Fluid Fluid Everywhere!

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  • 44 subscribers

So no I haven't wet myself (2 my knowledge) but I have so much extra fluid!!!

The lymphedema in the left arm isn't draining away despite the compression sleeve/glove, gentle exercises & light fluttery massage - so big fat tight Popeye arm is still there. Right arm has also got a slight bit of puffiness - out in sympathy??

And finally got the results of last month's scan & my right lung has more fluid in it - what can we do about that, if anything asked I? Well if I start 2 get breathless at rest (already a bit out of breath on exertion) then they might drain the lung...bleurghh. Don't fancy the sound of that but if needs must & it gives some relief....Has anyone bn on the receiving end of this?

As usual scan results frustrating- liver & lungs no change & extremely stable. However, considerable deterioration 2 the chest wall & the lymph nodes under the arm (which is wot's causing m lymphedema prob. 

Onc hasn't given up on my treatment yet & I will get my nxt 4 x chemo rounds, maybe more if a)I'm still breathing b)it's still having some effect c)bloods r ok.

2day was frustrating as I attempted 2 go shopping 2 get some clothes that fit & a jacket I could get Popeye into & also get out of independently - ended up with a man's puffa jacket in large!!!!! Now I'm only 4ft 11" & was a size 10/12/14 b4 all this most recent caper, so u can imagine how glam I look. Up until last summer I was a shopaholic so think how many articles of clothing I possess- most of which will never c the light of day again.

On another sad note. I'm tentatively looking at selling my car as that's another thing I wont b able 2 use again- flippin depressing or wot :( . No point in us being a 3 car family if there's only 2 drivers. Daughter did suggest I trade cars with her - errrr nope!

Night all

WB xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Lass

    Thanks Lass

    I've got an ipad & a tablet that I can read books on but being a library assistant I do prefer my paper books. Love being the user of a brand new book & being Scots, grudge buying books- particularly as I only ever read fiction once (cooking books I drool over). Although our library does have ebooks & e-audio books we can download r free.

    Poor hubbie is used 2 this light & it's made worse by it having this energy saving bulb in it that lights up the entire room!!!!! Have suggested separate rooms but nope - guess he loves regardless. He also hates the bed cos we have an electric bed - tells me he cant get comfy on it. Hmmmmm is that why he snores his wee head off usually 10/15 mins after lying down???

    Better get up I suppose

    WB xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi WB

    is the fluid any better? Sorry about the car hun.  The gift that keeps on giving!,!

    hows your daughter doing at Uni.?

    your hubby sounds like a goon an.

  • FormerMember


    Sorry, I'm late to the party (as usual!) and you may have had the fluid drained from your lung by now! I first had it done due to breathlessness and 'a small pocket' of fluid on my right lung - it was fine! They did it via ultrasound and a small aspiration needle into my back at the base of the lung. I did find out that doctors obviously have large pockets as they took off 1.5 litres! 

    It did hurt a bit for a couple of hours afterwards as if they take too much too fast, the lung can have difficulty inflating to fill the gap and goes into spasm for a bit. However, it was bearable and certainly gave some relief, although temporary. In October I was fitted with a permanent chest drain on the right side and we drain from it every other day - we get about 0.5litres each time. The DNs used to come and do it and redress but my OH and I do it ourselves now, which makes it a lot easier.

    In February, the fluid on my left lung started to increase (I had a pleurodesis done in June 2017 which had kept this stable previously) so I had a chest drain put in that side too - we milk that one twice a week at the moment and get another 0.5litres each time! I'm now nicknamed Daisy or Cathy Two tubes! I've also got fluid round my heart, so I've just started diuretics to see if that can be kept down or it might need draining too! I still get very breathless on exertion (if you can call getting dressed exertion!)  despite the draining but I have oxygen at home to help. 

    The only thing my body seems to be good at these days is producing fluid and bunging it in places it shouldn't be! I have developed severe lymphoedema in my unaffected side -arm, hand and breast over the past few months, and my lower legs aren't much better - my feet do a good impression of piggy trotters a lot of the time! I have various gloves, gauntlets, sleeves and socks to wrestle with and I'm not sure they do a hugely good job... 

    I'm now off all chemo as I've come to the end of what they can find without searching under the kitchen sink for Mr Muscle drain blocker, and I've been given less than 6 months. I'm not keeping the oncologist to his word though - I have ballet tickets booked until next February, and I'm buggered if I'm wasting the money! Oh, and I've got an enormous wool stash to use up before I go!!!

