How to talk about cancer - a year on!

  • 11 replies
  • 31 subscribers

Hi everyone! 

I’m a year in remission, after having treatment for Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma, stage 2. After 10 rounds of chemo, an operation to remove some of my lung and a bone marrow transplant, I haven’t had a relapse (yay!). However, cancer dramatically changed my life. I lost my boyfriend of 8 years and had to move out of my house and start a new life completely on my own after all the trials I had already gone through.
A year on, I am now seeing someone new. My last relationship didn’t end on good terms and so I am struggling with an array of trust issues. The smallest thing can set off a trigger and make me remember all the horrible experiences from my treatment. My new partner wants to understand, wants to help, but I am struggling to open up to him about my cancer journey. 
I guess I’m just wondering if anyone here can offer some advice on how to open up to someone about everything? If there’s any tips or tricks to learning to trust someone again, and hope that my cancer experiences doesn’t scare off someone I’m starting to really care about.