Still positive

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  • 45 subscribers

.Ok here gos bit of a strange appointment today the cancer on my shoulder has completely gone . But I have a few small nodes (cant think what it is called it the bit that your food gos down in2 your stomach) kidney cyst/mass is now being called a lesion is still same size n still no follow up .throat nothing was said n I 4got to ask . But they have found something on my left arm they r now saying  cancer is now in my bones n got to go 4 a bonescan to c how much in2 the bone it is . Treatment she said all they can offer me is hormone therapy (letrozole) n there is 1 more that only came out in june July which she wants to keep 4 a later date. I've been put on a bone strengthening drug n been givin antibiotic today as my temperature is up n down . There mayb chance of another lot of chemo further down the line but not 100% I feel it was a positive appointment  Fingers crossed tone1hoping  hormone therapy works well 4 me



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    You can get the overnight ferry to Amsterdam from Port of Tyne.

  • Thrre you go then! Lol. 2 things to add to the list. 

    1. Learn to swim. 

    2. Get a train to France for a long weekend or more. Depending on how adventurous you feel, and what your treatment regime is doing, you could do a European tour just by train. Or if you can drive, or have someone who can go that can drive, cars can go on the Eurotunnel too. 

    But there are amazing things to be seen, experienced, and done all through the UK too. (it's just often nicer weather on the continent! Lol)

    Whatever you do, just enjoy it. That's what counts. 



    I have no medical training, everything I post is an opinion or educated guess. It is not medical advice.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Lass

    Hi lass 

    Just never entered my head about the train omg 53 years old  n not once did I think of that Hugging 



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    I'm In Essex 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    Talking of trains and travel, I think I’m probably done with flying. I took two return flights this summer and both times my legs and abdomen swelled up. I came hone from a weekend in Amsterdam 3kg heavier (nearly half a stone) heavier and it wasn’t all stroopwaffles. It was very uncomfortable, I couldn’t kneel when I came home as my legs were so swollen. 

    So I’m going to be looking at trains next time I travel. I’m quite excited by the idea in fact 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi daloni and fellow travellers

    i m scared of infections ,so went on a cruise from Southampton ,still picked up rotten snotty cold , still blowing nose 2 weeks later ,but much more relaxing without airports 

    never say never ,but I think trains are way forward 


  • The train system abroad, particularly Holland and Germany, is top class. I have yet to have a train late on arrival, and have travelled by train quite a bit. They are comfortable and clean, but don't make the mistake of getting in a "quiet" coach and talking - they will soon tell you to be quiet haha

    Per Ardua Ad Astra
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to John Boy2


    I had my first experience of train travel in The Netherlands last month. It was great. I loved sitting on the top deck of a double decker train in particular. 

    I can’t speak for Germany but I can speak about Serbia and Bulgaria. I took a sleeper from Belgrade to Montenegro about 10 years ago. Neither the train nor the track had been updated since the 1980s and a supposed 8 hour journey took 13 hours. We were halted unexpectedly for over an hour in Podgorica where the temperature (at 1am) was still over 30 degrees and there was no air con. The buffet car served Turkish coffee, beer and slivovitz but little else.  It was definitely an adventure. 

    I took another train from Sofia to Belgrade in 1999. I shared a carriage with a couple of women who were importing clothes. As we approached the border to Serbia, they put on about five layers of clothes to hide the amount they were bringing in, then put a €10 note into their passports before handing them to the border guards who came to inspect our documents. You’d be unlikely to see that on a plane. 


  • Yes, travelling by various means in different countries is always an eye opener. Haven't done any travelling in Eastern Europe as, for a long time, not allowed to visit due to being in HM Forces (RAF) working on classified (at the time) equipment. However, have been to places such as The Azores and Belize - definitely different

    Per Ardua Ad Astra
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to John Boy2

    Hi John boy2

    I will remember not to get the quite coach

    Kym xx