Where Do I Start

  • 12 replies
  • 31 subscribers
Hi all,
It is my birthday today and this not the reason for my post. I am a failure, alone and very scared.
I live at home with my elderly parents because I had cancer 7 years ago and I have have been given the all clear and discharged from the cancer hospital, yay and thank you but I can't work as the treatments and operations have left me disabled. When I was ill all of my so called friends dumped me.
Then last month my friend who I have known since I was 6 years old, tore into me because I mentioned her in a post on Facebook. She told after I had done it, that I was not ALLOWED to mention her and when I told her she hadn't told me this and she should change her settings out, she cut me off.
On the family side of things, my elderly aunt has for years has alienated us (mum, dad and me) from the rest of family, spreading malicious lies about us.
Earlier this year, our next door neighbours verbally abused us because my 83 year old dad asked them politely to lower the noise because their 4 grandsons were outside screaming, fighting and swearing. She told me it was a shame the cancer didn't finish me off and all summer we had to sit inside with the doors and windows shut. Her daughter has also spread malicious lies about us too.
Another friend is giving me the cold shoulder. When I ask her if I have done anything or what is wrong she just changes the subject. My mum is very ill with a bad heart and lungs and can't breathe without oxygen and I am so worried about her and I am worried that if anything happens I will be all alone because let's be honest, people really don't like me me and I really don't know why.
Sorry to ramble on. Lisa x
  • Hi Lisa , first I do hope you had a good birthday.

    Whats that saying 'There's nowt so queer as folk'. In life journey we have many people come across or paths that can build us up and we can hit it off with them but we also have people who just want to tear us down, these folks indeed can at first be friends even family....... It is what it is.

    I always view these episodes in life, yes I have had my share, as character building. I have never allowed these episodes to eat away at me and rob me of life especially during and following my years of treatment.

    Most episodes were not my fault, although I am not perfect so have eaten humble pie a few time and apologised. Most 'gown up people' accept this and move on but some will always keep digging...... those are the people you keep at arms length and you remove them from your friends list.

    I am sorry to read you post but I do hope that by putting this up you have unpacked some of it and helped you to pigeonhole some of the emotion around this. Do try to move on and focus on the positives that we can find around us.


    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • Hello Mike ,

    A big thank you for your lovely and sensible reply, it really means a lot. And thank you for the birthday wish too.

    Everything you have said made sense. Yes, is "nowt, queer as folk!". 

    Macmillan Support has put me in touch with local group and I emailed one of them yesterday. I have also had a lot of support from uni  as well other groups.

    I feel much better and brighter now. I am saving up for a dog which will give me something else to concentrate on and be very fulfilling. 

    I have decided that if people are not either grateful or happy to either know me, be my friend or family members causing trouble, well how to put it politely, they can kiss my Coriolanus.

    Sending you love and good vibes,





  • Hi Lisa , good to read your reply.

    I often think that a 'new morning' brings a 'renewed mindset'........ we often have to keep going round the mountain having to repeat things often, but nothing wrong with continually assessing as we tend to be more focused as some of the rubbish is chipped away then as the load gets lighter we can climb more to get to see that view.

    Good you have made contact with you local Macmillan Support and lets look for a positive environment to get support.

    How did your visit to the Maggie's Centre go?

    We put our Christmas Tree up yesterday so we have a good Christmas smell going through the house.

    Granddaughter (read family) is coming in past for some lunch tomorrow after being at the cinema seeing the CBeebies Christmas Panto...... so she will be as high as a kite.

    Good vibes coming back your way xx

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • HI Mike ,

    I so love your replies, they really brighten up my day or in this case, night. Thank you.

    I bet you will be thrilled to see your grand-daughter and I hope she has a lovely time at the cinema and enjoys the CBeebies Christmas panto. When I was working, on of our Christmas "parties" was a trip to the panto. I can't remember the name of it but John Barrowman was in it and he was really good. 

