
  • 38 replies
  • 43 subscribers

Christmas--that magic blanket that wraps itself about us, that something so intangible that it is like a fragrance. It may weave a spell of nostalgia. Christmas may be a day of feasting, or of prayer, but always it will be a day of remembrance--a day in which we think of everything we have ever loved."

Ellie x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to IamLyn

    Thank you . It sounds like you have a full schedule coming up. What’s a bone juice! I hope it goes smoothly and that your veins behave! 

  • Yes, I wondered what bone juice was too! Something I've never heard of! Hope they find another suitable vein! X

    Wow! That was an early start but all for a good cause! Hope you can join them on the sofa with chocolate tomorrow! Hope it went well today! X

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!

    Sorry I call my monthly infusion re Alendronic  Acid/Zodalex my bone juice.  It is supposed to strengthen my bones.  Takes 20mins for infusion then 10 to flush through. I call it that to the BCN's as well.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to IamLyn

    Dear all,,

    I take Forteo for my poor bones had a spontaneous vertebrae fracture a few months after bendamustine (a derivative of mustard gas for Pete’s sake) and Rituxan.  I have a dexa in 5 months to see how I’m (vertebrae) are doing. 

    Getting ready to tackle garden tomorrow I ll take some before photos. And then weeks after the cleanup. 

    Cheers to all for a Happy New Year!


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to IamLyn

    Aha! I imagined it was something like that but curious to find out. Thanks for explaining Blush

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    Best of luck and blessings on your new trial. May it be a healing and soothing balm in the end. How long is your trip? Stocked up with your share of chocolate for emergencies and medicinal purposes ? Keep us posted on your progress in this new opportunity for healing. 

    May the force be with you! The force being all the good will  that is embracing you from al us in the forum.

    with Hugs and Love


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thank you, Millie. I’m feeling the force. 

    I managed to get back to my family yesterday. We are in Norwich currently with my nieces. It was a three hour trip door to door and, my goodness, it was a struggle. I was in a staggering amount of pain. 

    I have woken this morning and although I’m not out of bed yet, I can feel that the patches and pregabalin have started to work. I’m not pain free but I think I can face the day. You should see my bedside table with its array of bottles, blister packs and syringes! 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    You seem to have incredible resources to draw on, but that amount of pain is terrible to imagine. Have everything crossed that the patches and pregabalin help a lot, although I've heard pregabalin has unpleasant side effects.

    It's good to know you're back with your nieces and hope that you'll rally enough to have some family fun however briefly. Sending love and very best wishes as this trial is underway despite all the challenges and curved balls in the run up.  xx

  • Hi 

    Yes, I'll post a photo when I finish the jigsaw. At the moment it's below my bed, it was on the dining room table and I had to roll it up and put it away. Know what I'm talking about?. Well, my daughter bought me the roll up technology for last Christmas. It's a piece of cloth that you do the jigsaw on and if you need the space for something like a Christmas dinner then you have 3 or 4 plastic pieces that when fitted together look like a large rolling pin, put it at the end and pull the end of the cloth over the rolling pin and just roll and keep rolling until you reach the other end. 

    I had a couple of problems because the jigsaw gets drawn towards the rolling pin and crumples up a little, so I have a few repair jobs to attend to and I will of course post a photo of the large rolling pin as well.

    Good luck with your trial, you don't need to worry about the girls and the dog, they're in good hands.


    Of course I know that you would have given me your support, for you not to support me is NEVER going to happen, you are a lovely lovely lady who will always support me, as well as others.

    I wasn't on site at all yesterday because we had an early start to take my eldest to the boat to go back to Aberdeen and then my wife, my other son (who lives with us at home) and I went to Belfast City Centre for a day of shopping.

    I'm so pleased that you were able to get to your daughter's house and make the children's day. What beautiful children to say that to Santa, your story is bringing tears to people on the site and I am proud to say that I had a tear in my eyes as I read your account, I'm not afraid to say that why not? I have emotions the same as others, your story would touch anyone with a pulse.


    I know that if you had read my post, you too would have added your support, no doubt about that. I hope you enjoyed your Christmas and thank you for the love in my direction, of course I'm sending love in your direction too. 

    And to everyone, I want to send my best wishes for a happy and healthy New year. Or as healthy as possible Slight smile

    Oh and Millie , I've just heard on the news on TV that a helicopter has crashed on a mountain on your island, I think, killing 6 people I believe. I'm so sad that such an accident has occurred near you at this time of year, you'll remember that each year, as will I.

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • Hi 

    Yes, I'll post a photo when I finish the jigsaw. At the moment it's below my bed, it was on the dining room table and I had to roll it up and put it away. Know what I'm talking about?. Well, my daughter bought me the roll up technology for last Christmas. It's a piece of cloth that you do the jigsaw on and if you need the space for something like a Christmas dinner then you have 3 or 4 plastic pieces that when fitted together look like a large rolling pin, put it at the end and pull the end of the cloth over the rolling pin and just roll and keep rolling until you reach the other end. 

    I had a couple of problems because the jigsaw gets drawn towards the rolling pin and crumples up a little, so I have a few repair jobs to attend to and I will of course post a photo of the large rolling pin as well.

    Good luck with your trial, you don't need to worry about the girls and the dog, they're in good hands.


    Of course I know that you would have given me your support, for you not to support me is NEVER going to happen, you are a lovely lovely lady who will always support me, as well as others.

    I wasn't on site at all yesterday because we had an early start to take my eldest to the boat to go back to Aberdeen and then my wife, my other son (who lives with us at home) and I went to Belfast City Centre for a day of shopping.

    I'm so pleased that you were able to get to your daughter's house and make the children's day. What beautiful children to say that to Santa, your story is bringing tears to people on the site and I am proud to say that I had a tear in my eyes as I read your account, I'm not afraid to say that why not? I have emotions the same as others, your story would touch anyone with a pulse.


    I know that if you had read my post, you too would have added your support, no doubt about that. I hope you had a good Christmas. Thank you for your love in my direction and of course I will send my love

    I wish everyone a happy, and as healthy as possible New Year.

    Oh and Millie , I've just heard on TV that a helicopter has crashed on a mountain on your island killing 6 people I believe. I send my heartfelt best wishes to you and an accident like that will be remembered every year at this time, I'm sure I'll remember too. 

    Love to all

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.