New forum for stoma reversal and LARS discussions

  • 62 replies
  • 40 subscribers

Hello everyone

I hope you don't mind me posting here today, my name is Steph and I'm part of the Community team here at Macmillan.

I'm here to let you know that, in response to requests from members of the group, we've added this additional forum as a dedicated space for discussions around reversal and LARS. 

We've moved over some recent posts around reversal and LARS into the new forum, which can be used in the same way as existing forums.

Please do get in touch if you have any questions or would like any further support. The easiest way to contact the team is to email us at

Best wishes,

Steph - Online Community Officer

  • I've extended my posting but unsure as to how the system works - what do I click on to Post It?

  • That sounds unfortunate.  Hope the hospital looked after you OK.

  • Yes they did.


    I just needed a drip and anti sickness med. luckily the bouncy ride to hospital got things moving in the right direction 

    Take care 


  • That's good.  I tend to have the reverse problem with frequent bouts of diarrhoea.  The bit of the extended post which did not get sent due to my unfamiliarity with the system described how I am using irrigation virtually every day having been put on to this by the Bowel Function Nurses - been using these devices for about five years now.   Since I was "signed off" as clear from cancer at the five year anniversary my regular chats with the Specialist Nurses have ceased and I'm wondering whether to try and get back in touch for a review, as the LARS is getting no better.  I was warned to expect a "new normal" of three or four bowel movements per day and that is boradly where I am, but the spells of diarrhoea are too frequent.  Liquid Loperamide can help but I'm horrified to read that it is being discontinued in the UK.

  • Oh no 

    I’m very early days but still eating low fibre. My diet that I had after my stoma op seems to allow me some control over how many visits I need. If I feel that I am loose or have wind I take a loperamide tablet. I know it says to take half an hour before meals but my surgeon advised to take one before bed occasional use and it’s working 

    Have you checked out the info here.


  • Yes - I'll be working my way through it. 


  • Hi  Have you seen this talk from a gastroenterologist which might have a few ideas for you to try?

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  • Hi , i have been on here lots of times telling my story , I have since found out after test that I have (BAM) bile acid malabsorption , which can be caused by having a stoma , I am now trying questran sachets 2 a day at the moment , not noticed any improvement  , I go anything from 7 times a day up to I lose count , life is tough going at times , i was taking Liquid Loperamide until they stop making it and Normacol again a problem with production so no stock anywhere , that did help somewhat , but now I have gone backwards 

    To Dare is To Do 
  • Thanks Karen062

    I couldn’t remember where the info was. You’re a star.


  • Artsie    high what is LARS please   TB123