Fluid Fluid Everywhere!

  • 43 replies
  • 44 subscribers

So no I haven't wet myself (2 my knowledge) but I have so much extra fluid!!!

The lymphedema in the left arm isn't draining away despite the compression sleeve/glove, gentle exercises & light fluttery massage - so big fat tight Popeye arm is still there. Right arm has also got a slight bit of puffiness - out in sympathy??

And finally got the results of last month's scan & my right lung has more fluid in it - what can we do about that, if anything asked I? Well if I start 2 get breathless at rest (already a bit out of breath on exertion) then they might drain the lung...bleurghh. Don't fancy the sound of that but if needs must & it gives some relief....Has anyone bn on the receiving end of this?

As usual scan results frustrating- liver & lungs no change & extremely stable. However, considerable deterioration 2 the chest wall & the lymph nodes under the arm (which is wot's causing m lymphedema prob. 

Onc hasn't given up on my treatment yet & I will get my nxt 4 x chemo rounds, maybe more if a)I'm still breathing b)it's still having some effect c)bloods r ok.

2day was frustrating as I attempted 2 go shopping 2 get some clothes that fit & a jacket I could get Popeye into & also get out of independently - ended up with a man's puffa jacket in large!!!!! Now I'm only 4ft 11" & was a size 10/12/14 b4 all this most recent caper, so u can imagine how glam I look. Up until last summer I was a shopaholic so think how many articles of clothing I possess- most of which will never c the light of day again.

On another sad note. I'm tentatively looking at selling my car as that's another thing I wont b able 2 use again- flippin depressing or wot :( . No point in us being a 3 car family if there's only 2 drivers. Daughter did suggest I trade cars with her - errrr nope!

Night all

WB xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to ruthjp


    You are right of course. I have met some truly wonderful nurses. The one who had me helpless with laugher putting on compression stockings when I was in hospital with a kidney infection. The one who spotted me looking lost and directed me to the right clinic. She had her overcoat on and I didn’t know she was a nurse until she opened the clinic room door to invite me in. It was the pre op check for the hysterectomy and when I left, she gave me a hug. I was so scared and it made all the difference. I could go on. A nurse who sees the person and acts with skill as well as kindness can make such a positive difference. 

    Good luck with building the raised bed,


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    So all, I need the intro music from the likes of Big Brother. Day 7 in hospital, North East Scotland...

    Finally! A consultant has said "get that drain box changed" - bn dragging around this 3/4 full clear box of my lung guts. Heavy & cumbersome as anything & pretty gross 2bh. He also insisted I b sent 4 my latest chest scan just as lunch was being served - hence I came back 2 a tepid lunch. But 2 b fair it was the best meal of my stay. Full turkey xmas dinner bar the hats haha.

    Last night's sleep however was the worst between horrific pain & a feeling of helplessness (missed my teddy I think), so I had some tears. No big girl pants y'day.

    My name board has kindly bn brightened up by my visitors 2day - cousin's daughter is a 20 year old student teacher. So now have my name in a Caribbean setting with me in a boat clutching a cocktail. Will the nurse notice??  

    Will wait & c wot time I get dressings changed 2day. Not soaked through yet & lucky me it's the same grumpy nurse on duty...

    Off 2 plug in my headphones & listen 2 Spotify & drown out the asthmatic chest infection splatter uppers whilst reading a mindless chick lit novel.

    Take care buds & hope it's a reasonably ok day 4 everyone 

    WB xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi WB 

    I see you’re seeking out the smiles where you can but, jeez Louise, it sounds grim. You have my sympathy, should you want it. 

    Would it cheer you up to hear about my weekend or just make things worse? I’ll take a punt on it cheering you up.

    I have had a friend visiting while my younger daughter has been away and it’s been nice but exhausting. We had a fantastic walk in some local woods with Noodle yesterday afternoon. She had the best time, running along the paths as fast as she could and checking out the undergrowth on either side. We found a huge sequoia, it would easily need a dozen pairs of arms to encircle it. In the evening we went to London for dinner and a show. London was choc-a-bloc. No sign of the corona virus affecting tourism here. The Book of Mormon was funny, dinner at The Ivy delicious and I was pooped when I got home. 

    I was a bit grumpy this morning but chirped up after breakfast and another muddy walk. The air feels like spring all of a sudden. Then I had a family arrive for a second viewing of the house. Parents, three kids and grandparents. I was worried they were going to say the house was too small after they’d filled it up with so many people. The kids ran around like they owned the place and Noodle played a blinder, charming everyone in sight and sitting obediently for the three year old to feed her treats. They left saying they’d be in touch with the estate agent on Monday with an offer. It’s very exciting. 

    Then shopping. Then another short walk. So now I’m finally sitting down. I’m absolutely pooped. Tomorrow I’ve a trip up to London to see the haematology nurses.  

    Wishing you all the best for a painless sleep filled night 


  • I felt so emotional when an off duty nurse helped me get my mother into my car outside the hospital when I clearly was not coping trying to do it. She was so kind I had been there with her for 8 hours and was exhausted.

    lovely you had a super time in London so good we can njoy life and successful to sell your house I sold my mums house and Romberg the relief when I accepted the offer after a bit of negotiation.

    good news for me they have finally found me an anti hypertensive called Doxazosin so I ma back on the lenvatinib which gives me some hope again 

    love to you all

    i have had phone call and email consultations to avoid the crowds and waiting rooms which has worked well 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    wot an action packed weekend. No wonder ur the proverbial "pooped". Have heard that Mormon was funny but as it's a weeee trip doon 2 London I doubt I'll c it. Our last in the west end was Matilda. 

    Fingers crossed on the house sale. Sometimes it's even those that u dont think show much interest that put in the bids. Have u somewhere lined up or is it a tent on the green with Noodle? 

    Missing ma dogs dreadfully but plenty of pics being sent by hubster.

    Everyone pray 4 my escape 2morrow- have that sense of doom that it might b Tuesday now but hey ho. My boss sent me an email asking when I might b back as he's missing my organisational skills - aka he's having 2 do all the paperwork...

    Speak later chickens

    WB xx

  • My fingers are tightly crossed for you Mrs! Hope you get out tomorrow and are well enough to be released, not that you just flee the scene! Lol

    Mormon is currently touring, I'm seeing it next month here in Leeds. So it might come to somewhere nearer that's more feasible! Toes are crossed for that one! 



    I have no medical training, everything I post is an opinion or educated guess. It is not medical advice.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi WB

    I am praying hard! I do hope you get home. 

    Much as a tent with Noodle sounds fun, I do have a house lined up. It’s three doors down from my niece who is desperate for us to live close by. Isn’t that lovely? It has a garden, views out onto a green and dog walking fields right by the side. It’s further out of Norwich city than I’d like but ticks every other box. Our offer has been accepted. 


  • Sounds ideal I hope it works out for you 



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to ruthjp

    Escape plan! One more night, so I'm told. Just need the final part of the procedure- pop this talc in & then shake & wiggle 2 make sure it seals all the gaps. So another big needle in the back 2day & another day of hosp food...

    Everyone cross their fingers 4 me cos this Blondie wants 2 go home

    WB xx

  • Hi

    Do you need the needle in the back to help you with eating the hospital food? Ha ha.

    Let's hope you're being ferried back to Moray tomorrow morning. My fingers are crossed!

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.