stomas, sleep, diets

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  • 24 subscribers

I found not eating after 6pm helpful regarding sleep. For a while in the early days if I stuck to the above meant I only got up once in the night about 2am to empty the bag.

For some unknown reason it helped if I didn't look at the clock to see the time. 

As you mentioned getting five or six hours of unbroken sleep is bliss. I often suffered with pain in my stomach which usually meant an adhesions flareup. I was advised by stoma nursing staff to take co-codamol. This worked threefold; It offered pain relief, slowed down my output and helped me sleep. I'm not advising anyone to take this medication. Professional medical advice is vital.  This medication is codeine and paracetamol combined so needs careful monitoring.

  • Hi KathH2

    Thanks for the information on how you manage a good night. I think it’s something to experiment with. I definitely don’t eat after six and find it puzzling why my stoma is so active at night. She’s definitely a night owl as I am an early bird meaning I’m sleep deprived and doze during the day. Luckily I’m retired. 
    take care 



  • Hi this is exactly the topic i was looking for.. i was wondering about tips to not have to get up to empty around 4 times a night …

  • Hi Nick 
    I saw the stoma nurse today,  told her about my disturbed sleep and she prescribed loperamide 4mg tablets thirty mins before dinner and bedtime. She said that with and ileostomy I would need to take tablets not capsules. I will order with my GP tomorrow and if the dose needs tweaking I can phone her.  If I have positive results I will post findings here. 
    Best wishes



  • Also she adviced me eating some dry crackers or biscuits in the evening as my ileostomy may be reacting to no food.


  • hi Artsie. For many years I had to take eight TABLET loperamide ( Immodium) a day. Two half an hour before Breakfast, two beforw lunch, two before dinner and two before bed. This really helped output not being too running especially when I had an illiostomy and meant only needing the toilet once during the night 

    "don't think about tomorrow"

  • you get many puzzles/anomalies with a stoma. As mentioned it's about experimenting. I could eat the same food on two consecutive days - first day all good; second day bad fall out. I found boiled eggs really helped thicken output.

    "don't think about tomorrow"

  • yes, I remember that one now. I also ate crisps.

    "don't think about tomorrow"

  • sorry hi Nick - my suggestions  for you too. My IT knowhow poor.

    "don't think about tomorrow"

  • Hi Kath.your suggestions are great,

    I found that cheese puffs thickened mine. Funny thing is I really disliked them before my op once my diet consisted of mash and mash I loved them. I’m now prefer crisps , I was frightened of blocking my stoma. I’m experimenting more as I’m seven weeks since op.  Oh I just had fish and chips and I enjoyed every mouthful.  

    I have really appreciated my food since having the LAR, 

    Best wishes



  • Thanks for all your suggestions.. i ate 2 boiled eggs to see what happens and will try stopping eating earlier… it’s almost entertaining sometimes id t it .. like after eating blackberries ( grey wet cement type stuff) and spinach tart ha ha 

    Thanks though as it can get me down at times .