Hello All-New To the Group

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Thought I should say hello to you all and introduce myself. I have a colostomy and a urostomy, Boris and Donald, and have been living with them both for what seems like forever but is actually less than 2 years. Generally get along with them both, with the odd exception, but as they are both bags for life I need to! Humour has been a good way of coping I’ve found...so I do try my best to laugh at the sometimes unfortunate situations which can happen being a double bagger! 

  • Hi Ramsay

    Hope you’re getting on well enough with your Boris, being a newbie to the world of the bag. The shower can be very hit and miss-I love to shower without my bags on as it feels so nice, but the risk level is high, so I tend to shower with bags on, and change afterwards. I do like a bath sometimes, but definitely keep the bags on for that!

    I lived for all those years in Dornoch and never played a round of golf, but can appreciate the beauty of the course and its location.  Haven’t been back for a few years now though. Lovely place. 

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    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hahaha! Nice one, i would love to have a party, but, having  Chemotherapy over Christmas, i don't think i would be very good company, never mind, maybe next year.

  • Hi SarahH21

    Sorry I’m late to reply. I’ve been having issues with Whoopi. She’s such an attention seeker   I’ve got some advice so fingers crossed she’ll settle down. 
    I definitely will be travelling next year you’ve inspired me.
    Think we are holding back on Ireland Christmas. But Ola Spain in April. Ill pack like you say and wear dark clothing. 

    Many thanks 


  • Hi Artsie

    I wore black leggings and a black top for the plane. But bravely wore white trousers while I was away! And I bought tankinis instead of swimsuits which turned out to be a really good idea so I could go in the pool. They were patterned and had good sized bottoms which hid my bags well. 

    I took some puppy pads with me in case I didn’t feel confident about sleeping on pristine white hotel sheets but ended up not using them. It’s all about the extra confidence of knowing you have stuff with you just in case. Each trip has been a learning curve I’ve found, but all to the good. I have special assistance to fly as I need a wheelchair (can’t manage all the walking required at an airport) and one of the benefits is being able to choose your seat without paying extra, Choose an aisle seat near the loo for easy access.

     I’m so glad you’ve decided to bite the bullet and make a trip next year. We need to have a bit of sun and relaxation after all we’ve been through. xx

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    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi Sarah

    I will book a front seat as need extra leg room. I’m tall. Always costs extra having long legs. I’m really much more confident in going to see my brother now. He lives in Spain and manages holiday homes. We have access to a lovely villa with private pool. I miss it so much.

    I’ve bought a blouson type tankini top and separate full shorts. So I’m pool ready. 
    Can’t wait until we can see some blue skies. Greys very depressing 


  • Oh brilliant! Having access to a private pool is amazing and a real plus point for you. Once you get the first trip under your belt, you’ll want to do it again! xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thanks Sarah

    i am really looking forward to it. Hopefully Spring will be good to travel. I’ve told my Son tonight that we can’t go to see them Christmas. With the restrictions now in place,  we will carry on with the face timing. Thank goodness for technology. 


  • Ramsay .How you getting on with everything .Boris not behaving his self ? I'm going to start telling the future .When I put my previous message on I didn't know anything about the party's. ..Good luKissing heart with the chemotherapy  .Kissing heart Alaine

  • That's ok, i never had any cheese or wine anyway. Didn't have a good day yesterday, but the DWP was to blame for that. Not to bad today, as usual, trying to do to much to early, but the laundry isn't going to wash itself, unfortunately. Thank you for the good luck message, how are things with you

  • Everything working, It feels like it's never happened when I think about this time last year Dizzy face.Just out of Gartnavel Build up stats. Didn't even open a card ..  This year I have made up for my lost year .Scans and blood tests came back negative  .Only 2 years to go until I get the all clear Kissing heartck to my GP ( God help me)  ..Kissing heartAlaine