Frequency of appointments

  • 38 replies
  • 3 subscribers

Part of my despair at my situation is the frequency of visits to outpatients. My regular doctor at the hospital described my levels as up and down and wanted me to come in twice a week so could do a cross match for blood transfusion for second appointment.

Saw a different one today who thinks my levels are pretty even and my visits could go down to once a week though would be a longer appointment as cross match would need to be analysed by lab before blood could be prepared.

She wanted to cancel my next Tuesday appointment but I felt a sudden panic at my safety net being taken away so I'm coming in anyway as I have transport arranged. Now I wonder if Im being over cautious and I should have allowed myself the day off.

Mostly I dont want to come back next week and have the original doctor override what today's one said. 

I'm normally very decisive but feel the goal posts are constantly moving and I'm dithering. 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Poor you, . I hope you feel better soon. I’ve got a horrible cold at the moment too. I sound like an old man who’s had a lifetime smoking untipped Players Joy


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to IamLyn


    havent heard much of you lately. Just checking to see how you are and if you have had any luck with your divorce? I keep my mum posted on you and your wedding. How are your achy legs?

  • Hi

    I am ok thank you for asking - I have been on the site but not posting much.  I think that sometimes you can get just as much pleasure reading the banter without participating.

    My divorce is going SLOW - called the courts the other day - explained I sent the appropriate paperwork beginning of November and wanted to see if there was progress. So they only &^$%£$ registered the paperwork 17 December. Now I know they got the papers beginning of November because I sent it signed for post. So now new date for update is 18 Feb. I have an ONC appointment on that day so I either be super happy or super P**ed off.  Oh and the court said if I have missed one box on the app it will be rejected and I go to the back of the queue.  ARGHH.

    So just one amazing coincidence - I have seen a lovely pair of Ralph Lauren PJS.  The logo on them is RL - I say this because my cousin pointed out that's both my and my partners initials and my father name was Ralph. So he will be there is spirit.  Amazing I now just have to get Ralph Lauren.

    I had good results from recent bone scan so just waiting on PET scan on 18 Feb

    Legs are ok a bit achy still  but I don't think the weather helps.  How are you doing - and you mum I hope you are both ok. I do think of you both.



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to IamLyn

    That’s the trouble with all the red tape. I’ll pray you have ticked all the boxes and get a good update. Your choice of pyjamas sounds very fitting to the occasion. What else are you going to wear? A dressing gown or an kimono? I love kimonos. Not many people know that there’s a Mexican version. Then there’s the footwear. Remember the something old, new, borrowed and blue. I’ve been looking at holidays that allow me to take my cats. Found some places. Especially a nice villa in Devon. I shall get a pet stroller. It would be lovely to take them on a week holiday. They can have fish.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to IamLyn


    Those pyjamas sound so cool! What a fabulous coincidence. Sorry about the snails pace on the divorce though. 

    I’ve got a ct scan on Feb 18 so there’s another coincidence. I must remember to think good thoughts of you as I’m in the machine. 

    love and hugs xxx

  • Hi &  I hope it will be a triple celebration on 18/2 with good results from scans and positive news about divorce! I will be thinking of you both! Of course you just HAVE to get the RL pj's now! Why didn't you buy them when you saw them? Sometimes they change their stock and the pj's may be different, go gettem!!!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • &  &

    You are so right anndanv the one's I did see have disappeared, they were on sale 50% off.  I did not want to curse anything so shame on me but I am hoping that once I get the Divorce go ahead then I will be all over it.

    Daloni I will also be thinking of you when I am at my appointment it seems the 18th is a big day for us. I will get my super girl pants ready for both of us.

    JackD for foot wear I am thinking same brand as they also are logo'd with RL depending on the weather I am not sure if I want to wear anything but PJ's - I will just end up taking it off when I have a boogie.

    My friend brought me this wonderful jar full of wooden hearts - its designed for guests to write a message a put back in the jar how cool is that.

    So sorry for short post my partner is calling me for dinner he has made so I may finish this of later

    Much love to you all


  • Hi Oh I'm so sorry I was right! I'm sure you will find something nicer when you look again!

    I hope you enjoyed your meal, it's nice to have it made for you!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!