Radiation Enteritis

  • 15 replies
  • 30 subscribers


I havr have just been in hospital with another bowel obstruction and the consultant told me I Radiation Enteritis and I am going to have to have another operation.

I already have two stomas. I told him it is hard enough with 2 let alone 3 stomas. He also mentioned that I would go back to having 2 stomas in about 6 months. I told him he would probably say "tough luck love, you are stuck with 3". He just said "our intentions are for you to have 2". Intentions are all well and good but they don't promise anything.

He probably thinks I am being awkward and silly but I can't bear the thought of anything remotely like what he was offering. He told him previously I went down to the 5 stone bracket and I had to learn to walk and drive again but he wasn't concerned and his nurse practitioner was shouting at me.

I was wondering if Radiation Enteritis is the same as Pelvic Radiation Disease? Or has anyone else had or goy this? And how do you cope? And any dietary advice, please?.

The consultant said he will see me in clinic in 6 weeks and he will be getting in touch with gynae and urology. I told him I don't want this to happen but again the nurse practitioner shouted at me, telling me it will save my life and I pointed out I would probably end up in bed and they just shrugged.

Please can anyone advise?

Love to you all,

  • Hi Mike,

    Yes, you are right about the internet.

    Sadly I did look up radiation enteritis and the word progressive because the surgeon wasn't interested in explaining anything to me. He was more concerned in railroading me to have a 3rd stoma. It is a teaching hospital and if he wants to make a contribution to medicine, well he can practice on himself.

    I have made an official complaint about him and his nurse and also requested to change surgeons.

    I hope you are good and have a lovely weekend,



  • Hi Mike,

    I hope you are well this Bank holiday Monday.

    I do wish I could be positive like you.

    I worry all the time and now I won't eat in case I have another obstruction. I know it is daft but I can't help it. Plus I don't want to go back to hospital and see that awful surgeon, as he would be smug and tell me "I told you so".

    Thinking about you and sending love and good vibes,



  • Hi Lisa, we don’t tend to ‘do’ the Bank Holiday up in Scotland - it’s more like towns and Cities chose then on Mondays so that the whole country is not closed down.

    Busy morning, we are getting ready to refurbish our 30 year old en-suite so have been taking some wall tiles off to find the exact size of the new window we need to order. A few years back I would do it all myself but there is more to life now, I will just do the finishing and painting (I am a joinery in my past life)

    As much as I understand the thoughts behind you not wanting to eat, food is the bodies fuel and from this comes your energy’s not physically and mentally.

    Have ever talked with a dietitian? they were great when I could not eat, slowly finding the best way to get me through that rough patch.

    So it’s finalising bathroom stuff..... then tiles - wish us lots of luck and patience xx

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • Hi Mike (the beautiful one),

    Thank you for referring to the nurses. They have helped me understand radiation enteritis so much more and given me hope.

    We didn't do much over the weekend as it was gale force winds and very cold. My dad is moaning because we have just had the garden AstroTurfed and it is full of leaves.

    I hope your en-suite is starting to look nice, which I sure it did anyway.

    Sending love and good vibes,



  • Lisa, good to hear the nurse team have given you some hope, I will pass this encouraging news on to them as they do a great job.

    It’s a good that my wife Fiona does not even think about looking in at what I do on the site although I do get her input from a carers point of view when needed but..... ‘the beautiful one’ JoyClown

    Yes en-suite planning is coming on, window and main bathroom components are ordered and tomorrow it’s walking the minefield that is wall tiles

    AstroTurf...... I think I agree with your dad.

    One of our old friends worked in Buckingham Palace back in the mid 80s. A certain horse loving Royal Princess got deep shag pile carpet put down in her appointments (as you did back in the mid 80s) and one of the jobs our friend had to do was rake the carpet after said princess left her apartments Rolling eyes

    Sun is out so a quick walk in the forest I think - take care x

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge