I am so desperate for someone to chat to

  • 36 replies
  • 45 subscribers

I can't stop crying morning afternoon and night even when I do get to sleep i say sleep the odd hr in the night I wake up crying living on my own with cancer is hell!!!! Living in my own has never botherd me before I have no family and only one best friend who supports me so much she never leaves my side through chemo but I don't want to keep wearing her out with how i am feeling she has a life herself i often don't tell the truth to her when she says how i am I but I know she knows i am not telling truth o just don't want to keep worrying her now I have a scan next Tue more worry don't know how i am going to get through that the needle for a start i scream the hospital down so frustrating my picc can't be used i wouldnt have got through any treatment without picc a fantastic invention for someone like me and then facing machine i have this massive blinkers on me i have brought but still you feel like you are in a coffin already and then the results i don't think I will get through that door that day to see consultant every time you go in there it's bad news i wonder what's the point sometimes now I am bald on top of head and eyelashes falling out even using cold cap in chemo dread going near bathroom mirror i am trying to make the most of what I have left i hate facing people the look people give you sometimes when you are are shopping i feel like an alien from another planet sometimes I suffer with anxious issues at the best of times i think my dog is fed up as well he listens as best he can he knows when I am struggling keeps licking the tears from my face he is a great companion i have a wicked daft sense of humour i need someone out there to chat to and make me laugh laughter is the best medicine anyone can have in this situation i can't keep feeling like this all the time please anyone make me laugh to cope and keep on fighting this battle 

  • Hi yes exactly working two jobs had a few friends had support from them now they don't contact me you text them they don't text back i think it was a novelty now looking back so now I am down to only one person have no family or kids in a way i am glad about that so I know how you are feeling infact having family not interested o think is worse can't believe no support from them for you thats why you understand me hey you got support from me now I have always said to my best friend people have let me down all my life that is why I don't like to trust anyone and yet my dogs never let me down they don't judge you they constantly support you unconditionally and love you for life and the comment about there must be someone sitting there my best friend wasn't around at the beginning  until I had to tell her went to appointments on my own so upsetting seeing couples walk in rooms holding hands and me say there on me own and walking through the bad door as I say I never have had good news yet and I know this scan next week will be worse than before but hey swear as much as you can as well I do and thank you for your support and I will support you when ever you need to chat to me us single people have to stick together i am here for you xx

  • Hi thanks for contacting me i tell you this is the best thing I have done still can't believe people are contacting me and I can support them as well just supported lass  in same boat as me seems like I have known her for ages yet only chatted to her yesterday so hard to find genuine people love the bit about technophobe I think my best friend will be so proud of me that I have been brave to come and chat to everybody it means such a lot to me to chat this is for me a real lifeline like my picc thankyou

  • Hi thanks for getting back to me can't believe people are getting back to me it's great to have contact for a chat and be accepted as you are what a lifeline for me like my picc on a good day my sense of humour is Victoria wood take the micky out of everyday life o have all of her recordings she makes me laugh so much and my dog can talk i understand everything he says and does I know it sounds mad but we dog owners can understand our dogs 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Popgate


    Its rough going through this especially when so called friends let you down. I think it's because they cant cope and are afraid the same thing will happen to them and dont want to face the probability. It's easier for the  to  ut you off. It happened to me of a friend of 30 years.  Visited me once and then she cut me off, she couldn't  cope with the thought of cancer.  As for dogs, I have a golden cow kerb spaniel called Molly who was a rescue. She is my reason for just getting out of bed on a morning. We are all on the same sinking ship and we all paddle like mad to keep afloat.  It's hard to carry on.  I hope you find this site a great support, I know I do.

    P S  i understand every word my dog says as well lol


  • Dear Popgate

    If I could reach out and hold your hand, I would. You are not alone here. It's difficult and immensely sad. I am so sure you will have moments of calm and those moments are the ones to focus on. 

    Take care, xxx

    Flowerlady x
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to flowerlady

    Dear welcome to the group! It sucks to have our diagnosis but this group is a great bunch of people - I’m glad it’s helping.

    wishing you a very happy day, heather xxxx

  • Hi thanks for getting back to me tell me about it that's why I trust animals they never let you down or lie to you i explained at the beginning as well that I will be the same person I have always been i just look different just treat me the same as before I got cancer it's hard enough trying to face strangers in the street looking at you never mind the so called friends you thought you had all my dogs i have owned have all been rescue dogs as well gizmo i found in a slip covered in barbed wire and maggots but I took her to vets they sorted her out and she lived to be 18 years old the vets guessed she was about 2 when I got her the other dogs I have had all died of cancer the dog i own now is12 and he had cancer last year but made it thankfully I really didn't think I would be in his position this year you never know what's around the corner do you glad you understand the part about talking dogs and this site is brill I can't thank people enough for contacting me thankyou

  • it's fantastic it's what I have needed for so long i can't tell you when you live in your own and then you don't feel well with chemo and things it's very frightening i have my own coping system my a b c routine before I go into panic mode thankfully only 2 occasions so far my only friend has had to fly to my house but I bet there will be more to come of that later you have a good day as well thankyou

  • hi thanks for getting back to me and now only on the first line you have made me cry and my false eyelashes are stuck together again I know what you mean focus on the calm and things that go right my problem has been nothing has gone right things you wouldn't believe gone wrong that shouldn't have gone wrong go wrong for me my best friend always says to me it will be fine her favourite saying to me amongst others she is coming up tomorrow so I am really looking forward to that she is the best cuddly cuddles person you can wish for and never ending support and love never leaves me on chemo days I keep telling her pop out at least I am in right place if something goes wrong but she never does what a woman I am focusing on her at minute to get me eyes back thank you for your support

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Popgate


    I am so glad you joined us - you sound as though having the new virtual friends online is just what you needed. 

    Sometimes, though, we need someone to talk to face to face. Have you ever come across a cancer buddy scheme? Macmillan run them in various places - they have volunteers who visit people at home, just for a chat. I’m not rightly sure how you’d find out if there is one in your area. Maybe your GP practice would know (if the idea appeals). Or possibly a call to the Macmillan helpline? They might have information about how to find that kind of thing. 

    One of the discussions I really like is the three good things thread here. I find it really helps to think about three good things that happened to me today, whether it’s something as simple as my cat sitting on my lap when I felt low or a nice cup of tea or something as exciting as going on holiday. I think sometimes it might look as though everyone is having more fun than I am but that’s not really the point. It’s about focusing on the good in life - something that’s easy to forget when I am feeling down. 


    It’s good to meet you and I’m looking forward to getting to know you better and seeing your wicked sense of humour come out 
