Fluid Fluid Everywhere!

  • 43 replies
  • 44 subscribers

So no I haven't wet myself (2 my knowledge) but I have so much extra fluid!!!

The lymphedema in the left arm isn't draining away despite the compression sleeve/glove, gentle exercises & light fluttery massage - so big fat tight Popeye arm is still there. Right arm has also got a slight bit of puffiness - out in sympathy??

And finally got the results of last month's scan & my right lung has more fluid in it - what can we do about that, if anything asked I? Well if I start 2 get breathless at rest (already a bit out of breath on exertion) then they might drain the lung...bleurghh. Don't fancy the sound of that but if needs must & it gives some relief....Has anyone bn on the receiving end of this?

As usual scan results frustrating- liver & lungs no change & extremely stable. However, considerable deterioration 2 the chest wall & the lymph nodes under the arm (which is wot's causing m lymphedema prob. 

Onc hasn't given up on my treatment yet & I will get my nxt 4 x chemo rounds, maybe more if a)I'm still breathing b)it's still having some effect c)bloods r ok.

2day was frustrating as I attempted 2 go shopping 2 get some clothes that fit & a jacket I could get Popeye into & also get out of independently - ended up with a man's puffa jacket in large!!!!! Now I'm only 4ft 11" & was a size 10/12/14 b4 all this most recent caper, so u can imagine how glam I look. Up until last summer I was a shopaholic so think how many articles of clothing I possess- most of which will never c the light of day again.

On another sad note. I'm tentatively looking at selling my car as that's another thing I wont b able 2 use again- flippin depressing or wot :( . No point in us being a 3 car family if there's only 2 drivers. Daughter did suggest I trade cars with her - errrr nope!

Night all

WB xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman

    Actually I never left Moray! I'm in our local hosp that is 2mins drive from the house. Always takes longer 2 pack my drugs than the journey.

    Just had the talc bit & the rolling of me - left, flat, right & back 2 sitting in chair when I protested I'd had enough. So the last possible gunk then 2morrow b4 i lose Dwayne the Drain - thought it might go 2day.

    So keep my spirits up 4 24hrs more then HOME!!!!!!

    WB xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Bother! I have pins and needles from all the crossing. I’m going to have to try again tomorrow for you. Be gone, vile gunk! 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Shakespeare speak - "out damn gunk!"

    Swab of alien taken now, cos 2day's dressing removal had a tinge of green - pls pls no more delays...

    Ne'er mind. 'Tis pouring with rain & probs better inside - but the view from my windows r considerable better than the hospital's. Shall we start running a wee sweepstake?


    WB xx