Fluid Fluid Everywhere!

  • 43 replies
  • 44 subscribers

So no I haven't wet myself (2 my knowledge) but I have so much extra fluid!!!

The lymphedema in the left arm isn't draining away despite the compression sleeve/glove, gentle exercises & light fluttery massage - so big fat tight Popeye arm is still there. Right arm has also got a slight bit of puffiness - out in sympathy??

And finally got the results of last month's scan & my right lung has more fluid in it - what can we do about that, if anything asked I? Well if I start 2 get breathless at rest (already a bit out of breath on exertion) then they might drain the lung...bleurghh. Don't fancy the sound of that but if needs must & it gives some relief....Has anyone bn on the receiving end of this?

As usual scan results frustrating- liver & lungs no change & extremely stable. However, considerable deterioration 2 the chest wall & the lymph nodes under the arm (which is wot's causing m lymphedema prob. 

Onc hasn't given up on my treatment yet & I will get my nxt 4 x chemo rounds, maybe more if a)I'm still breathing b)it's still having some effect c)bloods r ok.

2day was frustrating as I attempted 2 go shopping 2 get some clothes that fit & a jacket I could get Popeye into & also get out of independently - ended up with a man's puffa jacket in large!!!!! Now I'm only 4ft 11" & was a size 10/12/14 b4 all this most recent caper, so u can imagine how glam I look. Up until last summer I was a shopaholic so think how many articles of clothing I possess- most of which will never c the light of day again.

On another sad note. I'm tentatively looking at selling my car as that's another thing I wont b able 2 use again- flippin depressing or wot :( . No point in us being a 3 car family if there's only 2 drivers. Daughter did suggest I trade cars with her - errrr nope!

Night all

WB xx

  • Hi ,

    I'm so sorry that you are having such a hard time of it recently but I hope they manage to get on top of the lymphedema.  I'm sorry to hear about it not reducing.  I must admit I struggle to understand how it works and why it is so difficult to reduce it or get rid of it.

    I'm also pleased to hear that your oncologist still has your back and I would be really grateful if you could please keep on breathing.  Hopefully the treatment still works and your bloods are good.

    I'm just watching the weather forecast and from the look of it no matter how many cars you have you might not be driving much in your area.  The snow will probably just miss us but if it does fall it is likely to be comparatively light.  I dread not being able to drive as we are a one car family and although where we live we are not badly served by trains and busses it would still be a major inconvenience as not everywhere or everyone we want to visit is at the other end of these train and bus routes.

    In respect of the clothing what we need on here is a computer person to set up a clothes exchange given how much the members of this site change size.  I know that lots of people go up and down due to steroids, as well as their various conditions.  Personally I'm losing a couple of kilo's every couple of months without dieting. I've still got a long way to go before I reach what would be considered a reasonable weight and doubt many people would want my 5XL cast offs (unless they want accommodation rather than clothes!)

    Perhaps it is time to discover the joys of e bay.  I know a number of people who put lots of clothing items on e bay and almost get addicted to it ending up looking for more and more things that they can sell.

    Sending love and hugs,

    Gragon xx

  • FormerMember


    it sounds as though you’ve had a very frustrating week, I have had a similar one myself so can sympathise with you.

    i have been thinking about your clothing dilemma, given that your arm is swollen perhaps a cardigan with bell sleeves might be a solution, I googled imaged it and there seems to be a variety of different types both long and three quarter length. You could wear a padded gilet over the top for warmth. As someone who has to be accessible to the medical profession at all times !!! Clothing has become a bete noire of mine. I have a completely different wardrobe now !

    im sorry to hear you might have to give up your car, but hopefully with the money you save on running costs  it will be enough to pay for taxis etc, but I understand it’s the loss of independence that’s the real issue,

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Oh that sounds rotten weeblonde, I do sympathise.  I wonder if the chemo makes the fluid worse as it does not help with healing.

    i have fluid on my right lung also and a cough.  They seem to not worry about it too much so I don’t know how bad it has to get before they drain it.  But remember being breathless on exertion can be from low RBC from the chemo, so it could be that? That’s easy fixed with a transfusion.

    im sorry about the car too, I can still remember the first car I bought, the feeling of independence was exhilarating, so I know selling your car will be a tough step to take but maybe you can spend the money on something nice.

    hope it’s not too muddy and snowy up with you, we are having a nice day for a change so I might try for some fresh air, long may it last, love heather xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thanks everyone.