    Sorry to hear that you're in Hotel NHS at the moment - fingers crossed that it won't be a prolonged stay. 

    I feel your pain with the car - I wasn't able to drive due to steroid induced cataracts and deteriorating vision due to chemo. Recently had the cataracts done, so I can now see beautifully, only for them to find brain Mets just before Christmas, so I've had to surrender my driving licence for fear of seizures, despite the fact that they are asymptomatic at present! The loss of independence has been a major blow - worse than anything else that cancer has thrown at me! 

    Anyway, enough rambling - hope some of it has been vaguely useful. Now I want mini Cheddars...

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Cathy u sound a lot like me!

    My draining procedure is due this afternoon along with a move 2 another ward who can cope with this. Doc is hopeful I will get some immediate relief. The prob I cause them is with my fungating alien boob wound that covers my whole chest & migrates round both sides 2 the left & right...pretty yucky really.

    I also am badly affected by lymphedema which has got worse over the last couple of weeks. Now the wearer of 2 sexy white stockings in addition 2 my left arm sleeve.

    Vampires just bn 4 bloods - 2 attempts & eventually used tiny vein in my wrist- ouch!!!!!!!!!

    Also at the point 2bh where they r thinking of stopping the chemo. My ultimate goal was 2 get 2 daughter's graduation on June 30th in Edinburgh but it's looking harder & harder.

    Nearly lunchtime- day revolves around the trolley - 8am, noon & 5pm. Food is pretty ghastly but thankfully I can request sandwiches & baked tatties...otherwise I'd starve :).

    Take care buds & wish me luck 4 2day

    WB xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Good Luck WB xxxxxx 

  • Hi WB,

    I hope that the drain went well for you today and that it did give you some immediate relief.  Do you go back to your original ward or do they keep you where you are to monitor the drain!

    The trouble with the food in hospitals is that I'm sure it is reasonably OK when it leaves the kitchen but by the time it reaches the wards it has undergone a transformation.  I was once offered an omelette which must have been kept on the warm plate for at least half an hour as it looked like a leather elbow patch for a mans jacket!  Mashed potato may be nice and fluffy when it goes into the trolley but it has the consistency of clay by the time it comes out.

    Could I also remind you that you do not cause a "problem" for the staff there, you are their reason for being there in the first place.  You are an opportunity for them to improve their knowledge and skills and they should love you like we do.

    I hope you have a restful night,

    love and hugs,

    Gragon xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Gragon

    Hi WB

    How was it? Can you breathe more easily? Is the new ward nice? Sending love and hugs 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Gragon

    Evening , et all.

    I survived the drain but omg it was sore. Loved how we ran over possible events that might happen during procedure when filling in consent form. I needed extra anaesthetic, consultant had 2 make a larger incision, blood spewed down back as she nicked a wee vein (& over clothing, floor & chair) & student nurse had 2 leave cubicle  b4 he fainted. And it flippin hurt & still does- hence I'm sitting in a seat contemplating how (if) I'm  gonna get into bed...I can only sleep on my back due 2 alien boobs wounds & I currently have a tap in my back!

    Have moved wards as this one is closer 2 on-call docs. Unfortunately 3 of the women have breathing issues so earlier it was nebulisers on mass & now its coughing continually.

    Re: food. Last night's gammon & peaches (not pineapple but peaches in hosp) was well overdone...so a struggle. 2day it was back 2 the chicken mayo sarnie 4 lunch  & baked tattie & cheese 4 dinner - which of course had gone 2 my old ward.

    Moan moan moan! I'm not a happy bunny am I? Such is life. But I can at least breathe slightly easier & hold a conversation having lost 1100ml of gunk etc in less than an hour. Still filling up nicely now I'm switched back on again. Had 2 turn me off 4 a bit as they dont want 2 much 2 escape 2 quickly haha.

    Night buds

    WB xx

  • Oh WB you're a trooper wow, you still got your humor !!! I hope somehow you will be able to sleep with all that noise and drain and wound. I really hope so. Well, the food, but see is brings you a bit happiness so enjoy it.

    Wishing you all the best, Pet

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    That all sounds completely miserable for you WB but here you are with your banter which I always enjoy reading (not the horrible procedures you are going through but the way you tell it).

    I take my hat off to you.

    I so hope you have managed to get into a good position and are more comfortable.