bit (or a lot) more mobile but i guess you can't have everything! I am well past my sell by date of Jan14!

    I just love spending time with our grandchildren and I wouldn't change that for anything. When we got home our youngest granddaughter (4) said "I really missed you, you and grandad have been away all YEAR," Then before I could answer her, her older sister (8) said " Oh Ella, don't exaggerate, they've not been away for the whole year, it was six weeks but it did seem a long time!"  What can you say to that, it is nice to be missed but we were actually only away for 22days! Stay well! 

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • PS  Does anyone know where the "delete" button has gone, that used to be there when you pressed "more" at the bottom of your reply? I now only have an "edit" which doesn't seem to work! I'm certain I only pressed send ONCE!!!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Annette

    There you are, awake at between 3 and 4, back to usual because of pain? Me too. Did you get a full night's sleep when you were away? Or at least more? 

    My "delete" button is there, although a little further down. I believe that button isn't there sometimes for me because I can remember that on a couple of occasions I have had to go to "edit" then manually delete a post by putting my finger on tha backspace key and holding it there until the post was deleted. This may sound daft but my first thought was that I couldn't remember a "delete" button being there ever! 

    It's so infuriating when a post disappears! I had that more in the early days and admin told me a couple of times that I should open a word document and type it in that and then copy and paste into the site. Of course that's always going to work but I use my phone mostly and the previous one didn't have Word on it. Not enough space.

    I find that I would lose a post if I go off it to look back at a previous post to remind myself what someone had written, especially if I am replying to more than one person. What I ALWAYS do now if I go off wandering around, no matter whether I have written one paragraph or 6 (more likely!) I click on the very end of what I have written and "select all" comes up, so I click on that and then click on"copy" then I know I can go a wanderin' knowing that if I come back looking for it and it's gone, then I always have my half, or mostly written post on my clipboard so I can paste it back in to a new reply. That's how I tackle the problem, it'll always work unless I do something stupid like copy something else because then I'll lose what I had on the clipboard ie the hall or mostly written post! 

    No, you're saying, you wouldn't do that. Unfortunately that HAS happened in the past, more than once, doh!

    The Word solution will always work, no worries about going a wanderin' because Word is an outside solution and always a solution. Sorry for a short story Annette! 

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • Good morning Tvman, Well it's now 7.15 and I'm still awake! I was off doing jigsaws and reading my Kindle for a while but thought I'd check in before I try to get to sleep again!

    The answers to your questions are, yes I'm awake because of pain and no being on holiday didn't make me sleep any better but at least there, I could go back to bed whenever I felt like it. The Spanish siesta time really was great, at least I got to rest then to recharge my batteries! I suppose, like yourself, I've just got used to having less sleep. Some days I can still function and others I find it really difficult!

    The delete word was nowhere in sight on screen and, like you, I thought I'd just go in to edit and delete it manually. However, it wouldn't let me edit it either! A nice welcome back eh? Oh I'll figure it out eventually or delete will just appear again like magic, I hope!

    Hope you are asleep, I'm going to try again, my eyes feel sore, I'm so tired! Problem is, we are going out later so I don't want to look like a half shut knife!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Annette

    I never got back to sleep either, I'm dozing now so that will help prevent sore eyes. I know exactly what you mean by sore eyes, if I don't get enough sleep they sting and by then it's daylight and difficult to get over to sleep so next my brain gets a little fuzzy. The best remedy? An early night and some quality shut-eye.

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • Hi,

    I have post phoned my MRI and CT for another 2 months.

    i am avoiding going to the hospital and we are are going to stay home from Saturday for a couple of weeks.

    we are playing safe.

    i do need my cancer tablets lenvatinib and have asked my consultant if they can be sent to my GP surgery so I do not have to go to Bristol to collect them.

    he said he is going to ask the pharmacy if they can do it 

    I will wait and see.

    he said he can have telephone consultation with me. I had a telephone call with my GP to get my tablets prescribed last week and that worked well.



  • Hi Annette,

    i am happy to wait and delay appointments as I feel well at the moment .

    my daughter is being very good about delaying her wedding if she has to and has taken out insurance in case it has to be cancelled also her honeymoon 

    it is disappointing when you have looking forward to something for 18 months.

    i haven’t bought my outfit but have a good idea of the sort dress I want 

    we just want to keep free of this virus as I have serious lung problems and my husband is over 70.

    we did walk our daughters dogs yesterday and have a lunch planned at a small local restaurant tomorrow then we will stay home. I did a big on line shop so we have plenty of food and supplies.

    hope you can all keep yourselves virus free 

    love Ruth 


  • Hi

    I'd say that you have made a very sensible decision to self isolate with your husband. Cases of corona virus are low in the UK but that doesn't mean they're going to stay that way. 

    I'm sad for your daughter that she may have to postpone the wedding and honeymoon but again, a wise head on her shoulders. There is a risk, albeit low at the moment, that people may get infected and I presume that there will be a lot of elderly people there who cannot run the risk of infection for obvious reasons. 

    It's also extremely important that you do not put your life in danger as you have serious lung problems and your husband must not flirt with danger either. My wife and I are both in our 60s, is that old? I have heart disease and I have low neutrophils at times because I have a blood cancer so I have little or no fight against a virus so clearly I will self-isolate at the drop of a hat. My wife doesn't have respiratory system problems or heart problems, she just moans a lot, but don't they all? Lol. The PM in the republic of Ireland has just announced that all schools colleges and childcare facilities are to close from tomorrow

     My wife is a classroom assistant in a school here in Northern Ireland so if we follow suit I may have my wife here 24/7. Omg!

    Take care Ruth

    Tvman xx 

    Love life and family.
  • Hi 

    thanks for the reply.

    Good news my consultant has been brilliant and ordered me 2 months of lenvatinib and the pharmacy has just phoned me and they will deliver it to my home address by special delivery in the next few days so I should get it early next week.

    it just shows that things can be organised if you ask.