    We too have put up our Christmas tree. I decorated it as mum is too poorly but it does look lovely.

    I didn't go to Maggie's after because I went to the cancer hospital and the receptionist sent me on a "wild goose chase" all over the hospital because she hadn't heard of the late effects clinic. So by the time I found it, I was worn out, needing a cup of tea and a rest. I will attempt to go there in the new year.

    I am looking forward to hearing from the local Macmillan Support team. Fingers crossed they will contact me.

    Thank you for the good vibes and I am still sending you good vibes,

    Lisa x



  • Good morning Lisa 

    We are coming to the end of our Christmas shopping for the family. The adults are straightforward as we do a ‘not’ so Secret Santa for the 6 big people with each getting gift(s) based on a set budget and their ongoing Christmas/Birthday list….. makes life so simple.

    The four girls are at different stages. Maddie (5) is everything mermaid, Norah (7) and Ellie (8) it’s all about Lego and Charlotte (10 going 21) had only one thing on her list

    ……. not that sure if she would actually be happy just to get ‘this’ JoyJoyJoyJoy

    Busy week coming up with us moving my wife’s office out from the house as she is in the process of retiring after 25 years. So the office is being moved down to our building where she will work and train her replacement - so we will get a bedroom back so the three Surrey girls won’t all be in the same room.

    It’s Christmas Pudding day tomorrow so we will make two puddings based on an 8 cup recipe that my great grandmother used and has been used through the generations. Up until last year when my mum died in November she had been the pudding maker sending them out to family often in the post. So until last year we had never made a Christmas Pudding in 41 years.

    Have a good week but as always I am around to chat at any time x

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • Hi Mike ,

    Oh my, oh my, you are certainly very busy but having a very enjoyable time. 

    Christmas must be a terribly exciting time for your grand-daughters and they believe in the magic of it too. it is lovely. 

    It is easier to buy adults because like us here, we all have everything we want and need and it is very hard to buy things. But I always find something or somethings I would like for Christmas, ha, ha, ha.

    It will be great to get a bedroom back and there of course will be more room, yay. Moving is the hard bit both mentally and physically, it is so wearing. And then your wife will be training up her replacement but that is walk a park compared to moving.

    I hope you will have fun making Christmas puddings and it is lovely to use a recipe which has been handed down through your family generations, you mum would be thrilled and happy. Plus your mum had the pleasure of chief pudding maker and sender for 41 years so it falls to you to do it now. 

    It is assignment week! And it is so hard and I can't a get a grip on it. I find I am just rambling and my tutor has told me to be "more focused". I try but something else I have read pops into my mind and I have to put it down. As long as it's not rude, I don't know what all the fuss is about!, ha, ha, ha.

    Enjoy your pudding make,

    Love and good vibes man,

    Lisa xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx



  • Assignment week and working through the rambling part to pin down what ‘needs’ to go in for some can be straightforward but if you are anything like me I was always putting far to much stuff in and once I did my word count I was often 25% over so the cull had to be done.

    Stick at it, you will get there Thumbsup

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • Aah, , it's soo difficult to ignore them, and move on. I agree with , but it is tricky. Please rant on here to get it out of your system so it doesn't become a worry worm eating away. Big (((hugs)))

  • Hi i Am so glad your cancer freeTada One thing cancer has taught me is your friends will support you and be with u every step Of the way. The friends that don’t do that was never ur friend in the first place.you are not a failure you are a strong lady that’s bein so brave and strong during your cancer treatment. Good luck on the rest of your journey love natalie xxx

  • Hi Mike ,

    I have nearly completed my first essay but I need to "waffle on" to get all the points I need to fit in. I know my tutor thinks I need to "focus" more. He must think I am "away with fairies!". Not to mention the daft referencing. I have a headache from doing that alone. I have another two more essays to do by next Tuesday. I think I will emigrate, ha, ha, ha.

    Love and good vibes,

    Lisa x

