Possible Reoccurrence

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  • 30 subscribers

Hi all,

I have been experiencing vaginal bleeding off and on for a few months. I have also been to and fro A&E for 2 years with bowel obstructions and I have had 3 CT scans and each time I always ask if there is anything “ominous” and I have been told no.

I was told in April I had radiation enteritis and this was diagnosed with a CT scan. I asked if there was anything “ominous” and I was told no. Today I went to the clinic because the vaginal bleeding has been pretty much constant since Wednesday.

The doctor told me today the first radiologist who checked the CT scan in April didn’t see anything other than scar tissue and radiation enteritis but when a second radiologist checked it he or she found a shadow and they wrote to me and I apparently rang them and cancelled, I told the doctor that I hadn’t received any such letter and I certainly did ring up and cancel. She either didn’t believe me or thought I was simple.

 The doctor is referring me for an urgent MRI scan and I should have it in 2 weeks and they will write to me. If I haven’t heard anything by Wednesday I will the gynae nurses.

I am petrified and terrified and anything else.

 I can’t have anymore radiotherapy and they probably won’t be able to treat me.

Anyway, thank you for reading and sending you all love and good vibes,

Lisa xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 

  • Hi Lisa ….. sorry to see your update so first a few ((hugs))

    Over my many years with my rare type of blood cancer I have learned that until I was told I had a reoccurrence I did not. I know this sounds rather simple but for me it was a box to confine the whirlwind that was raging in my head. 

    Yes I had a number of relapses but as many false alarms as well. So let’s look for a positive way to be navigated for you in this so sending positive supportive virtual vibes xx

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

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  • Hi Beautiful Mike - The Highlander,

    Thank you for your lovely reply. It means a lot.

     I know you have been through some very tough and good times and you are the voice of wisdom.

    The doctor I saw yesterday didn’t give me much hope but she did tell me that she wasn’t keeping me in because I am well. Which is good because before I was diagnosed 7 years ago, I was very poorly and they kept me in and certainly didn’t tell me I was well. And she has referred me back to my original gynae consultant, who is a kind and lovely gentleman, who was always telling me to behave! I really don’t know what he thought I was getting up to.

     I got upset last night because I heard my mum telling my dad that she couldn’t lose me. Plus I get frightened because I can’t have anymore radiotherapy and chemo made very ill. However, I believe chemo has come a long way since 7 years ago.

     I feel fine today. I still have vaginal bleeding but it is not heavy or anything like that, just light and constant. And I do agree with you, until I am told anything, I haven’t got anything other than what I deal with everyday. I am also trying not to think about it.

     I will keep you updated.

    Sending you love and good vibes,,



  • Lisa, 7 years in the development of treatments always provides hope and in my book, there is always hope until there is none. Let’s look for a positive way to be found for you.

    We had an interesting trip home from Surrey last week after being down to see our three granddaughters.

    We stopped off half way home in Kendal for an overnight, sitting having dinner and passed out…. twice but fortunately someone was on hand to stop me falling off the chair.

    Paramedic arrived very quickly, my BP was in my boots, so this kicked my A-FIB off and my heart rate went crazy.

    Blue Light down to Lancaster Hospital, the A&E consultant asked “have you ever had a heart attack?…..have you ever had to be zapped?” my answer was no “so let’s hope we don’t have to zap you tonight”

    But a night of Beta Blockers and Blood Thinners and everything came ok. Eventually got back to the hotel for another night and came home the following day. Waiting to see my GP and in the meantime not allowed to drive for a month.

    We just have to keep our heads down and keep walking into the storm xx

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • Hi Mike (the Highlander),

    Thank you for your kindly reply.

    Wow! You don’t do things by half. I hope you are feeling better and not having any effects You are very, very, very brave.

    I am not. I am cowardly which is the problem. I run and hide but that doesn’t help. I know I get so frightened and terrified. I stop breathing and I have panic attacks.

    I haven’t had a heart attack (my mum has had seven heart attacks) but I did have a cardiac arrest which I don’t remember, other than coming out of it and thinking the doctors and nurses weren’t proper doctors and nurses but actors from Casualty!. And I wouldn’t let them come near me because I thought they were actors.

     I am trying not to think too much about it. However, (and I know your going to tell me off) I have been looking at Dr. Google and the statistics don’t look for a reoccurrence. I am looking at the positives that it was missed on previous CT scans and the shadow was only spotted when another radiologist looked at it. I was told by a doctor earlier this year that anything “ominous” is the basic and first thing they look for. And the doctor told me yesterday that I was well.

     I hope you feel better soon and even though it is a bummer about not driving, you soon will be.

    Love and good vibes,



  • I am doing ok Lisa, more tired than I first realised but taking things slow, so the decorating ‘to do’ list is on hold. I have to see a cardiologist so no idea how long that will take to work through the system.

    Google is a great tool and will give you a 1000 answers, the skill is seeing the very few accurate answers in that 1000.

    Your cardiac arrest sounds like a true out of body experience…… I had a few of these during my two Stem Cell Transplants Stuck out tongue winking eye

    Keep the positive vibes going, this mental attitude is far more powerful than you would ever imagine.


    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • Hi Mike (The Highalander),

    My mum had to wait about 3 months to speak to her cardiologist for a telephone appointment, which is next month. Hopefully it won’t be that long for yourself.

    I remember you telling me about Dr. Google before and the information it gave about your rare type of illness and how inaccurate it was and is.

    I cam sorry you have had some cardiac arrests when you had your stem cell transplants. They are sometimes else we don’t need but we got through them fortunately.

     I have read there is a strong connection between mind and body and people do say the mind is powerful. I am trying not to think about it and I feel fine. Yes, I am worried but I feel okay. And the gynae doctor told me I was well, which I wasn’t when they diagnosed me 7 years ago. 

    Enjoy your weekend and your decorating can wait for another day.

    Love and good vibes,



  • I hope you are improving , you must have given everybody else a heart attack!!!! Take it easy........says she who has trouble doing the same !!! Seriously I hope you are on the mend. Big ((hugs))

  • Hi  we are good - honestly.

    It’s just one of my treatment left overs, the unwanted post treatment gifts, that jumper from my old aunt ….. but this episode has helped push the system to be more interventional so my meds are now in place but will still have to do the wait for the Cardiologist Rolling eyes

    I have put my wife Fiona through a lot over the years but this one was very public and miles away from home but we are both like Weebles (remember them) “Weebles wobble, but they don't fall down”

    Keep well ((hugs)) x

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • Hi Mike  ,

     I hope you are getting bette and have heard from the cardiologist or at least have a date. And I hope you are behaving yourself but somehow I can’t see that.

     I have just come home from the gynae clinic and the consultant told me the bleeding is because my pelvic floor has dropped because of the treatments. I asked him to marry me! Ha, ha, ha. The gynae consultant told me to contact the late effects team.

    I thought I would let you know.

    Sending you love and good vibes,

    Lisa xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 



  • Hi Lisa , I am doing good with no more dramas. Spent the afternoon helping my daughter in her fabric studio - good exercise and quality time all rolled together……. and me behave - always Stuck out tongue winking eye

    Talking with my GP on Friday morning so I can gauge where things are at.

    I asked him to marry me! Ha, ha, ha

    JoyJoyJoy but this is very encouraging news and live and good vibes coming back to you xx

    ps - This is here studio Heart eyes

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge