My ileostomy

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  • 20 subscribers

Ileostomy was  done Oct  22 and iam still  havng a problemsi hope joining this chat room will give me advise by other  struggling   people

  • Hi there Tall grandad

    You’re definitely in the right place. I did exactly the same as you I joined here to get some advice  I was enjoying life to the full in no time  I needed some confidence and tips from others 

    What’s the issue that you’re having? 


    1. The problem is that my stoma bags keep leaking and where the part is that sticks to the stomach gets really sore
    1. Aw that’s what I had. It’s really rotten so I will tag people in a moment 

    So I went to see my stoma nurses my skin was so sore and burnt. They changed me to convex pouches with a belt if needed. They used Eakin slims around the edge of the stoma almost like a putty washer. It’s not putty but that consistency 

    I came on here and was advice Calomine lotion after washing  just a little bit and dry with warm hairdryer or just air dry. 

    The Coloplast Convex Sensura mio were a game changer for me. No leaks comfortable and my skin healed well 

    I found later I tried to go back to the flat bags but for some reason they caused a rash and drove me crazy itching. So I stuck with those 

    Its all about finding the right product for you 

      has great knowledge on this and  has great advice on trying different products 

    Take care 


  • Thank you for the advice and I will try calamine lotion thanks

  • I used to wash and dry the area and only put a little smear on allowing it to dry. When I had a flare up I used to change daily allowing my stoma to air. Timing can be tricky as mine was fast and furious but before breakfast not too bad 

    Other than that I used to change every two days and always kept my bags no more than a third full 

    I didn’t eat after six pm and if I was loose I’d have two dry crackers at ten pm. I then could sleep from 12-8 most of the time. Jelly babies and marshmallows slow output too. 

    Good luck with it. Once you get it sorted it’s fine. I got on very well and travelled enjoying life. I’ve been reversed now and still waiting for things to settle 


  • I am very grateful for all the advice, pity mine cannot be reversed but thank you again for all your help

  • Yes. I thought that a reversal was a good choice however I have not been out since September. I had control over my stoma and I ate and drank a varied diet. Still on the beige now and can have days were I need to be near the toilet. I have no regrets but it’s not easy. It’s just time 

    best wishes with it all  if you need any more help shout out 


  • Hi  

    I see you’ve had lots of useful advice from  already which is a good start. I have a permanent colostomy so there are differences, but nonetheless issues of leakage and sore skin can affect any kind of stoma.

    Can I ask if you’ve tried any different products to the ones you were initially provided with in hospital? Stomas can change size and shape as things settle down and heal, so if you are still using the same type of bags they may not now be the best ones for you. It’s also very important that the hole in the bag going over the stoma is the correct size. 

    I’ve had to re measure my stomas (yes, I have 2!) many times in the months following surgery as things changed-they became smaller, I lost a lot of weight, then started putting some weight back on. All these things affect how well the bag goes on.

    Have you spoken to your stoma nurse? If you are not confident in using the templates to measure your stoma yourself the nurse could do it for you. The nurse may also have some different bags you could try. If not you can request free samples from any of the suppliers. 

    There’s a lot of trial and error in finding what’s right for you-I’ve had my stomas for almost 3 years and have tried loads of different bags to get to where I am today! 

    I’m glad you’ve found this group-please don’t suffer in silence as there will be a solution and we can help you out with tips and advice that have helped us.

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • The stoma nurse has changed my bags a couple of times and I am now on colaplst mlo.

    I also lost  4 stone in weight but now eating alot more so hopefully start to put it back  onj


  • I lost about 3.5 stone so I ended up with lots of changes to my stoma shapes, and little creases at the sides where the bags would leak till I found aloe Vera rings and a gel to fill the creases.

    Some leaks just happen-even for me 3 years out, but you shouldn’t be having frequent leaks if you get the right products. Keep speaking to your nurse if it is a major issue so you can try something else if needs be.

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm