Possible Reoccurrence

  • 13 replies
  • 30 subscribers

Hi all,

I have been experiencing vaginal bleeding off and on for a few months. I have also been to and fro A&E for 2 years with bowel obstructions and I have had 3 CT scans and each time I always ask if there is anything “ominous” and I have been told no.

I was told in April I had radiation enteritis and this was diagnosed with a CT scan. I asked if there was anything “ominous” and I was told no. Today I went to the clinic because the vaginal bleeding has been pretty much constant since Wednesday.

The doctor told me today the first radiologist who checked the CT scan in April didn’t see anything other than scar tissue and radiation enteritis but when a second radiologist checked it he or she found a shadow and they wrote to me and I apparently rang them and cancelled, I told the doctor that I hadn’t received any such letter and I certainly did ring up and cancel. She either didn’t believe me or thought I was simple.

 The doctor is referring me for an urgent MRI scan and I should have it in 2 weeks and they will write to me. If I haven’t heard anything by Wednesday I will the gynae nurses.

I am petrified and terrified and anything else.

 I can’t have anymore radiotherapy and they probably won’t be able to treat me.

Anyway, thank you for reading and sending you all love and good vibes,

Lisa xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 

  • Hi Mike ,

    Thank you for your reply and yes it is encouraging news.  The gynae consultant laughed when I asked him to marry me but he didn’t say no, ha. When I was on his ward he always use to tell me to behave. I really don’t know what he thought I was doing.

    I am about to start an English Literature degree, so I can relax and enjoy that. 

    I am glad you had a lovely time with your daughter and her studio is absolutely beautiful and pristine. I love to crochet and I love all types of wool. Love fabric and wool shops. But I really don’t think you behaved but you had fun and that’s all that matters.

     I hope everything goes well with your GP on Friday and I will be thinking about you.

    Love and good vibes to you and your family,



  • Hi Lisa, just had a long call with my GP so full bloods and ECG next week, follow up GP appointment then a week with heart telemetry and take it from there Thumbsup

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

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  • Hi Mike ,

     I have been thinking about you and I was going to message you.

     I am glad your GP rang and you are being looked after. Once  they do all their tests they can work out a plan of action. I hope you are feeling better though.

     I banged the side of my forehead on a doo handle yesterday because I bent down to quickly. It really hurt and is still a bit sore today but I am fine. Daft for not paying attention but fine.

    Please let me know how you get on with your tests.

    Love and good vibes,

    Lisa x

