Fluid Fluid Everywhere!

  • 43 replies
  • 44 subscribers

So no I haven't wet myself (2 my knowledge) but I have so much extra fluid!!!

The lymphedema in the left arm isn't draining away despite the compression sleeve/glove, gentle exercises & light fluttery massage - so big fat tight Popeye arm is still there. Right arm has also got a slight bit of puffiness - out in sympathy??

And finally got the results of last month's scan & my right lung has more fluid in it - what can we do about that, if anything asked I? Well if I start 2 get breathless at rest (already a bit out of breath on exertion) then they might drain the lung...bleurghh. Don't fancy the sound of that but if needs must & it gives some relief....Has anyone bn on the receiving end of this?

As usual scan results frustrating- liver & lungs no change & extremely stable. However, considerable deterioration 2 the chest wall & the lymph nodes under the arm (which is wot's causing m lymphedema prob. 

Onc hasn't given up on my treatment yet & I will get my nxt 4 x chemo rounds, maybe more if a)I'm still breathing b)it's still having some effect c)bloods r ok.

2day was frustrating as I attempted 2 go shopping 2 get some clothes that fit & a jacket I could get Popeye into & also get out of independently - ended up with a man's puffa jacket in large!!!!! Now I'm only 4ft 11" & was a size 10/12/14 b4 all this most recent caper, so u can imagine how glam I look. Up until last summer I was a shopaholic so think how many articles of clothing I possess- most of which will never c the light of day again.

On another sad note. I'm tentatively looking at selling my car as that's another thing I wont b able 2 use again- flippin depressing or wot :( . No point in us being a 3 car family if there's only 2 drivers. Daughter did suggest I trade cars with her - errrr nope!

Night all

WB xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Just wondering if anyone has bn done 4 murdering the nursing staff. This one from Glasgow not content with waking us all at 6.30am with full lights, wants 2 "defankle" us as she unravels her machine 2 take obs & then calls us all her chickens!!!

    Oh p*** off! I've had v little sleep & slept at an awkward angle so really ache. My bladder is full & the thought of trying 2 "tumble" out of bed in full view of everyone (no option on this ward 2 leave them shut awhile) is not one I'm looking 4ward 2. 

    And getting the BP done on my lesser of the 2 swollen arms felt like she was killinteg me.

    Can u tell I'm in a rubbish mood so far 2day?

    Give me a happy pill..

    Cheey bye

    WB xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    You may have to do some research before you kill the nurse.  Is the food better in prison, or what the hospital ward like.

    Anyway you can’t cos you have a graduation to get to.  And you will.  Us mums are made of strong stuff.

    hope you are getting a bit of relief now .

    Two heartsTwo hearts

  • Uma Thurman got away with it in "Kill Bill".  Of course I'm not certain that the film was based on a true story?

    Would this be the start of an international rampage or would you be planning to keep it local?

    Gragon.  xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Gragon

    Think I may also b murdering some staff 2!

    Told nurses this morn that dressing on alien boob area would need 2 b freshened up - not the whole thing just the top 2 layers first thing 2day. Was told " u came 2 this ward with dressings" - err nope I didn't. 

    Oh well we will check with other ward. They had none left. We will check with stores. It's now 4.52pm & my clothes r wet - aaaaaggghhhh. Poor hubbie needs 2 go on the search 4 more unstinky wet clothes again. This is so degrading. I sat 4 a couple of hours 1/2 dressed thinking they would b back soon. Gave up eventually & got fully dressed. 

    Do hospitals have any dressings? 

    Irate/angry of Moray!!!

    WB xx

  • Hi

    What a disgrace, (mis) treating you like that. Is it poor nursing or is it the fault of the hospital supplies dept? 

    Get the laptop out and fire off an immediate curt email to top brass. Reminds me of treatment dished out to another member, Maz59. 

    There's no excuse for degrading treatment, ask one of the nurses how they would feel

    Angry of Northern Ireland xx

    Love life and family.
  • Dear WB

    In my head, I now think of you as Warrior blonde. Hope they are looking after you properly now, and that you can go home soon


    Flowerlady x
  • I don't think the B should stand for blonde either. 

    I'm sure imaginations could come up with a few options, mine has, but they aren't for posting. Lol



    I have no medical training, everything I post is an opinion or educated guess. It is not medical advice.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Lass

    Hi WB

    It’s the powerlessness that always gets me in hospital. For example, at home I’m deemed perfectly capable of managing my various medications but get into hospital and they want to take them all off me and dole them back out. Some of the nurses seem positively to enjoy this disempowerment and I react badly to it every time and find myself acting like a sulky teenager. And then I hate myself. 

    None of which is to suggest that you are in any way acting like a sulky teenager and I really think you are within your rights to cook up a murder on ward six plot. Mind you, so many of the traditional weapons have been rendered useless for the job. A good clunk round the head with an old fashioned steel bedpan might have done the job. You’re not going to get far with a cardboard version. I don’t think the paper curtains are strong enough to strangle anyone either. 

    Stay strong. Get comfy. 


  • I feel the same. Lately I am on so many tablets I think they give up and let me have my own sometimes they send the pharmacist round and check them and make me sign a form and sometimes they don’t seem to bother.

    some of the nurses seem to just enjoy wheeling the machine round and take your obs and won’t tell you what it says it makes them feel powerful.

    i say this knowing there are some nice nurses and I am an ex nurse 


  • Hi all

    On the last elbow operation visit to hospital, the nurse decided not to give me a particular tablet, can't remember what it was, but it had been prescribed for me by a cardiac doctor and I protested vigorously without being rude, loud or over the top. Why did she think she had the right to do that? She didn't, and I won my case. Her reason was feeble and frankly incorrect. 

    I've a pre op appointment with the same orthopedic surgeon on Tuesday, I think. The 10th it is. He's going to try to do something with my cubital tunnel syndrome in my left elbow, I need the same done with my right elbow too, but when he gave me the option 2 years ago (yes, things in the orthopedic sector run abominably slowly in Northern Ireland) I chose the left because it's the most painful. I'm trying to cut back on MST so my daily total of tablets is 24. Down from 30! Cubital tunnel syndrome in the elbow is similar to carpal tunnel syndrome in the wrist but more painful because the area of pain and numbness is larger, from the elbow to the hand. Truthfully, I have been woken 3 times a night with pain for 4 years. 

    Last Friday was my trip to the cancer unit and my bloods are pretty good, obviously poor in terms of normality, but neutropenia is far away but that's probably because I have an infection which has kept me in bed for a week and a half. I have lost my team that I have had for 4 years but my contact now and for the near future will be a specialist nurse, trained in the art of deciphering blood cancer. She's enthusiastic, knowledgeable and sympathetic, seems to know her stuff. I'm happy with her and of course she's happy with me, she couldn't have a better patient Slight smile

    Ok, lunchtime now, a little vegetable soup (I heard my wife chopping veg) and then I think I'll make a beeline into the veg garden and make a raised bed! Wish me luck.

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.