Colonoscopy through a stoma

  • 3 replies
  • 36 subscribers

Hi, I'm about to have a colonoscopy on Monday, and I have a stoma. Just getting started on the bowel prep: low fibre diet today, then nil after breakfast tomorrow,  then plenvu in the evening.  Could anyone share their experience of how long it takes to clear out the bowel through a stoma (colostomy)? Also, I'm really confused about the bowel prep as the plenvu instructions say to take both doses in the evening,  3 hrs apart; whereas my hospital instructions say to take the second dose at 6am on Mon. I'm wondering how I'll manage the 45min journey to get to the hospital by 9am...

  • Hi  

    Although I have a permanent colostomy, I have never required a colonoscopy through it, so I’ll just say hello for now, and I hope some of the group members who have experience of this will come along and post how it’s been for them. It sounds especially confusing for you to have different instructions for the prep, but I hope everything goes smoothly for you.

    Sarah xx

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  • I would call your provider and clarify the instructions. I wonder if you could follow the plenty instructions... seems like that would help with the drive. 

    I haven't had a coloscopy this way yet but I  will be getting it as part of my surveillance so hoping to hear other answers. 

  • As it was Sunday I couldn't call them, so I took my mum's advice ( she's had 7 colonoscopies!) And had the second dose at 9pm on Sunday. I didn't get much sleep but it meant my bowel was empty by about 3am and I didn't have to worry about it this morning!

    Good job too, as due to extensive flooding in the area it took 90mins to get there rather than the expected 45!!

    The colonoscopy was much less scary than I thought. I had sedation but was quite alert and could watch everything on the screen the doctor used to perform the exam. It was mildly uncomfortable but didn't hurt. They protect your dignity as much as possible too. Next one in 3 years, apparently!