
  • 38 replies
  • 43 subscribers

Christmas--that magic blanket that wraps itself about us, that something so intangible that it is like a fragrance. It may weave a spell of nostalgia. Christmas may be a day of feasting, or of prayer, but always it will be a day of remembrance--a day in which we think of everything we have ever loved."

Ellie x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman

    So pleased you managed to rise to the occasion , atta boy!

    I've been a bit tearful too in the run up to Christmas, but am so grateful for the wonderful family day we had yesterday.

    Hospital for bloods today and results tomorrow. All the signs are that the chemo is no longer working as well, but hoping to have a bit longer before starting IV chemo again.

    Hope everyone has a peaceful Boxing Day xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman

    Ah that’s good . Today sounds like a lovely day. 

    I’ve just finished the Christmas jigsaw puzzle - a nice nativity scene that I picked up in the charity shop. Most satisfying. Now for some tea 


  • Hi

    I've only about 150 pieces left to do of a 2000 piece jigsaw. My wife bought it for me, it's of a map of the world from around the 18th century. It's significant because it's exactly the same jigsaw that Viv's (Aultone's) grandson bought at the fete in the Cathedral of the Dems on the day I met Viv, his wife, son and grandson the summer before last.

    Poor Viv didn't live long after that, yet he was so full of life that day. Do you remember him? He was a great big man, so easy to chat with.

    On the day I was recently diagnosed with neutropenia, my wife came home with another 2000 piece jigsaw, so plenty to do these days for me, including working with my plan of the inside of the polytunnel. Not much done, little by little, baby steps.

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman


    I do remember Viv! I didn’t meet him but he came across as a lovely guy on the community. That really must be a special jigsaw puzzle. Will you post a photo when you’re done? 

    Our puzzle was just 500 pieces and it was quite enough for us. 

    Enjoy your Boxing Day 


  • Hi Folks, As usual, no notification and I've just "found" this thread! Sorry Tvman, you know if I had seen it, I'd have replied to give you my support!! Talking about teary, it's definitely the time of the year! It's the Carols that get me, every time, even although I think I'm ready for them and can manage through them, the tears just seem to come from nowhere when I least expect it! Away in a Manger, Oh Holy Night, Silent Night, they and a few more always do it to me!

    Your Day sounded lovely with your sons being there, it must be so hard not seeing them often, especially at this time of year. I'm pleased when I got to the end of the thread, you were feeling better and enjoyed you fantastic (I'm sure it was) meal! My husband and I had a late breakfast, opened our prezies then went to my daughters along the road! I hadn't seen the girls for three weeks because I wasn't well at all and didn't want to take the chance of infecting anyone especially so close to Christmas. Before we got to the door we heard the girls shouting with glee! Mum, Grandad is here and Gran is with him Yippee! When we went in they came over beside my chair and Ella (4yrs) said to her sister Leah (7yrs) " Go on Leah, you tell her!" It seems they saw Santa on Christmas Eve and told him they didn't mind if they didn't get the surprises they asked for but could he please make Gran better for Christmas Day because Christmas is not just about presents, it's about family and if I wasn't there, it wouldn't be the same!! How I kept the tears at bay, I really don't know! All afternoon, either one or the other was sitting beside me on the chair! I felt so loved!

    Our daughter told us later when we were ready to leave that the girls hadn't told her what they said to Santa at the Coffee shop, so she had a problem keeping her tears away as well! Today we saw our grandson and he sat holding my hand and rubbing my back! He's 5 and a real boys boy, so that was so unusual but great! I usually get a kiss & hug hello and goodbye buy he's usually not a cuddle type of boy, not like the girls, so that made it extra special!

    Tvman & everyone here, we are here so let's make the best of it and enjoy every minute!

    How long can your sons stay for before they have to go back to work and Uni? I hope it's quite a long break!

    Love to all. No sleep for me tonight. Been doing my jigsaws so now I'll move onto my book! I do hope you are all asleep by now!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv

    Hi Annette,

    what a sweet story. I wonder how Santa kept the tears at bay? I wonder if your darling granddaughters’ visit will be the one that makes the job feel really worthwhile? 

    I am up and out the house early, sitting on the train from Norwich to London. It’s the start day for this latest clinical trial. I’ve left my girls and the dog with my sister and brothers in law. I think they’ll mostly sit around in their pyjamas eating chocolate today. It’s what I’d do given the choice. 

    Love to all 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Oh my heart! What a lovely story! Contrast with my 4 year old niece who asked Santa for a glass bottle and a pair of scissors lol (what about me????)

    I am rooting for you today, this is the ONE! Here is hoping it is effective with zero side effects, sending all my love

    Heart so sorry I did not offer you my support when you needed it, I hope you are doing ok and it sounds like you had a lovely day in the end,  more love in Northern Ireland direction Heart️ and we will see what the new year brings xxxx

  • Hi,

    i am glad you had a lovely Christmas with your grandchildren and well enough to join in.

    we had a lovely time nd still, have our grown up children here and all the dogs.

    the money for my sister. Her share of the house is now stuck in New York on its way to her account.. shame it is such a hassle sending money abroad.

    we spoke on face time to her and to outer niece who is also abroad.

    my brother phoned but it was odd with just the 4 of us and no Mum 

    Happy New Year everyone 



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to ruthjp

    Hi Ruth

    I’m glad you had a nice time. The first Christmas without your mum is the hardest. I hope you felt her there in spirit 


  • What a beautiful thing to say - I am not sure I could have not cried x

    Fingers, toes, arms, legs in fact everything I can cross for you for the trial

    I am glad you had a nice day.

    Hope everyone is ok today.

    I finally have heard have a full on bone scan 6th Jan and then Pet/CT scan the following week - and then Blood test and Bone juice the week after. Oh my poor veins, I think I will ask them to find other ones rather than the crook of my arms to give them a break. Scanxiety attack next week I think.

    Hope the tags on your names come out its my first time trying it. 

    Much love