I am so desperate for someone to chat to

  • 36 replies
  • 45 subscribers

I can't stop crying morning afternoon and night even when I do get to sleep i say sleep the odd hr in the night I wake up crying living on my own with cancer is hell!!!! Living in my own has never botherd me before I have no family and only one best friend who supports me so much she never leaves my side through chemo but I don't want to keep wearing her out with how i am feeling she has a life herself i often don't tell the truth to her when she says how i am I but I know she knows i am not telling truth o just don't want to keep worrying her now I have a scan next Tue more worry don't know how i am going to get through that the needle for a start i scream the hospital down so frustrating my picc can't be used i wouldnt have got through any treatment without picc a fantastic invention for someone like me and then facing machine i have this massive blinkers on me i have brought but still you feel like you are in a coffin already and then the results i don't think I will get through that door that day to see consultant every time you go in there it's bad news i wonder what's the point sometimes now I am bald on top of head and eyelashes falling out even using cold cap in chemo dread going near bathroom mirror i am trying to make the most of what I have left i hate facing people the look people give you sometimes when you are are shopping i feel like an alien from another planet sometimes I suffer with anxious issues at the best of times i think my dog is fed up as well he listens as best he can he knows when I am struggling keeps licking the tears from my face he is a great companion i have a wicked daft sense of humour i need someone out there to chat to and make me laugh laughter is the best medicine anyone can have in this situation i can't keep feeling like this all the time please anyone make me laugh to cope and keep on fighting this battle 

  • Hi thanks for getting in touch it means a lot to me i keep saying this to everyone who contacts me yes I know what you mean face to face but that wouldn't work for me i have my best friend a close neighbour who helps me with heavy work in garden and my cancer nurse specialist gives me support and I can't forget my dog this suits me best I do wish I would of done it earlier but didn't think anyone would bother with me how wrong I have been about this site it's a life line to me can't get over everyone really cares and supports you and gives you hope that you are not on your own that is key to me as I live on my own a few people have said about focusing on the good and not the bad I might try that writing down 3 good things on a daily basis only thing is sometimes I don't get one good thing happen never mind 3 but I will give it a go but today there is one positive my best friend is coming round today the one I keep telling everyone about so that will be number1 hey I can't wait to see her and have her massive cuddles and my dog jyp loves her so he will be very excited to see her hey just thought that is 2 reasons only got 1 to go now ha ha God progress I might even highlight them on my calender on its so good to have a chat on good stuff and bad I am also hopeing to support other people on this site myself as I feel now I can offer my experiences to help and support others that would make me feel good and useful and feel like I can achieve something for those people out there who think there is no hope for them just maybe I could change that for someone I am really looking forward to getting to know you as well thank you for your support and your advice xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Popgate


    Oh do have a wonderful time with your friend. Clear the coffee table of cups - sounds like a waggy tail might be posing a danger to anything at knee height! 

    On the three good things, I have a little notebook by my bed where I try to write mine every night when I go to bed. It gets more use when I’m feeling bad (emotionally or physically). I sometimes have to try really hard but there is always something. It really helps me. 

    Helping others is also a really powerful way to help ourselves. It helps me make sense of what has happened to me and bring something good from it. 

    Have a great day 


  • Hi can't wait i have been on countdown all week sooooooooo excited jy p knows as well he is already bomming around actually for saying my house is full of ornaments and things he is brill very rare he knocks anything over you know now I have said that this night be the day!!!!but then all the dogs I have owned have been the same as mad as me well they say dogs take after there owners don't they ha ha I know mine have!!! and as for helping others you are so right!!! that's why I put it out day everyone will know me on a good day and a bad day and sometimes it can change in the hr thanks for getting back to me xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Popgate

    Hi popgate

    First of all Welcome  

    I've not long ago joined this group I have found u can write your worrys down u all ways get very good advice,  u can write your ģood news down u always get a well done and positive feedback .Im not good at writing things down sometimes when I read back I think wow that dont make sence the best thing no1 judges me I'm feel so confident replying to post and posting to all the wonderful people here 

    Look forward to reading more post from u 

    Kym xx

  • hi oh good someone in the same boat as me with technology done well to spell never mind do it ha ha welcome to the group believe you me the support i have had had been fantastic everyone is there when you have a meltdown i should know I didn't think anyone would care about me how wrong I was i am not good with facing people because of all the anxious problems I have so this is brill!!!any time you want a chat feel free i am at chemo most of day tomorrow but if you drop me a line i will get back to you as soon as I can xxx

  • hi thanks for getting back to me this site is fantastic for me people take you how you are good or bad like you said on the first couple of lines thing is my dog can talk!!!!and all my other dogs I have owned down the years trying to get myself together for the long haul of chemo day tomorrow I have to have it every week so I dread Fri unless my blood count is wrong and it's held back another week thank you for caring it means a lot to me 

  • Popgate

    Well from your post/s I can think of a couple of good things for you

    1) you took the courage to not only joint his site but post as well - see all the support you have we are rooting for you#

    2) Your best friend is visiting so that is something to be happy about

    3) Might sound odd but at the hospital tomorrow with your chemo sessions you are surrounded by people in the same boat with the same fears - just we all shows our fears differently.  So Chemo is a warped way is a good thing - you are being treated and still here.  Pluck up the courage tomorrow and say hello to a fellow traveller you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

    I do agree with Daloni - virtual friends are fantastic but we also need the reality - have you spoken with the Macmillan team at the hospital (if there is one at your hospital).  Just have a chat with them if only for 5 minutes some of them so some small group classes or they will give you a leaflet to take away to show what they do. Try it once if you don't like it or feel uncomfortable walk away. Can your friend attend one class with you to make you feel at ease and see if it is something you want to do.

    You were sceptical of posting on this site and look how that turned out :-)

    I hope it goes all ok tomorrow

    Virtual hugs to you

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Popgate

    I hope your chemo session is easy on you tomorrow. No long waits, no bruised veins, lots of tea and people to talk to 


  • hi sorry so long to get back to you waited ages for my chemo to be made up today set us back over 2hrs I am in there long enough as it is at best of time!!! didn't get back till nearly 6 from 9this morn!!!then all my big bags have to be out away and pick my dog up from neighbour and sort him out just trying to have a sandwich hope you ok and well xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Popgate

    Hi popgate

    I'm pleased your chemo went ahead n u didn't get delayed having it 

    It a long day 4 u did your friend go with u ?

    Enjoy your sandwich give your dog a cuddle u will much better

    Kym x