Where Do I Start

  • 12 replies
  • 31 subscribers
Hi all,
It is my birthday today and this not the reason for my post. I am a failure, alone and very scared.
I live at home with my elderly parents because I had cancer 7 years ago and I have have been given the all clear and discharged from the cancer hospital, yay and thank you but I can't work as the treatments and operations have left me disabled. When I was ill all of my so called friends dumped me.
Then last month my friend who I have known since I was 6 years old, tore into me because I mentioned her in a post on Facebook. She told after I had done it, that I was not ALLOWED to mention her and when I told her she hadn't told me this and she should change her settings out, she cut me off.
On the family side of things, my elderly aunt has for years has alienated us (mum, dad and me) from the rest of family, spreading malicious lies about us.
Earlier this year, our next door neighbours verbally abused us because my 83 year old dad asked them politely to lower the noise because their 4 grandsons were outside screaming, fighting and swearing. She told me it was a shame the cancer didn't finish me off and all summer we had to sit inside with the doors and windows shut. Her daughter has also spread malicious lies about us too.
Another friend is giving me the cold shoulder. When I ask her if I have done anything or what is wrong she just changes the subject. My mum is very ill with a bad heart and lungs and can't breathe without oxygen and I am so worried about her and I am worried that if anything happens I will be all alone because let's be honest, people really don't like me me and I really don't know why.
Sorry to ramble on. Lisa x
  • Hello and ,

    Thank you both for your kind replies, they mean a lot.

    I am so hurt by the way people have been treating me and I don't know why they are doing it. It seems it is okay for them to say things to me but if I say something back they don't like it. Well, I don't like nasty people. One of things cancer teaches you, not to take any rubbish of anyone and until they have been in mine or our shoes, they can keep their nastiness to themselves.

    I hope you are both are safe and well and sending you both love and good vibes,

    Lisa x



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