Still positive

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  • 45 subscribers

.Ok here gos bit of a strange appointment today the cancer on my shoulder has completely gone . But I have a few small nodes (cant think what it is called it the bit that your food gos down in2 your stomach) kidney cyst/mass is now being called a lesion is still same size n still no follow up .throat nothing was said n I 4got to ask . But they have found something on my left arm they r now saying  cancer is now in my bones n got to go 4 a bonescan to c how much in2 the bone it is . Treatment she said all they can offer me is hormone therapy (letrozole) n there is 1 more that only came out in june July which she wants to keep 4 a later date. I've been put on a bone strengthening drug n been givin antibiotic today as my temperature is up n down . There mayb chance of another lot of chemo further down the line but not 100% I feel it was a positive appointment  Fingers crossed tone1hoping  hormone therapy works well 4 me

