Radiation Enteritis

  • 15 replies
  • 30 subscribers


I havr have just been in hospital with another bowel obstruction and the consultant told me I Radiation Enteritis and I am going to have to have another operation.

I already have two stomas. I told him it is hard enough with 2 let alone 3 stomas. He also mentioned that I would go back to having 2 stomas in about 6 months. I told him he would probably say "tough luck love, you are stuck with 3". He just said "our intentions are for you to have 2". Intentions are all well and good but they don't promise anything.

He probably thinks I am being awkward and silly but I can't bear the thought of anything remotely like what he was offering. He told him previously I went down to the 5 stone bracket and I had to learn to walk and drive again but he wasn't concerned and his nurse practitioner was shouting at me.

I was wondering if Radiation Enteritis is the same as Pelvic Radiation Disease? Or has anyone else had or goy this? And how do you cope? And any dietary advice, please?.

The consultant said he will see me in clinic in 6 weeks and he will be getting in touch with gynae and urology. I told him I don't want this to happen but again the nurse practitioner shouted at me, telling me it will save my life and I pointed out I would probably end up in bed and they just shrugged.

Please can anyone advise?

Love to you all,

  • Hi Lisa, I obviously had a completely different journey so have no first hand experience to bring but it all sounds so stressful and upsetting.

    nurse practitioner shouted at me

    There is earthly reason for any health professional to do this and even although they have a medical understanding as to what all this means medically very few totally ‘get’ the mental and ‘living’ challenges.

    I see you have posted in our cancer specific groups and there is always our online Nurse Team.

    Please can anyone advise?

    The only advice I can bring is you need to make you own choices, that further down the line you will not look back and regret making.


    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • Hi Mike,

    Thank you for your lovely reply and I knew you would understand.

    I think I was getting on the nurse practitioner's nerves and I got the feeling they think I am a deluded idiot. 

    I need to find out more and I am sure they wouldn't be so gung-ho if it was them.

    I will contact the nurse on this site and see if she can explain it to me. Thank you for the suggestion, as I hadn't thought about that.

    I hope the weather is lovely with you. Its cold and overcast here in Cardiff.



  • Lisa ((hugs))

    Yes post your question in the Ask an Expert section, but do allow two working days for replies from our team.

    Its a beautiful afternoon but this was taken a few miles South from us first thing this morning - the joys of living in the Highlands xx

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • Hi Mike,

    Thank you for the beautiful photograph, it has really lightened my day. It really means a lot.

    I showed my mum and she said she moving in with you.

    I have reported my original post on the Ask A Nurse. I guessed they would take a couple of days to reply

    Love you lots,



  • This was our view last Sunday Heart eyes

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • Hi Mike,

    We are all moving up there to be with you. It is beautiful. Such a gorgeous view.

    Thank you for this,



  • Hi,

    I have been worrying and going over everything since I was told I have Radiation Enteritis. The doctor said it was progressive. I have looked up the meaning and I am very scared.

    Does anyone else know about progressive disorders/illnesses?



  • Hi Lisa...... a another question for the Nurse Team?

    Not accounting for my incurable blood cancer, I also have Asbestos that will ‘progressively’ get worse.

    Me “so Mr Consultant does this mean I am terminal?”

    Consultant “Well yes, you will die with it but maybe not because if it”

    Me “But what happens as it progresses?” 

    Consultant “There is no set pattern, you may find your repertory function will diminish, you may find that some tasks get progressively more challenging, you may find you will have lots of chect infections...... we may have to prescribe you a portable oxygen unit”

    Me “Timetable?”

    Consultant “I said ‘may’ to all the ‘possible’ developments of your Asbestosis progressing - but I have as much chance of giving you any real timetable then you telling me that Scotland will win the World Cup in a specific year”

    I have to add that my Respiratory Consultant is a very good family friend and we have a very open, no holds barred relationship.

    I am regularly monitored and there has not been any significant progression and as my friend says “be assured that I will tell you the moment I am concerned - in the meantime live your hard fought life to the full as best as you can”


    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • Hi Mike - The Highlander,

    Wow! You don't do things by half. 

    There is a lot of "may" and "possible" in those conversations. At least  you can talk to him, the guy I saw was just unfriendly, unkind and uncaring.

    Maybe I am obsessing and thinking too much. Plus I am looking things up on the Internet which are plain scary. I keep thinking if they have missed this, what else have they missed? 

    Thank you for your reply,



  • Lisa, do post a question to our nurse team as they are good at giving clear answers. You can actually talk to someone on the support line on 0808 808 00 00 but have a look by Clicking here to see what and when this is available.

    Yes lots of ‘may’ and ‘possible’ but it’s like everything in life I may get run down by a bus, it’s possible I could have a heart attack...... we prefer to live in the Optimistic camp having a mindset that is full of hopefulness, determination, confidence about the future and appreciates that stuff outside our control happens. It’s important to continually seek to choose the optimistic direction as this simple thing can define how you walk the cancer journey.

    The internet is great but so dangerous. As you know I have Lymphoma. We get lots of people coming onto the Community and another FB pageI help out on after Googling ‘Lump on Neck’ and coming up with Lymphoma.

    I still have a pea sized lump on my neck and I know it’s just a fatty lump. A few years back I gave it a go and put ‘Lump in Neck’ into Dr Google, after three clicks I was told I had Lymphoma and had 6 months to live, the next click brought up an advertisement for an undertakers..... that is how crazy the internet can be.


    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge