FAO Star10473-Please read

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  • 36 subscribers


 As I let you know in the cervical group I’m bringing the discussion over here as it’s more appropriate in this group and allows the thread there to continue to be relevant for the original poster.

So, to summarise, you have mentioned that you are having issues with a bag filling up quickly and being noticeable and you are worrying about the bag bursting which is upsetting you. 

You haven’t said which stoma is giving these issues, so can you let us know if your worry is about the colostomy or urostomy? The advice we can give will depend on which stoma it is, so if you can tell us this we can try to help and advise you.

Sarah xx

  • It’s the urostomy bag that fills quick and my other bag can sometimes burst. It’s hard to get my head around it all . I thought I was doin great with it all but get really low at times 

  • Hi  

    I’m glad I asked, as I assumed it would be the colostomy! 

    When you want to go out, are you ensuring that the urostomy bag is completely empty? Mine takes quite a long time to fill and of course it depends on what I have been drinking. If you are going out to somewhere you know, make sure you know in advance where toilets nearby are located, and empty your bag regularly while you’re out even if  you don’t feel it’s needed. 

    Do you have a toilet card or radar key? Both of these can help you get quick access to either disabled or other toilets.

    With the colostomy bag, are you sure that the hole is cut to the right size for your stoma? You can measure this with the template provided in your boxes of bags, and your stoma nurse can help if you need it. The hole needs to give a snug fit. 

    There are additional products which you can use to help in keeping the bag attached, and they will work on both stomas. A product called Fusion Independence Applicators are little lolly pop sized applicators which are impregnated with adhesive which you apply to the skin before attaching the bag. Brava elastic strips go around either bag on the outside after it is applied and these help keep the bag on. These things can give you extra confidence going out. Again, I’d make sure I had a fresh bag on when going out to make there’s nothing in it to start with.

    I always take a bag of stoma supplies with me when I’m out, and a change of clothes, just to be on the safe side! I would not wear tight fitted tops or trousers going out-I prefer longline tops to hide everything and I don’t believe anyone can see either of my bags. 

    I hope some of this might be helpful for you, but others might have some more ideas for you too.

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • It's quite a lot to get your head around isn't it? 

    I can't add much to what SarahH21 told you. But for reference, I have to empty my uristomy bag about every 1.5 hours. Whenever I'm out, the first thing I do is locate restrooms and will generally empty completely right before beginning the trip or heading home.

    My colostomy bag tends to fill suddenly and very quickly. I've been struggling with watery output for weeks and that fills the bag faster as well as weighing alot so the appliance feels insecure. I always carry multiple spare supplies just in case it happens while I am out (not happened yet). 

    Quite difficult to feel confident going out but I push forward one step at a time. 

  • Hi the skin around my stoma is very sore and red. My stoma nurse has ordered me some convex bags due to my stoma being flat. lt has recently gone flat the stoma and shrunk. My skin around is red and very sore. I’ve tried putting calamine lotion on to ease the pain. I’m not getting my new bags till Monday. In the meantime I’m having to change my bag 5 or more times a day as it is filling up and coming through the barrier ring. 

  • I’m sorry to read this  it’s horrible having sore skin like this.

    When I have this happen, I put the calamine lotion on a cotton make up remover pad and wipe it gently round on the skin around the stoma. It’s important for the skin to be completely dry before you try to put a new bag on, so I use a hairdryer on a very low cool setting to dry around it. 

    Hopefully once you get the new convex bags this will solve your issue-my colostomy is completely flat to my skin so I’ve never known what it’s like to protrude outwards! 

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • I have done this with the calomine lotion just comes away the bag every 4 hours at the side and really painful. 

  • Do you wear the convex bags. Never used them before. My stoma has now shrunk to 15cm from 25 

  • I wear convex bags with my urostomy but flat bags with my colostomy. That’s big shrinkage to happen with your stoma, but I presume that your bags will be cut to the right size for you? It’s crucial that the fit is snug to help avoid any leaks. I presume you are talking about your colostomy? 

    There are other products you can get to help with keeping the bags on which I  use myself. Has the stoma nurse told you about what is available or offered any more advice for you? 

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • I use convex bags on both stomas. They do help as do the barrier rings. 

    Are you cutting the holes yourself or using precut bags? If precut, the holes may be too big for you. 

    Perhaps using a barrier wipes on top of the calamine will help? The stuff i have dries very tacky which helps with adhesion. I also use a bonding cement recommended by my ostomy nurse but I'm assuming you won't have access to that this weekend. 

    I got a lot of free samples when I started. If you have any, look through to see what additional products you may have that might help. 

  • I’ve never been offered any other products to try. Only the barrier spray and powder which were in my kit. My stoma nurse said to just use dry wipes and water which I do. Never experienced anything like this and for my stoma to shrink so much. It’s just a little uncomfortable and not the best when you have to change your bag 3 times through the night with it. Thanks for your help