Ileostomy reversal - Has anyone regretted it?

  • 28 replies
  • 42 subscribers

Hi Folks

I had my ileostomy in June and, at that time, the surgeon reckoned that there was only a 50/50 chance of reversal (I'm not sure why other than my tumour was very low down in the rectum).

Anyhow, I've carried on with the stoma with the view that it might not be reversed so I really needed to get to terms with it and learn to live with it.  It definitely hasn't been easy but I think I turned a corner about 6-8 weeks ago when I finally got a stoma bag which didn't leak so felt a lot more confident about things.  Anxiety levels really improved too which was a real bonus as I've had days where it was crippling.  So, things have been jogging along nicely until I had my follow up appointment with the surgeon recently.  I went in somehow expecting him to say that the reversal wouldn't happen (subconsciously, that would have saved me making a major decision, phew!) but, no, apparently a reversal is possible.  Before I knew where I was, and feeling that I'd hardly had time to think about it, I'd signed the consent form.  I did ask how successful he thought it would be, what would be the likely outcome etc but the answers were very short and fast.  Basically he said that initially I'd likely be running to the loo around 20 times a day and, if I was lucky, it would reduce to around 5 times a day.  In his words it was "time to get my life back".

Pre-op assessment is next week and I've still to get the x-ray to check the join in my bowel but it all seems to be moving very fast.  I know from this forum, and others, that most folk do have problems after the operation but that things settle down.  What happens if it doesn't and has anyone regretted having the op?  My real concern is that, having come to terms and feeling settled with the stoma, I might be left in a worse situation.  I know that I'm very lucky to be offered the chance of a reversal but worry that I'll make the wrong decision (and the anxiety levels are rising again).

Any words of wisdom would be hugely appreciated.

  • I was so lucky that my Consultant was the top man right from the start .What he said his team did . He even did the surgery .Unfortunately they have so many people to see and save . You have to get Kissing heart know them as I was in for a month it makes it easier for you to talk to  I saw him every day    He even phoned my husband to keep him updated.   .Kissing heartAlaine

  • Hi BlueBlue,

    This was posted on the Bowel Cancer forum by Kareno62 - I found it really useful.  I'm on the list for a reversal too and will definitely give it a go.

    Best Wishes,


  • Sounds like you had a great chap there, Alaine.  Thanks for sharing your experience.  It definitely sounds very positive.

    Take care 

  • Thanks for this Net77.  It definitely seems as if most folk are happy to go ahead with the reversal, and that there are improvements after time.  

    Good luck with your reversal.  I hope that it goes well and that you don't have to wait too long.

  • Thank you, Peter.  It's great to see that everything worked out well for you, especially after such a painful and serious experience. Take care.

  • Hi BlueBlue 

    I am in your position though I have longer to wait for my preop. My consult was 5th Jan and he was really detailed and supportive  As my blue dye  test showed  the join looked good there is gas near  so I need an EAU and they’ve decided that whilst under GA if the joins good they’ll reverse me if not I’ll wake up with Whoopi   I’m a candidate for LARS so I will have support from them then the gastric clinic  Then I asked if it was unbearable could I have a colostomy  He said yes.
    He did say that I didn’t have to be reversed. 

    I’ve decided to try.


  • I hope that it works out well for you Ann and that you can be seen soon.  Good luck.

    I'm not sure when I'll get called forward.  In December, when I saw the surgeon, he said February/March.  However, when the cancer nurse phoned me a couple of weeks ago about blood tests she reckoned that it would be at least two years from now so a bit of a wait considering the LAR was in June 2021.  I'm really not in any hurry though.  There are plenty of others in far more need than me.

  • hi BlueBlue 

    I think that’s the best way to think of it. I’m think I am same. They told me that I’m on a very long list and others would be priority. I totally agree with that.

    I think we should enjoy our Spring and Summer this year. I intend to have trips away and just enjoy my garden. 
    Us both having Cancer treatment and the panic that can cause this next step isn’t really a worry. It can wait. 