    Onc & the team had hoped the chemo might help the lymphedema but only had 2 rounds so maybe time yet???

    Have bought some enormous cardigans- again I bought a large grey one - its cosy, has wide sleeves but I could fit about 3 or 4 normal size me in it lol.

    Weather is actually fine up the far north. Bit windy 2day & y'day there were a few snowy showers but ground was 2 wet 4 it 2 lie. The family have abandoned me 4 the day & gone 2 Perth 2 watch the football (belated 85th birthday prezzie 4 f-i-l). So I'm having 2 pay my 13th year old nephew 2 help me walk the dogs - my sister is glad that he will manage 2 leave his beloved X-box 4 an hour or so.

    We shall c how the bloods r 2wards the end of nxt week as we aim 4 chemo #3. Have managed 2 avoid a transfusion since my last hosp admission in Oct. Last time it was the platelets that delayed things by a week.

    Enjoy rest of weekend peeps

    WB xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Sending you a hug Wee Blonde xxxxxx 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    I have beeb off the site for a few days so I missed your latest tribulations. What can I say except crap, crap, crap. 

    I have just had a wardrobe clear out too as there are clothes I’ll never get into again with the lymphoedema in my legs and belly. Mine is slightly better now I’m on blood thinners but I think it will always be there. I did find a lovely pair of wide leg cropped trousers in rust red chunky corduroy on Very for £9. Comfy, almost stylish, good enough fit. I’m a happy bunny. 

    Lots of love. Do keep up the breathing. In, out, in, out 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    things haven't really got any better 2bh. Woke this morn 2 an email from my BCN who reported the platelets were low again & therefore chemo #3 has bn deferred 4 a week aaaaaggghhhhhhh.

    Right hand is driving me up the wall as as it swells as well & I think my knee is now swelling- has someone got a bicycle pump & is randomly inflating bits of me?

    Nurses were due 2 swab alien boob y'day but one nurse hadn't passed this on 2 the other so they didn't have a kit with them so it'll get swabbed 2morrow & will have 2 wait till nxt week 4 results grrrrr.

    Getting a bit more breathless - Onc had said right lung had more fluid in it & it may need drained if it starts affecting me at rest- bleurghh. 

    Anyway this weekend I should have (hosp admission excepted) an author talk 2 attend on Fri night & a curry farewell night 4 a colleague on Sat night - good things! Attempting 2 sell my car on Sat - wont b driving again so lets flog it now & get the money 4 it - so sad as my memories of independence go.

    Enjoy ur weekend everyone:)


    WB xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    Lordy there aren’t many fun bits to this malarkey. You’re going to end up like the Michelin man if you carry on inflating like this. Sorry to hear about the chemo delay and alien boob and I don’t even want to think about the loss of your car and associated independence.

    I hope you make it to the author talk and the curry. I’ve got a fun weekend lined up. I’m going with some girlfriends to help one of our number pick a mother of the bride outfit - she has a personal shopper appointment at a big department store. We will laugh a lot. Then a friend is throwing a charity gala to raise funds for her London marathon charity. Sunday I’ve got free tickets to take a friend to the Stitch Show, celebrating all things sewy, knitty and crochety. Will I last the course? 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    sounds like a busy but brill weekend planned - just the sort of excitement we need. I love the clothes bit, it's amazing how many laughs it raises.

    just woken 2 find that as usual I'd left the flippin bedside light on all night whilst clutching my latest novel having read barely a page. My dear husband suffers nearly every night as I fall asleep & 4get 2 switch off the light - I have tried a timer but I'm usually still awake & end up grumbling cos I cant reset the light.

    Right I might manage a couple of hours more sleep b4 the district nurses come 2 peel off the layers of dressings whilst i winst & grit my teeth - big girl pants me thinks!!!

    Have a good time & a massive laugh with the girlie crew


    WB xx

  • Good luck with the nurses WB. 

    And as a suggestion, maybe once the car is sold you could use a bit of the cash to buy a back-lit kindle? That way the pages you are reading are lit up and no light in the room is required. 



    I have no medical training, everything I post is an opinion or educated guess. It is not medical advice.