Still positive

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  • 45 subscribers

.Ok here gos bit of a strange appointment today the cancer on my shoulder has completely gone . But I have a few small nodes (cant think what it is called it the bit that your food gos down in2 your stomach) kidney cyst/mass is now being called a lesion is still same size n still no follow up .throat nothing was said n I 4got to ask . But they have found something on my left arm they r now saying  cancer is now in my bones n got to go 4 a bonescan to c how much in2 the bone it is . Treatment she said all they can offer me is hormone therapy (letrozole) n there is 1 more that only came out in june July which she wants to keep 4 a later date. I've been put on a bone strengthening drug n been givin antibiotic today as my temperature is up n down . There mayb chance of another lot of chemo further down the line but not 100% I feel it was a positive appointment  Fingers crossed tone1hoping  hormone therapy works well 4 me



  • Fingers crossed for you Kym66


    Flowerlady x
  • FormerMember

    Very pleased to hear your news. 

  • Hi it must be so good to hear any positive news so pleased for you and they are also still offering you other treatments as well I would also take as a positive so pleased for you I had my scan on Tues and I am booked with my consultant next Thurs and I am expecting the worse as usual but I keep fighting on as I hope everybody else does fingers crossed for you xxx

  • FormerMember


    That sounds a real mixed bag but on balance with some positives to pick out and focus on. I hope the hormone therapy works well for you. When do you start on that? It’s tablets, isn’t it? 

    I imagine you’ll be feeling tired and physically quite low if you have a fluctuating temperature and an infection. I hope the antibiotics will help. 

    Take it easy while all this new information from the meeting settles down. I always find it takes a few days for my feelings to settle after days like this. 

    Lots of love 


  • Hi Kym

    You have a lot going on there and it's great to hear that you are staying positive. 

    Hopefully the bone strengthening drug does the job and also the hormone therapy works well. 

    I think the word you can't remember is the oesophagus, a friend of mine had her oesophagus removed because of cancer and she was chatting away to me the other day. 

    My wife's cousin has been diagnosed with it also but he has been told he can't have his removed because of a number of cancerous nodes. He has started chemo and we'll know better in a few weeks. He's hopeful that it works, so if you have it, I hope you make it 3 out of 3 Slight smile

    Take care Kym

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman


    Gullet is easier to spell than osofa, oesopho, oesopha...


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to flowerlady

    Thank you flowerlady 

    Kym xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thank you maybug 

    Kym xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Popgate

    Thank you pop gate good luck with your scan and appointment  I will be thinking of you 

    Kym xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Daloni 

    Yes a very mixed bag still have words ringing in my head there was a lot said this morning I will write down what was said (it helps me to write down for next appointment anything I didnt understand or any questions I may have )

    Hormone therapy tablets she started me on yesterday they r called letrozole  she did say a new one came our in june/july I cant think or the name she did say something about getting funding for me (I'm at a lost on what that means that will b on my question list )  she also referred me to a dermatologist  as I started to get sores all over my head  they do bleed abit mainly at night I must wiggle my head alot while asleep 

    Last week been sleeping on n off all day n night more on than off she check my obs while I was there n only concerned over temperature 37.6 and that I on day 8 of chemo I said I will keep an eye on it n if didnt go down i will b back to A&E  

    She also ask about my job I said even thou I've been off sick since February I still dont want to give it up I need that focus my goal to go back even part time or at least reduce hours 

    Kym xxx