I am so desperate for someone to chat to

  • 36 replies
  • 45 subscribers

I can't stop crying morning afternoon and night even when I do get to sleep i say sleep the odd hr in the night I wake up crying living on my own with cancer is hell!!!! Living in my own has never botherd me before I have no family and only one best friend who supports me so much she never leaves my side through chemo but I don't want to keep wearing her out with how i am feeling she has a life herself i often don't tell the truth to her when she says how i am I but I know she knows i am not telling truth o just don't want to keep worrying her now I have a scan next Tue more worry don't know how i am going to get through that the needle for a start i scream the hospital down so frustrating my picc can't be used i wouldnt have got through any treatment without picc a fantastic invention for someone like me and then facing machine i have this massive blinkers on me i have brought but still you feel like you are in a coffin already and then the results i don't think I will get through that door that day to see consultant every time you go in there it's bad news i wonder what's the point sometimes now I am bald on top of head and eyelashes falling out even using cold cap in chemo dread going near bathroom mirror i am trying to make the most of what I have left i hate facing people the look people give you sometimes when you are are shopping i feel like an alien from another planet sometimes I suffer with anxious issues at the best of times i think my dog is fed up as well he listens as best he can he knows when I am struggling keeps licking the tears from my face he is a great companion i have a wicked daft sense of humour i need someone out there to chat to and make me laugh laughter is the best medicine anyone can have in this situation i can't keep feeling like this all the time please anyone make me laugh to cope and keep on fighting this battle 

  • hi sorry for not get back to you earlier didn't get back till late as chemo set me back 2hrs so trying to catch up with jobs!!!pleased about your latest results I have a scan on the tue dreading it needle scream job I have a picc but it's the only time they can't use it is scans but they all know me in there and then staying in it and then that consultants room never had good news yet!!! in there my best friend always says keep positive and and I am trying but when you keep getting bad news it's hard to keep thinking that way but I am a fighter and I will keep going i have a good cancer specialist nurse been with me from beginning is fab and I am on waiting list for psychiatrist not keen but consultant is so I will give it a go and yes this site is just the ticket for me is brill virtual hugs to you too thanksxx

  • hi sorry for not get back to you earlier didn't get back till late as chemo set me back 2hrs so trying to catch up with jobs!!!pleased about your latest results I have a scan on the tue dreading it needle scream job I have a picc but it's the only time they can't use it is scans but they all know me in there and then staying in it and then that consultants room never had good news yet!!! in there my best friend always says keep positive and and I am trying but when you keep getting bad news it's hard to keep thinking that way but I am a fighter and I will keep going i have a good cancer specialist nurse been with me from beginning is fab and I am on waiting list for psychiatrist not keen but consultant is so I will give it a go and yes this site is just the ticket for me is brill virtual hugs to you too thanksxx

  • hi as always she never leaves my side she even feel guilty to going to tisn't it he loo!!!it does my head in after a couple of hrs especially the pain of cold cap on top she will not leave at all I only have one best friend but she is worth 20 no way would I still be having treatment of it wasn't for her i am crying now daft  isn't it now grabbed the dog he is now cleaning my years away I will be ok it's just when I think what she does for me and she doesn't think like that at all she is brill thanks for your supportxxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Popgate

    Dear Flippin

    I too have bad veins, but have realized that it is sometimes due to me not doing enough fluids like water.When I am hydrated (urine has little color) my veins are accessible. Just a thought



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Popgate

    Dear Flippin

    I too have bad veins, but have realized that it is sometimes due to me not doing enough fluids like water.When I am hydrated (urine has little color) my veins are accessible. Just a thought



  • Hi there my veins are ok they always say that they are like trees I can't stand needles that's why I have a picc I scream the waway I have always been bloody place down they all know what I am like and I do feel sorry for them as well never mind the other patients waiting!!!I always have to apologise and say how sorry I am for being such a pain but it's the way I have always been thanks for a chat debs
